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Fyre Festival, Bitconnect, and Safemoon.. you better brace yourselves, player 4 has entered the game: CRYPTO ISLAND!

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Acronym Help for Noobs

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🐔Kentucky Fried Cardano🐔 Fried? Cardano? Are you serious! Yes, Yes sir I am! An awesome combination – KFC and Cardano all combined into one package! Grab a bucket of KFC and earn some $ADA. Doxxed known devs and DOXXED 🐶DOG 🐶! – What you are waiting for??

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Why are people in the Safemoon sub so stupid?

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"it’s good to buy before smart contracts launch because you can buy early and cheaper" LMAO

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This is the response from ergodex to all fud around cardano

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Where did you first hear about Crypto and what convinced you to buy into it?

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Logan Paul reveals he's starting his own Crypto project, CryptoZoo . (LMAO 🤣🤣 🤣, just kill me please, I can't take it anymore)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

LMAO: Facebook Plans to Roll Out Stablecoin


Ring leaders and replaceable minions LMAO. Problem is I'm back in circles. If not that, what project/community do I look to get involved in? If not reddit, what community to go to for advice? Lastly, if I am stretching too much above my weight class, what do you recommend I do as of right now? As I replied to others, I like something hands on and practical as I learn that way the best.


LMAO news flash... The only rights that exist are the ones that can be enforced either by yourself or someone else... You should be grateful for the level of privacy you already have... At least its not China. You need to wake up.


LMAO LMAO you can do what you want to do. Share your buys or hide your buys regardless you will have to protect your bag and know when to sell it.


My friend accidently sent me 250k in coin LMAO he called and juat said uhhhhhh i made a mistake. Said he was surprised i gave it all back hahaha poor dude was trying to move shit around to liquidate enough for a new busienss venture and almkst got fucked




LMAO, since when do asset managers know sweet FA about blockchains, this dude is embarrassing himself


Seems like "the hardest money you can ever get" is only worth %10 of their profit. LMAO. Why is their profit on Bitcoin products not already in Bitcoin anyway?


LMAO!!!!!! I would think this is fake, except it literally happened to me yesterday! A friend asked me the time, and I responded it was a quarter to nine. Then she said with a completely serious face that she didn't know what that meant! Apparently she was never taught. 😂


Listen to yourself LMAO stop pretending like i’m stating it as analytical fact.


So, about two weeks ago, I bought a new shitcoin on Solana. To no one’s surprise, it got rugpulled. Then the community took over the coin. I sold a few days later at break-even because I didn’t think this coin would move beyond that point. Guess what? It just did 300x from the last time I sold LMAO fuck


I criticised this thread [and got downvoted for it]( As we sit here flirting with $50k, remember that there's meant to be whales out there 'begging' for Bitcoin at sub $100k. LMAO. This is why you never listen to 'influencers' on X, or here, or anywhere else.


People who aren't new know this isn't Even the drop LMAO


Their instructions… to send them more money? LMAO


Imagine seeing the price of btc go down to 57k and then selling LMAO


> buy btc LMAO. I wonder how bitcoin rose.


LMAO to everyone who thinks this is the dip. Not even close, we have a long ways to go, buckle up. We have a huge buying opportunity coming up.


I was buying all throughout 2022. LMAO at the freakouts over this minor league volatility.


LMAO, Man you really shouldn't play with crypto, you obviously can't afford it You have much deeper issues


because it happened in literally minutes? LMAO.


Why are you complaining about like a 1% drop from your initial investment. LMAO.


I'm buying weights to train at home, and I don't want all the women to find out where I live and swarm my place knowing I'm getting fit as fuck LMAO


LMAO how you think its not the Chinese CBDC Yuan that takes over? Dollar reserve status is based upon domination in trade....something the USA once had but does not have anymore- China does. Bitcoin is NOT used for international trade settlements. Increasingly the Chinese Yuan is...and their CBDC is specifically designed to increase the international use of the Yuan.


LMAO people have been downvoting this post like crazy, check the comment to upvote ratio, bunch of envious haters $HEGE is here to stay.


LMAO what a scam. Fake af number of bought bot upvotes. Token launch date already delayed at least once based on Twitter post history. Then, here's the account address on his site: []( Which leads to the following AIC token address: []( Clown claims on his site there will be 100M token supply when Solscan says 1B. Less than 2 days before airdrop sales end and the guy holds over 99% of supplies. Don't get scammed bois. This one's mad clown, not even trying.


LMAO is this satire?! 🤣🤣🤣


LMAO you just realized how stupid and pathetic your little life is


If you were really going to see how much money you were flushing down the toilet, then they did you a favor. LMAO


Yeah you haven't got a clue... read the first paragraph and realised you're just a delusional capitalist. 1. Once your initial investment has been recouped your equity is no longer at risk... you're broke even... its your profit that's at risk... Which you should be paying yourself back for anyway... the longer you own a profitable business and pay yourself a salary the more this is reinforced... Once you as an individual are net positive you can't claim your initial investment is at risk... 2. Business' go bankrupt, people don't, your company is an LLC you can declare bankruptcy and still keep your personal assets and house and family etc in tact if you bungle your business up so bad you go bankrupt. Start a new business, get a job, IDK shit happens. 3. One of the most successful companies to work for in the UK is the John Lewis partnership that operates exactly on that principle, Its an employee owned company. If you can't comprehend that every cog in your machine is required to operate successfully and therefore should be oiled just the same every year come service time then you don't deserve to have a successful business with hard working employee's. Sorry to break it to you mate but you're the problem not the solution. I might not be able to contribute beyond this because I'm from the UK so I'm not familiar with US tax systems... Not to mention my solution for the last paragraph was mentioned in my first post... Allow unrealised losses on CGT to be carried over the same way the unrealised profits are taxed... its a headache for book keepers an accountants but It would allow you to offset losses in one area against the increases in others all without having to buy and sell... swings and roundabouts... You literally didn't supply any solutions after I asked what you suggest other than what Flatten the tax code.... LMAO that would just wreck the lower income class even further... you know the one that is now earning roughly 5x less now on average than people were 50-60 years ago... You sound like a proper smooth-brain conservative mate.


> Not really. Assuming you have a basket of alts, collectively, they will start to outperform Bitcoin in the next few months. LMAO, what have you been smoking? Almost all alts die cycle to cycle. An no, you picks are not *different*


LMAO. Literally everyone who owns crypto 🤣


LMAO I look forward to the BIP




LMAO 🤣. Best comment I’ve read all year.


LMAO. I could never be just 1 corn holer either




Talk about projecting, trying to dismiss golds 5000 year value as an asset is pure denial On top of that how much $ you manage? Boomers at Blackrock managing $10 trillion get it so stay in your lane, it’s been 15 years get it or shut it LMAO


LMAO yall dont wanna give a sinking business your money


LMAO. "Naw, I don't trust Bitcoin, but let me buy up a borderline unsuccessful company that later pivoted to just hodling Bitcoin as a revenue stream"


LMAO You didn’t get hacked or even malicious contract-ed You gave away your seed phrase


LMAO. Unexplainable Store is a binaural beats online store that rebranded and now goes by the name Brainwavehz. I was into that shit back then, but it was all probably a placebo. Wish for Love is a novel written by a client of my company back then.


LMAO ICP followed by Monero followed by fucking **WORLDCOIN,** the eye ~~scam~~ scan garbage thing. ​ Ridiculous


You think they care about your stack HAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO. good one.


You really live in your own bubble lol. It's like a guy in his 60s trying to tell a 18yr old kid about computers from what they read from books 😭 Crypto moves fast. Books really? LMAO


>I understand you don't have that skill and don't have the balls for it so it's best for you hold BTC. It wouldn't surprise me if you just bought a BTC ETF LMAO. I don't own ETF. I own actual Bitcoin in a hardware wallet > You're right I don't have 10-100x problems because of my 10-100x investments lol. Comring from a winner with 10,000 losers. >You need to learn how math works lol. Imagine learning math from a gambler.


LMAO @ "aping into vaporware @ the top of GODCANDLES" 🤣


>safer than self custody LMAO this is the fool that'll be raging on twitter after the 2027 bankrupycy wave. 


LMAO love to see the comments aging like milk in 13 fucking hours


Oh boy, 60k is resisting but it will break eventually. Hope y’all have some rope LMAO


Bum bro really trying to fool you all saying he bought at 0,005 LMAO






On crypto since ltc and you fell for "let me fix your wallet" LMAO sorry but that's having 0 knowledge on blockchain tech.


LMAO and you guys wonder why you’re compared to XRP.


Eat shit Peter. LMAO! smh




Bro, Justin Sun LMAO. Tron is the ultimate shit coin, got TRON'D in the ass a few times back in the day, I trust that guy as much as I trust a screen door on a submarine


LMAO every alt just follows the BTC movement. I guess the market is just warry of BTC halving


LMAO. You might not be a UFC fan, but the gloves that Max Holloway used to knock out Gaethje last night is ABSOLUTELY something millions of people would want. durrrrr


LMAO in war economy interest rates go to 0. What do you think will happen then.


LMAO this is why I love this sub!


Went long on a shit meme coin, LMAO 🤣🤣🤣


ONE, LUNA, "a litte bit of MATIC" LMAO....

You could setup a wallet with a passphrase so that the seed is not enough to recover the wallet without the passphrase & vice versa. Then you could store a copy of the seed with one friend/family member, and a copy of the passphrase with another. Neither of the copies are vulnerable by themselves, only when brought together. You don't even need to let the parties know who each other are and it's probably more secure if you don't. Then you can simply leave instructions with the person holding the passphrase that if something happens to you they can inform the family that they have the passphrase & will need to get together with whomever has the seed phrase in order to recover the coins. This also has the advantage that if you memorize the passphrase for your own daily use of your wallet, you don't have to store it & the seed phrase together even in your own home so if someone gains physical access to your seed backup at home or anywhere else, it's not vulnerable. You could then add to your instructions to the person holding the passphrase "if I ever lose my memory, come to me with this to let me know I'll need to use it with my seed to recover my coins." I've heard others recommend a multisig wallet for inheritance planning & that can be another option, but personally I feel a multisig is more complex & confusing for heirs than the seed/passphrase setup. I know you say you may not have tech or crypto savvy people in your family but trust me, if money's involved they will be on Google figuring it out before you're even cold LMAO. *IMPORTANT NOTE: In the above example I'm not referring to a "Password" or PIN that your wallet may offer or require when setting up a wallet. A "Password" or PIN is only setup at the device level & IS NOT needed when recovering a wallet from a seed phrase. A "Passphrase" is an optional setting that is at the protocol level and it IS needed when recovering a wallet from the seed phrase. It is very important that you understand the differences & implications before implementing a passphrase as it can lead to lost coins if handled incorrectly.*

LMAO bet you have a folder of these ready to go in every situation


LMAO, Redditor for a day thinks a Reddit post with less than 200 upvotes on Reddit can lead to a 5-10% drop in a multibillion $ market. Okay, that tells me all I need to know about how far this sub has regressed over the years. Also, America is the global standard. When the Americans say no, HMRC in the UK and all other tax bodies globally follow.


LMAO hope u put the 250 in btc


LMAO…. cousin of LMFAO


"likely" hit 10k before 100k? Wtf LMAO This is the hard hitting crypto analysis we need.


LMAO investing for 8 years and all you got is 1.12 btc? I've won that in a roulette spin. Absolute pussy


Just buy from binance LMAO


LMAO... imagine taking everything somebody says in reddit literally... then using that as a mass assumption that people are stupid... Seems like you me be the stupido around here... Go touch some grass...


LMAO where were they when you were walking home in the rain with $3 soaking in your pocket?


Same thing happened with wells fargo when i got scammed trying to rent a house, got $2600 out of my acc through zelle and wire transfer. Called within 2 days with proof i was scammed and with information from the account that inquired the transfers and i only got 2 cases open, agents declined additional info, never received follow-up and I had to call back to find out they closed the cases because "the account that received the money did not have enough funds to reimburse my claims" LMAO. I appealed but wells fargo declined and said i was responsible for the loss for sending the funds... I was scammed


LMAO, yes.


Fastest blockchain LMAO.


LMAO fuck off


LMAO!!! This is exactly what I thought before I knew anything about Bitcoin!


people really think newbs will use DEXes and shit to buy memecoins LMAO most have less than $1k in bitcoin and will not buy more at ATHs if we can't generate more hype here we are probably very late in the cycle


>They are scared shitless LOL. LMAO, even.


It’s wild that you don’t consider the long-term potential for what could amount to the first on-chain art gallery. It’s like you heard the name and dismissed it without looking into it at all, and now you’re here to tell us about it. LMAO indeed


8 shadow banned accounts posting in this thread and you expect people to buy into this pump and dump. LMAO




LMAO this just happened 1-2 weeks ago. Have people forgotten? Like, literally went from low 70s to low 60s. It’s insane to me that people fret this shit. Did they just by in 3 days ago?


The best content, LMAO

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You aren’t thinking of it in terms of energy/reward. Miners need to mine to ensure the survival of the blockchain. They will do the same amount of work but get half of the reward…this is what drives the price higher. It no longer is economical to mine at $20k…cost of energy will determine the floor value of bitcoin due to mining. Any premium will be determined by supply/demand balance. PS…you get downvoted for the condescending tone of your post…anyone that writes LMAO and you will hate me screams that you are a pot stirrer. Ask a question…don’t be a douche about it

r/BitcoinSee Comment



LMAO lol. Brother*
