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A whole LOT of companies are involved if it's over 1,500 SEC filings from January 2021 to June 2023


was doing $6k at some point. we are positive now 2 years later. learned a LOT


> Is there any upcoming news that I should wait for before selling? It's already happened so it may be priced in but they cut margin on GCP and Workspace resellers. Slashed it, really. They will beat earnings this next Q by a LOT. Like I said though, could be priced in already.


we'd have to order A LOT of food to cover the value of my advice ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


I don't think you need $15K/mo for marketing, especially a new project – that's a LOT. You can use social media ads and be very effective for $1-2K/mo. You also shouldn't let someone take a percentage perpetually – what if your project really takes off? You'll be kneecapping yourself for the rest of the project's life.


I need to make "A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY" by EOD tomorrow What is the 0dte play


4% of market cap is massive on ANY scale. I know you're not, but anyone carping about this buyback really needs to rethink that sentiment. Tim knows that they're in a transitional phase and this buys a LOT of goodwill from investors while they rejigger the Apple growth machine. It's coming, and it's gonna be big. LFG!!


*Fancy* phones and computers tho. And kind of idiot proof and that is worth a LOT in this world.


And they have A LOT of promessing new product coming out this year, while AMD seems to have issues. Also intel is planning to retake the node leadership in 2026 with its 18A. And everything is poinying to success, they are even ahead of schedule.


I put in 500 bucks for the hell of it to try it out. I know that some artworks have sold, and a few for very decent returns. I however have $500 locked in a Picasso that has gained no value since I put the money in back in 2021 and no real way to get that money out. I would never use it again not because its a scam, but because its not a good investment and is highly illiquid. I will probably get at least my money back in a few years and I could sell my shares on the secondary market today at a roughly 25% loss if I wanted. I look at it as a cheap lesson to not try and get cute with investing strategies. Stick to what we all know works or to things where you personally have a LOT of knowledge and interest in the asset and market (real estate, cars, collectibles, etc) Theres just better places to put your money that you can liquidate quickly if needed. Reasons to buy - You think its cool to own a fraction of a famous art piece and 500 bucks or more being gone potentially forever is no big deal to you. Reasons not to buy - Better and easier things to invest in that are liquid.


Fake gurus are the scum of the earth and should be reported to the SEC. I’ve been there, new to stocks and vulnerable. It’s predatory and extremely harmful the way they blatantly lie. I’ve made it my mission to bring trust back to this space. When I was trading my way from $35K to $8M, I posted screenshots of my trades every day for years on my Reddit profile and because of my consistency and transparency, people trusted me and followed me because they knew I was legit. Summary posts with receipts: - 2020: [\_JACK\_A\_LOT/comments/pepaf6/repost\_for\_posterity\_a\_sir\_jack\_a\_lot\_christmas/]( - 2021: [\_JACK\_A\_LOT/comments/rocgng/magnum\_dong\_opus\_2\_postnut\_ascension\_how\_i\_yolod/]( Transparency is so important, and has led me to build a whole app dedicated to verifying positions and sharing trades with real numbers and everything. It's called AfterHour and we're 100% free on iOS and Android, I'd encourage and invite anyone here to come check it out: []( I'm an open book, both about my trades, my current portfolio (available in the app, just search for SIRJACK), and about what / why I'm building AfterHour. Feel free to AMA, in DMs or on here. Thanks for listening, I love the internet so much and we're hopefully building the future of finance on the internet.


Ok so.. Are you able to make a ton with daytrading? Yes Are you able to make a ton with dadtrading out of 100bucks? No You absolutely CAN beat the benchmark market, by a LOT, but it still wont get you far with 100bucks mate..


Still means nothing. Sorry. I have no reason to not believe but you could have easily just not included losers or edited to add in winners. Nobody knows unless you post publicly in real time when you open them. I believe this sort of issue is why /u/SIR_JACK_A_LOT made his new app/ service “AfterHour” which is all verified positions. If you don’t know his story: Basically did what everyone claims to do and turned like 10k into nearly $10m. No options though.


Honestly? It’s not truly margin if you close it before the bell. Don’t let it go past the bell, or bankruptcy is calling your name. There was a LOT of people who got pinned that Thursday night where Israel blew up Iran’s nuclear facilities, and woke up with no hedge and short tons of shares. Those are dead Bears 🙁


Oh no, it's at $4 billion, up from the $3.5 billion guidance provided back in Q3 of 2023. Only problem is a LOT of people pre-Q4 2023 thought she'd somehow magically go from $3.5 billion to $8 billion in commitments for MI300. That's where folks really needed to back up the truck up a bit and get a reality check.


I always say, I understand box scores and player stats a LOT better than I understand balance sheets


Yea they know there are a LOT of new people on the RILY rocket. They also know the people still holding are on to their horseshit. So they are trying to scare all the new hands.


Yea I don’t know about that…….. I’m in Production of high end wine, in the most expensive wine growing region.. it has been the most expensive place to produce for over 20 years yet wineries are still making BANK. Weed has SOOOO much room for growth. I’m sure for a while after the alcohol ban was reversed it made more since to do it illegally financially for a while….. as time went on tho things change. Weed as a industry has a LOT of growth and growing still to do.


Good on ya!! Good luck and I’m holding a LOT of shares (longs) and calls.


50-60 without a squeeze. Some people are aiming higher. Good catalysts coming. Check out the rily sub if you want a LOT of DD


I think they try to rely too much on their App saying, it has all the deals for const conscious rabble. except a LOT of people don't wanna install a fukin app. I do though cuz i'm with the rabble and want my 20pc nuggies for $5.


I learned today, that nothing in the french law forbids baguette people to drink alcohol while working, This explains a lot **A LOT**


Oh, I have made a LOT of money trading 0dte's. I just so happened to lose all of it on 0dte's as well.


Yeah, a LOT of people lost money on TSLA puts just to see TSLA skyrocket after earnings. The market is hella unpredictable, I might just see how this week goes then plan for next week


treasury missed how much they need to a LOT


I have a feeling there are a LOT of total idiots in here


Good questions, and I appreciate you asking them. There are a lot of reasons: 1. Having worked in as a prop trader in the industry (Not a combine like Apex or FundedTrader, I think those companies are *mostly* exploitative), there's a LOT of misinformation out there. One key piece of misinformation is that the belief that you can trade SPY (or any other random stock) on any day you choose and make money. That is completely wrong- I have never met a trader that knows exactly what stocks they are going to trade that day. That's the #1 reason why my watchlist exists- so people know what stocks I think *could* be worth trading that day. Did any traders think they were going to trade GL before the day news broke? I doubt it, yet it ended up being the best opportunity of April for intra-day trading. 2. Around 80% of my trades are intra-day- so I usually enter and exit a position the same day. Almost every financial sub stops you from posting more than once a day. For instance, the META earnings aftermath trade that was my best trade this month was intra-day, and posting AFTER the fact doesn't really help anyone. So it's either "be on the lookout for META earnings", then the day after, I have the choice of "I traded META earnings and made this much", or "Interesting spots I'm watching META at are 440, 420, etc". There's a clear difference in which helps people learn more. 3. My long term positions are boring- stocks I hold are literally FAANG/VOO/SPY. There's not much edge in copying that in the short term, but it's guaranteed wealth long-term. Posting "holding FAANG/VOO/SPY for the long-term" isn't interesting or helpful to anyone. 4. I'd rather be someone that helps people look out for these things, rather than brag about my trades (which I frankly don't think are that impressive). My gains are in the 3/4 figures because I don't focus all my energy on trading.

No idea but I’ll tell you I largely regret not closing my position at 1.33 right now. Classic example of getting greedy. I’m in at 1.04. Hit my % by A LOT. Could have taken a huge nice profit and moved on. Instead held thinking it would hit 1.50. Moral of the story-take what you are given


Every day there’s a post about how there’s cracks in the system and any day now it’s all gonna collapse. It never will, and when it does, that’s when you buy A LOT


I hear people like you keep repeating this. A LOT has changed since WorldCom/Enron in the accounting industry. Ask any auditor.


I'm still here - lost a LOT of money (I could write a book on what an insane amount I had on paper but stubbornly refusing to sell as I wanted more - I learned that lesson!) on Canopy Growth many years ago due to inexperience and borrowing a lot on margin stupidly. Thankful I am still doing ok - and in fact it's a milestone birthday today. I have my family and my health. Hopefully the next chapter in feedstocks is fruitful for all! Thanks for always making me laugh guys :-)


Why is this downvoted. This is right. Apple does a LOT of it too. Conservative.


You need to consider extra long timelines- like 30+ years. A LOT can happen in 30 years. Further, your job is tied to the US so if the US economy goes to shit and all you're investments are here, you are FUCKED in retirement. It's better to have some international, like VXUS, even if you get lower returns overall, just in the small chance the US completely goes to shit.


Compare ROTH limits and HSA limits..... HSA w/d's for qualified medical expenses are tax-free. And you will most likely have a LOT of medical expenses when you are older.


but thats why for the average person its not needed. If you run several companies and make A LOT of money, then it might be worth it. But for the average middle to low class family, it is not needed.


If there is never an adjustment for inflation, a lot of people will eventually get into this category. A LOT of 401(k)s are over $400k. Pulling a lump out at retirement to avoid taking a hit in a downturn could trigger the income requirement. This is about preventing unintended consequences. What a lot of people don’t think about is the conditional provisions somehow resulting in the target group getting missed, while others take another punch in the face.


It really depends on the financial advisor. There is a clear value for some people, particularly those with a lot of cash. Beyond that, there are A LOT of financial advisors that sell people products that are very inefficient and border on scams.


You really don’t know much about Apple. I’ve been following them for over thirty years. They will definitely NOT announce their AI strategy because they never announce their strategy. The most they ever do is say there’s something interesting in a space and they’re looking into it. Then a few things may leak, like the Vision Pro project out the apple car project. Apple is the most valuable company in the world. It doesn’t need to justify its future plans with anyone, at least not now. They the writing on the wall about China years before you did. They knew the Vision Pro was going to be an overhyped stepping stone into future technologies that wouldn’t pay dividends for many years. I’m not saying they’ve got it figured out, because they obviously don’t. But they aren’t worried about the things you’re worried about. They aren’t seeing Nvidia as a direct competitor or competition to beat because see themselves in a whole other space that just happens to overlap in a few places. That being said, I think Apple has a LOT it needs to improve on. Siri hasn’t evolved in a decade, Vision Pro strategy needs to rethought, Apple car project was a major flop, iPhone updates have been lackluster for years, the Mac space was a huge jump in 2020 but needs improvement now (especially with base configs, there’s an article how that hasn’t improved at all since TC took over), and much more. Tim Cook is an amazing operations executive, but not a visionary. So I think that, plus the fact that Apple makes nearly all their decisions in the small bubble of a world that is Silicon Valley thinking, is affecting their products and trajectory. If Apple was mainly concerned about stock price, they would care to talk more about their AI strategy or make splashy announcements. But like I said, that’s not their style. They could destroy the markets in Monday if they announced they were focusing on building chips for AI based on what they’ve learned making chips for iPhones and Macs, but they won’t do that even if they were doing exactly that. TLDR; Apple is Apple and doesn’t care what you think or anyone thinks about their stock price. They don’t make announcements reflecting that.


Good DD. Many of us already on the RILY rocket know this stuff , but it’s good to get the word out. This has a LOT more room to run , and it’s gonna run SOON. Next 2 weeks are gonna be awesome. Glad I’m still in it. ( this is after I made enough to WIPE OUT my credit card debt)


A LOT! Hundreds of Thousands !!


Don't listen to me because I have some money losing calls on APPL, but not sure how much lower it could go (a LOT being the probable answer) but I kind of thing that a lot of APPL problems are priced in so if there is anything positive that comes out of earnings it could seriously run up. Think what happened to Tesla. Either way it is a dangerous play. My guess is that it will go up, but I don't know nothing.


This sub actually has tipped me to some good plays. USUALLY it's after they've started to run, but there have been plenty that still had juice in them. Examples for me are KULR, JAGX, AGBA, TPET... Lots of folks made money here. But there HAVE been early tips too. CISS I found here mentioned and made money on. It got mentioned A LOT later, but I got in soon enough that, overall, I've ended up ahead on that play. But, it IS annoying AF when people mention a ticker for the first time in the afternoon after it ran all morning as an "opportunity." ESPECIALLY when they leave no info. ...there have been a few that have run and will run more *cough cough RILY cough* but, without a good explanation, hyping shit like that is unethical IMHO. Anyway, I'm on several subs, I try to stay up on chats. More wins than losses. But you have to weed through a lot of people shouting "XFOR, DIAMOND HANDS" to find the good ones. AND, speaking of XFOR, this sub is also good for just following movement. I'm in xfor NOW because everyone was talking about it tanking right before a possitive catalyst. I accidentally know so much about that stock that seeing it under a dollar was a big buy sign for me. NFA - I was dropped often as a child

Why are we up today? Why are we usually up on fridays? Other than a bullish market day and lower vix, its the options market. If you buy a call, the market maker sells it to you. That means the market maker is short 1 call. How do they protect themselves? They buy the underlying stock. If you sell a call, the market maker bought it. How do they protect themselves (delta hedge)? They short the stock. IMO, this is the cause of most of the volatility we see in MSOS. March 17 is D day. If we dont get news before then, we'll just drift with the forces of the market makers. I hope S3 comes out before March 17 because there are A LOT of bets for that date.


And if we just add to that a risk of confiscation in the event that you try to overtake a sovereign nation, honestly I’m ok with that.  I’m seeing lots of posts crop up across Reddit that have heavy collapse vibes. Like, A LOT. And it seems to have picked up this week as the aid bill finally made its way through the house.  And we happen to be in an election year. And we happen to have powerful LLMs now. I’m not saying OP is a bot, but just that I can see lots of people being freaked out by deliberate large scale attempts to sow fear. And there is one nation in particular that would benefit from the US walking away from Ukraine. And I’m just going to leave it at that. 


Joel has a share of Lemming that he bought at 10usd and he plans to sell it in 3 months. If Joel sells it in 3 months, the market does NOT KNOW what price it will sell at. First Joel will offer to sell it at X price, and depending on the supply and demand of stock on that day, he will end up settling on price Y. The market figures it out on the day he puts it for sale, depending on who is around in the market-square to buy it. However, markets like efficiency. The less efficient a market is, the less the market "knows" what the price of something is. The more efficient a market is, the more the market "knows" what the price of something is. (Scalping is when you buy from somewhere in the market where the price is actually too low compared to the real price, but due to a lack of information, the price isn't correct. Then you turn around and sell it at the "correct" price and make a profit.) In the stock market, "option contracts" were invented as a way to create a pressure on the predicted price of a stock, so that the MARKET can more accurately know what the price of a stock is before Joel goes to sell his Lemming stock on that random day 3 months from now. It's good that the market knows this, because then we do not have financial crashes every 2 years. The market knowing the price, and people knowing the price are different things. Let's see if I can explain. --- Player B thinks the price of Lemming will be 100 on sale day (3 months from now). He pays Player A a fee to "lock in that price." Player A gets the fee, no matter what. Player B can buy Lemming at 100 on sale day. Everybody thinks it'll probably be around 100. The fee to buy this option is a lot. Player C pays somebody a fee to lock in 110. This is a bit cheaper of a fee. Player D pays somebody a fee to lock in 120. This is even cheaper. --- When sale day comes, Lemming is 105 dollars. There are 1000 Players B.1-B.1000 who paid a fee to lock in the price of 100. They all There were 100 players C.1-C.100 who paid a fee to lock in the price of 110. There were 10 players D.1-D.10 who paid a fee to lock in the price of 120. --- There were also 1000 players E.1-E.1000, who TOOK a fee and promised to buy Lemming if it was at 100 price. They charged a lot for this contract. There were 100 Players F.1-F.100 who took a fee and promised to buy Lemming at a 90 price. They charged a bit for this contract. There were 10 Players G.1-G.10 who took a fee and promised to buy Lemming at an 80 price. They didn't charge much for this. --- On the day of the sale, there are all of these options contracts outstanding. They look like a bell curve. - D1-D10 - C1 up to more at C100 - B1 all the way up to a really high number B1000 - E1 all the way up to a really high number E1000 - F1 up to more at F100 - G1-G10 --- The psychology of a huge number of bets have predicted the price of Lemming, based on what many different people know about Lemming, and created an odds table that basically gives the odds of what the price will be on Sale day. The "Market" now has a HUGE amount of information on what the price of Lemming will be. The market can't read the news, it can't know sales figures, it can't know the weather, it can't know if there's a war in Ukraine. The "Market" is simply the supply of a stock on Day x, and the demand of the stock on Day x. It's like a Blind Mole Rat stuck in a calculator. But NOW, 2220 humans have interpreted all the soft data out in the world, all the hard data, all the feelings and emotions and wind and movement of the stars and what they had for breakfast and how their last bowel movement went and they input all that raw data into the "Market" and created a Force that centers around a democratically voted price. The price (fee) of the option near the democratically voted price is very expensive. There's a measurement of this price compared to the price of the stock (it's called Delta). The reason is because there's more demand for options around that price. The fee for the option out by G and B is cheaper (the delta is lower). Less demand. --- Then the sale day happens. 523,253,554,123,523 dollars change hands. ZERO money is generated and ZERO money is lost. For every winner there is a loser, for every loser there is a winner. The net-net of all this frenetic sellery ends up having NO INFLUENCE on the actual price of Lemming. Because when Lemming goes up, some people make a LOT of money (but an equal number of people lose a LOT of money). The market of supply and demand for Lemming on sales day, is not influenced at all by all these trillions of dollars betting on its price. However, it might create a lot more buyers and sellers on that day ;) so the supply and demand might go up quite a lot compared to a different day. The volume of trading will definitely increase. --- The net result is that the raw data of the world gets translated by humans into mathematical information for the "market" to have a picture of where a stock should be, and then when the stock misses that mark up or down, it "shocks" the system much sooner and larger than the change in the price of the stock. It exagerates the movement. If Lemming goes up from 100 to 120, it changes 20 in value. But it CAUSED millions of dollars to just be made and lost. (in a net zero way, so that the stock price is not affected by it in actual terms). The options market around a stock is much larger than the number of shares itself. So the size of that system in a way also prevents a number of different abuses from happening related to the shares themselves. --- The comparison I like to make is the stock market without options is like a frozen lake. Stocks are slipping around on the ice, creating no effect when they slide. Zero friction. Once the lake melts in the spring, their new position is known. (they might even be too far to the shallows of the lake and end up stuck on the beach). The stock market with options is like an unfrozen lake. Each movement produces infinite ripples, (in all directions, and more or less equally). But there is friction to the movement, not a lot, but enough. And you can see the ripples and easily observe when they bounce off the tip of a hidden snag, or when you are getting in shallow water.


Bro that is a LOT of days


You mean congress. Presidents do not control the purse strings although Biden is doing a great job of circumventing congress by cancelling a LOT of student debt.


Hey man you’re still do awesome putting that money away! Keep at it. Being young you’re still ok. But I’d just remember why they limit the Roth IRAs. If keep adding your yearly limit that’s a lot more of a loss then 7k at retirement. A LOT MORE. Keep doing your Roth maximums and gamble with the money after that.


Surely we are seeing 512$ tomorrow... right guys, right?? (I have a LOT of 510$ Calls) Theta killing me so im praying


I bought microsoft calls. I know a lot of companies are paying a LOT of money for copilot


Bought A LOT of AMZN and MSFT calls. Little bit of SPY calls and a few more CVX calls.

Last time bonds were this high IT WAS October 2023 and SPY was $425. A LOT OF DOWNSIDE.


There are a few reasons why. 1. There is a LOT of cutting edge tech behind the scenes of a product like instagram or Facebook. You hear people talk about algorithms all the time, and these algorithms are machine/deep learning models. These models are not LLMs per se, but they do highlight the “hidden tech” of these products. At some point, this background tech will be some flavour of a LLM once they become less resource intensive. 2. LLMs are used for things like search. The more “natural” you can make search, the better the experience. LLMs make search more natural, in that you can talk to them in human language rather than typing short queries. 3. These big tech companies are all pulling from the same talent pool. The talent pool for general SWEs is huge. The talent pool for good, SWEs is small. The talent pool for machine learning engineers and researchers is very small. META knows that if they don’t hire these people, their competitors will. META is one of the best places to work if you are an AI researcher (amazing pay, great benefits, unlimited resources, etc). 4. Open source spurs connections and collaboration with other firms. No company operates in a bubble. All tech companies are using products from the other companies and vice versa. If META open sources Llama and another company contributes or finetunes on top of Llama, Meta has a starting point for a partnership with that company. 5. Meta workplace is used by many large enterprise companies. It’s basically an internal Facebook. This is a product that is ripe for AI acceleration (internal search, summarization of threads, recommending channels and pages). 6. Internal tooling at a company as big as Meta is extensive. I’m certain Meta is developing LLM based chat, search, code, and design agents to assist and augment their engineers, designers, marketers and sales teams. 7. Dick wagging. Every company and their mother is developing LLMs and contributing to research. Many of the big banks (JP Morgan, Citadel) are even contributing open source models. If you don’t have a public persona of being an AI company, you fall behind in the tech and big business world. Hope that answers your question. Source: I work at a large (non-FAANG) tech company that also has a big AI research department.


I am also 41 and I currently live in Mexico for 9 months of the year and I sure see a LOT of Americans making a lot of money in real estate down here. in owning or building or flipping. I can’t speak to your thoughts on owning pesos long term. You will certainly become part of the pesos economy when you live here. And banks have good interest rates 8%. They are guaranteed but not as high as US banks. I think up to 1M. Not sure. But if I were you, If you are going to have some money sit here for a while, it would be in the form of real estate. The town I live in has property values going up 15% every year. It’s insane. Housing costs are getting close to Portland area (where I moved from). Same thing is happening in Mexico City right now. I don’t know how much you have to work with but you could even eventually use it as your vacation spot before you retire and Airbnb it. Or just literally buy a lot in a town that you know is about to see rapid growth, (they are easy to spot), and let it sit. Some Americans have this stigma about risky real estate in Mexico. The rest of us are banking.


I spend A LOT of money with Meta ads. I also talk to others that spend $1m-$20m/month. If you're uninformed, Meta has been a shit show in terms of performance for ads. This has been rampant since the start of the year. Don't believe, just go on twitter and look up all the top ecommerce operators and this is the narrative. While Meta is kinda the only game in town, Google (YouTube) ads have performed much better.


At where I'm at I'll just be happy with it to fall back to 149 so I can cover my short. Took a LOT of restraint to not panic sell this morning but has saved me over 1K so far.


The reason for the short interest is that there is LOT that can go wrong here. No getting around the halving hitting miner profitability hard with only the potential of mitigating BTC price appreciation and network fees. Disclosure #1 - I have a long-ish bull put spread on RIOT. Disclosure #2 - wish I didn't


I'm surprised how much you guys care about the why. I'm long $DJT. IMO, it has A LOT of upside ahead of it before it crashes, if it even does. If Trump gets reelected, Truth Social may well become the place to get info about goings on within the administration, enough so to sustain it.


Enthusiastic who? Me? /s I’m always been the unconventional one, so instead of buying popular companies, like NVIDIA or Apple or Microsoft or Lilly, the runt of the litter caught my eye (I’ve always have had a soft spot for the overlooked ones; that’s why I adopted a black cat 7 years ago. I adore my girl). And I had a gut feeling. I HAD to buy Pfizer. A 175-year-old company that pays divvies? Big yes from me. Pfizer is undervalued AF at the moment. Look at our pipeline, I mean, [look at it]( I already thought it was undervalued at $36. However, you need A LOT of patience with this one. The Seagen acquisition will take its time. I don’t care about the time, because I’ll never sell my shares. I didn’t buy them to get rich; I bought them because I wanted to be part of something great. I studied a career that doesn’t actually tickle my fancy and I regret it. I should’ve studied something in healthcare 😭


hahaha you must be called that A LOT!


Markets going a LOT higher !!!


New construction building permits are slowing down. A LOT. I’m a construction manager and we have noticed our books get postponed now 2-3 months of orders that should be filled.


That was me last week. Lost A LOT of


That chart made me way more bullish on EVs, I see no flattening out, which is crazy during the highest interest rates in decades. Also, the volume of single family homes in the US is 82 million. There are only 3 million EVs on the roads. Thats a LOT of market.


That's a LOT of handjobs or get yo butthole ready


If you view Tesla as an energy company, agree 100% and this was my take about 2 years ago. They should have sold/licensed their tech when all of the other auto companies were scrambling to "catch up". Then they should have focused on charging, batteries (mega pack), solar, etc., etc., etc. I think the problem now is who would buy Tesla's car 'division' at this point? Quality has kept going down, service network is a joke, etc., etc. If they 'struck when it was hot', they probably could have got a massive premium on it. What a lot of people here STILL don't seem to get is that building/selling/supporting cars is a LOT of $$$ and risk. A couple bad quarters and Tesla could literally be bankrupt due to the large amount of cash that needs to move to keep operations floating. And before someone replies and says: "but but but they have 20B+ cash" take a look at their liabilities. They have nearly the same amount in short term liabilities. If they divested autos, things get A LOT easier for the company. The risk; however, is that 90% of their revenue comes from cars. Even if they go full on into charging networks, there is competition both public & for profit. With all that said, clearly Elon/Tesla realizes "cars are hard", which is why he's pulling all the sh*t about robotaxis and Optimus AI..... I don't think they'll accomplish either, but they know they can't win just selling electric cars and it's moonshot or broke for them.

r/stocksSee Comment

I agree with you. I had similarly told people that my dream car was a Tesla. That changed A LOT when he started going off the rails. Now I'm actively avoiding buying one, despite their used offering being pretty enticing. Their software is TOO intertwined with the vehicle, to the point that I don't know if the cars will even continue to function if Tesla just drops off the face of the Earth.


This is my position entirely. I've known I was going to buy a new car in 2024 for quite some time and had fully planned on getting a Tesla until he made his rightward lurch. Now I'm adamant that he won't get a penny of my money. I have to think that there are a LOT of people like us.


What a chance to short the rip!!! Shorting the LIVING SHIT out of Blackrock. They have a LOT farther to fall


Yeah this whole thing wreaks of a lotta dicks. Like. A LOT.


Success is more than hoarding money. He’s not a good husband or father. He’s not a philanthropist. A LOT of rich people are complete losers. How many rich people are found to molest children or drive drunk? Look at Epstein’s visitors. Being poor or not having money doesn’t make you a loser nor does having billions make you a winner. How many celebrities can’t stay married or are estranged to their children? Narcissists are not winners, they are parasites who destroy the lives of loved ones.


I wish I could say the same. I'm down 6K for the week. Which is a A LOT relative to my income/expenses. But small relative to total networth. Either way, it hurt so bad. Still does. All weekend.


right. oil prices are going to drop to when 1. A LOT MORE LEFT IN THE GROUND 2. A DOLLAR WAS A WORTH 650% MORE 3. THE POPULATION WAS HALF OF WHAT IT IS TODAY


VTI includes A LOT of trashy small caps that could easily be rekt by higher for longer though.


Okay but theres been no proof other than "trust me bro" presented to the American people. Historically when the US government says "trust me bro" theyre lying. People can bring up whatever anecdotal information they want about the app, the algorithm, etc (I can even do this) but at the end of the day, they claim they want to ban china but then do the absolute softest thing they can do to ban china while doing a LOT of other things in that bill not involving china. Whats concerning is how many people are rooting against tik tok with nothing more than a "trust me bro" from the Fed. People refuse to believe the govt when it comes to wars and conflicts but theyll believe the govt about a social media app when theyre being paid by competitors of that social media app. I dont get it.


Have you worked at large corporations? I have literally asked managers in the past to just tell me what the priority is (literally no other questions, requests or assistance, just "what is my top priority") and WAY too often been told "they're ALL the priority, do them all". Another favorite "if we have to choose between accuracy and speed, which has precedence?" "Both are equally important" There are a LOT of managers in corporate America that got their job by always saying "yes" to their boss, and they continue in that role after getting promoted.


I was with TD am, fidelity& schwab since 2020, thot HAD to go w/traditional type brokers 2get best educational tools & 24/7 phone support-i only had phone 2 trade with-racked literally 100's in wash sales on think or swim-just got webull acct few months ago due to all the free share deals but am 1000's time happier w/webull as amt of info on just basic order form BRILLIANT (can see volume, ie # of people buying@whatever price@ea.given momemt-shows securities doing best by %gains list thru out day,never been easier 2 day trade & they even have feature where make ur own ETF by picking whatevr stocks want 2b long on..assign % of each in stock want in portfolio & u just put amt of $$ in weekly,or all @ once if your a baller-wish i knew enuf about trading options 2get approved, but BEST thing 4 me... NO TAX LOT assignment, all stocks buy are just averaged out to DCA automatically & so whole LIFO/FIFO irrelevant... It IS irritating can only speak 2 staff on phone m-f during hrs but have 'comtact us' txt featute.. i hate still having to place orders on my TDam/fideliy acct now cuz cant see real time pricing & volume @ whatevr price on their order form.. PLUS cam trade FULL extended premarket start 3hrs earlier than everyone else-so if bought AH, U dont have others trading/changing previos day AH close price for 3hrs!! B4 get access again Not trying to hook u as a referral prospect-im just passing on info that SUPER HELPED me trade,im clearly less experienced that u thot so maybe uve got all the features u need on whatever platform use that i, as str8 retail trader,didnt have access 2 In which case... NEVERMIND🤭


So am I understanding that you can kind of mitigate potential loses with option size? Eg, small option, smaller potential loses? I guess a better question is, OP was able to profit $100k, awesome for them, but if it went sideways could they have lost $100k? Or would they really have only lost what the option cost? I see horror stories of people posting accounts where they have gone negative 10's of thousands, even hundreds of thousands. I'm guessing those people had larger and riskier options? I know I have a LOT to learn, I'm an infant in terms of learning this kind of stuff, but I appreciate you trying to help!


Yeah but we all know the market doesn't return 4.5% every year. Some years it's less, and some years it's a LOT more. So investing $500 a month into the same global/ S&P tracking index funds over a 30-35 year period should be enough to actually retire with over a million.


I already know once you get to a certain point you will be influencing the market yourself and will change how it behaves. I gave you an estimation was untested. Doesn't mean I'm right. It could be potentially more or less. And I would have a mechanism to manage risk better, kind of like a "bank". But I would definitely go all out at first. It is a known idea that works when done right. I am fairly confident I can do it based on the results and how far I am already without doing some of the very simple things I could potentially do (like averages my 4 sets of models predictions together, and likely more for longer windows). I may be wrong about the potential profit per a trade, I need a LOT more testing but the theory works when done well, and you can look at basically any crypto chart and see common 3%-5% changes, (less probably at a 30 minute scale, but the shifts happen a few times a day typically). You are only looking to get in on the most probable and profitable trades. And that last sentence is basically the idea. Not high frequency trading, more mid frequency, based off tons of calculations potentially from various models. But all of that is only if I can do it well enough. And after all, like you said, I don't have a team of people working on it, just myself and I certainly don't have a PhD. I don't have the latest and best hardware for quick testing. But potentially it could be beyond life changing money. Doesn't take a ton of money to get started either if it works pretty well. If it doesn't work pretty well it means it needs to be refined further


I was pretty shocked how far the stock went down despite reporting record earnings. They beat the predictions and it completely tanked. The claim that they were going to stop reporting subscriber metrics was just crazy. That’s why it tanked. These days the investors care about data and metrics. And if you take that away, they take you away. Call options lost 4500 dollars per contract in minutes. I don’t buy them around earnings time for that reason but damn if you had insider knowledge and knew the numbers were that high, you might have lost a a LOT of money


I have heard it told that a little bit of debt is your problem, but a LOT of debt is somebody else's problem!


Today we lost a LOT of bulls and theta gang. Good riddance ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Money market funds are sitting at record 6 trillion $ to put back in market.There will be a LOT of liquidity for next decade. If we get some kind of recession,i think it will be generational opportunity. Also,not a bad idea to have at least 10% exposure in Bitcoin through ETF


It’s ok. The short calls aren’t gaining anything as stock goes down. The money you would make is that they LOSE THEIR VALUE as the stock goes down. Lose value until they hit zero. So if you sold them, and were short them, you would make whatever you sold them for, as they would not be worth anything at expiration. So if you sold 1 for $1.00 premium, you’d make $100. The stock could go from $200 to zero and you’d still only make that $1.00. And that is at expiry. It is possible to be short calls, have the stock go down and the calls GAIN value, if the IV (implied volatility) explodes. I know that getting way ahead of where you are, but I urge you to spend a LOT of time trying to grasp all these concepts before ever risking a real dollar.


I don't think there are that many comparable companies, as they would have to also be run/owned by a madman that's going to be spending a lot of time in court or even prison. Even Twitter wouldn't be in the same boat. If some big boring reliable company would suddenly get a Trump-like figure at the head, those shares would also be shorted a LOT.


Well no, not at all. The dollar is backed by the entire US economy (the largest in the world), the US military (largest in the world by A LOT), and the US legal system. Bitcoin isn’t backed by anything except marketing hype and the hope that a greater fool will pay more than you did at some point in the future.


Careful boys.. The uncertainty of an Israel attack is now known.. a LOT of hedge positions are going to be closed soon


A LOT of people are buying ES puts tonight.


most of the people in here are either meme edgelords (got nothing against it), or actual morons who have read too many financial advice books and websites and think theyre doing something with a couple calls and puts and they should be thought of next to dr. michael burry. the actual morons start to drink the FED flavor aid and then start thinking like the morons who actually work in and manage our financial institutions and were the cause of the subprime mortgage housing crisis and every other financial disaster bc they can't help themselves or bother to look into the future even a little bit. i don't know a single person on the street who would say netflix is "winning the streaming wars." are any of them, really? honestly hulu is probably performing the best; and certainly is complained about the least. i'd love to see the churn % of subscribers. I bet you there are a LOT of return customers who get netflix for a month and binge whatever they want, then cancel for six months or a year. I wonder how many of the subscriber numbers they're reporting are in fact returning customers.


What is this w*ll str**t bets? Good way to lose A LOT of money being an absolute idiot.


Honestly black widows aren't a big deal either. If you don't have pets or infants the chance of a bite is absurdly low. Even then they don't kill. You just feel like utter shit for a day. Brown recluses would be a LOT worse, but even then ~10% of bites have the skin turn necrotic.


He’s got an absolute fuck ton of work to do if he wants to get tucker on, I believe he has a contract with X right now. Either way, there’s a LOT of strategy to take effect. Rn the most I see of truth is screenshots of truth posts posted on X. DJT himself only has 7 million followers on there. That’s gotta be pretty close to everyone on the platform.


I'm holding a LOT of SAGE right now. My patience is a little thin. :(


If so you have lost a LOT of money these last months lmao


1) The US's credit rating would return to AAA across all ratings agencies (is currently split) 2) The budget deficit would decrease 3) As noted in the OP, the inflationary effect of lower rates would be offset by a reduction, at some minor level, of economic activity due to tax "deadweight losses", which would be disinflationary. I question how powerful the disinflationary aspect would be, because tax rates were a LOT higher in the 1970s and early 80s than today and they didn't squash inflation. 4) The effects on the value of the dollar are unclear. The dollar should rise if deficits and the liquidity they create is reduced, but should fall because of lower rates. It would depend a lot on what other countries do. 5) As others have noted, real estate would appreciate from lower rates - not just because of mortgages but also because depreciation is a powerful tax shelter. The housing bubble would get worse. 6) In theory, much of the economic growth of the past 45 years has come from the government borrowing money instead of collecting taxes, and the government building a $34T national debt. The raise-taxes-lower-rates policy would in part be a reversal of this trend. That could be a good thing, because an out of control national debt will eventually lead to a financial crisis or currency devaluation. However it could come at the expense of the debt-fueled GDP growth we are accustomed to.


Look up the Cole Memo. Garland could actually do a LOT to help us.


Obviously we are all guessing here (including the "experts") but I think it's more simple: they printed a LOT off money.  That money was and is making it's way to a lot of people and those people are spending and doing well financially.  There are of course tons of people who have no money and struggling, but more than half the country are home owners with fixed rates, not the renters that take the headlines.   Add to that a resilient job market and you get a k shaped recovery.  The economy is growing with money we printed.


Wait, he's asking for stock so he can dump it. A LOT of stock, so he can dump A LOT of it, and you think this is good for the share price?


>If the stock hits 17 dollars by friday they lose A LOT. How's that? Why particularly $17?
