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Spirit Airlines Inc

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-50.00% Today

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Let’s SAVE this beautiful spirit

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Spirit Airlines (NYSE: SAVE) Sees Double-Digit Decline as JetBlue Casts Doubt on Merger Deal

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Why save $SAVE? Because I like the stock!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Is SAVE a good buy????

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

SAVE seems doomed

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

So nobody is going to talk about BlackRock increasing their shares in Spirit Airlines yesterday?

r/investingSee Post

$SAVE drops another 17%, down to sub $6 after news that JetBlue could walk away from the merger. Is it a good time to buy?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$SAVE Short Squeeze Incoming

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$1,700 - $26,000 full port YOLOs

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Save the $SAVE

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These are the stocks on my watchlist (1/25)

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These are the stocks on my watchlist (1/25)

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Trading high IV

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Any other smooth brains picking up SAVE (Spirit Airlines)?

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SAVE crash hurts

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Should I sell my SAVE?

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These are the stocks on my watchlist (1/24)

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These are the stocks on my watchlist (1/24)

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It’s all up to $SAVE

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

It’s Time to $SAVE

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Spirit $SAVE new buyer?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$SAVE round 2

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$SAVE potential squeeze after appeal ?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

SAVEn’ on Airfare this summer

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$SAVE outlook next couple of weeks

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SAVE - 100% achieved

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Jump on $SAVE

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$SAVE is fucking me over

r/pennystocksSee Post

Spirit Airlines ($SAVE) making big moves

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$SAVE Spirit Airlines

r/pennystocksSee Post

Spirit Airlines (SAVE)

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

New Meme Stock On The Horizon!!! and more

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

That's the Spirit - SAVE and JBLU appealing ruling | Trading on News

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JBLU will appeal SAVE merger decision. M.O.O.N

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Worth selling 45% percent of my portfolio to YOLO on $SAVE? am i regarded?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Anyone else hedging $SAVE? 😀🤔

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Is it insider trading if I buy $SAVE and $BA puts after I find a Boeing engine in my backyard?

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Spirit ($SAVE) Conceptual Warfare

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JetBlue and Spirit to APPEAL Judge's Horrific Ruling

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Lost 2.5 months worth of gains in 2 days, selling SAVE at the bottom, even though I told myself to wait for rsi to come back up.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$SAVE us from Wendy’s (Please)

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$TRV gains

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Save $SAVE or do nothing?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$SAVE Theta-gang play gone wrong, then gone almost right

r/pennystocksSee Post

SAVE Spirit

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Save SAVE or do nothing?

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$SAVE up 25% this morn

r/optionsSee Post

SAVE Call Spread Expires today ($4.5 short $5 long 200 contracts, prem $3k). Alternatives

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$SAVE Premarket is up 20% (at the time of this post)

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$SAVE up 18% premarket

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Save …SAVE. Dicks out for save.pew pew bitches

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First Time Buying Options $SAVE ELI5 How This Works

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Why I'm not selling $SAVE yet (and you shouldn't either) 💎🙌

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Could this be a Buffet moment... SAVE for a sweet min of 3x or 10x gain?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I like SAVE (spirit airlines)it needs to be saved.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Portnoy on $SAVE

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Do we have to $SAVE an airline this time?

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I’m buying more $SAVE

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Is $SAVE too low now?

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Signal Fest

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$SAVE merger $470mil breakup fee

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Fellow SAVE Bag Holders

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Anyone hit the Gard Trifecta and been long on SAVE and MARA and short on CAVA?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Are there any chances of $SAVE rebounding anymore?

r/stocksSee Post

Spirit airlines was a lesson in arbitrage plays with mergers/buyouts

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

why people lost a lot of money in $SAVE?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Investment advice only shows if you search $SAVE

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Where are the regards that made put gains on $SAVE?

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$SAVE me

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Raise your hand if you bought $SAVE today (post-puke)

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Raise your hand if you bought $SAVE after the drop today

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Do I sell or hold Spirit Airlines $SAVE

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Anyone else pick up some $SAVE today?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Bonk now has a higher market cap than Spirit Airlines. One can take you to Vegas, the other is Vegas. $BONK $SAVE

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Took out a loan for $SAVE shares at 15y/o… big L

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Lost $2k on spirit shares today 🥴 can anybody SAVE me?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I’m 15 and lost $40K on $SAVE shares… lost my entire personal savings.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Dear $SAVE “Investors” what are your next moves?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Nothing can $SAVE me now. From +$24k to -$13k.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$SAVE - So what now?

r/stocksSee Post

$SAVE - So what now?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Excited to see all the $SAVE loss porn. send it! lol 😂 ✈️

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

did not get saved by $SAVE

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$SAVE yolo killed me

r/StockMarketSee Post

$SAVE down 60% as federal judge blocks JBLU purchase of Spirit Airlines

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$SAVE trading is being halted

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$SAVE Calls are not a good play

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Now boarding $SAVE

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COVID rampage likely shrank China's population again in 2023

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Judge William Young will $SAVE us!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Spooked by SAVE

r/stocksSee Post

Is there a decision date on the SAVE merger?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Any other regard buying $SAVE calls?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$20k SAVE calls

r/optionsSee Post

High IV covered call SAVE

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Get saved with $SAVE

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post


r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

What's your top 3 picks going into 2024? Stocks only please and a bit of an explanation on why you are bullish.


I’m cry myself to sleep tonight and just buy $HE and $SAVE and hope for a comeback story ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


I don't think I've had a stock cuck me more than $SAVE and $HD have


We all know Sofi will be still at 7 in 2030 :P Better Yolo that in SAVE for the buyout


Why the shit won't $SAVE drop more? I need you to go back down to $3.50~ so I can buy some long term shares.


I feel sorry for some of you meme stock buyers, but also not really. You should've sold at the top and enjoyed some gains. Me on the other hand...I should've shorted that stupid airplane stock into oblivion the second it hit $5.. Unfortunately, there's nothing that can $SAVE me from my shitty decisions.


I bought the high in $SAVE, I still believe it’s criminally undervalued so I’m holding for now. Also still being dragged along with $JAGX, as long as there isn’t a reverse split, I’m hopeful it will increase to the $2-3 range soon. I have a few things on my watchlist with upcoming catalysts but I’m out of dry powder for now.


Two senile 80 year olds stole from hard working Americans when they blocked a merger that had no business being blocked. Look a $JBLU and $SAVE since then and the job losses. DOJ and Judge Young are paid off crooks.


$SAVE getting lumped in as a meme stock...look at price to book value. Almost a 30% SI on a very small float for an airline (109M shares). It's building and getting ready to take off.


180k a year…. 290k in retirement accounts at 39. You NEED TO SAVE MORE. Gonna get to retirement in 20 years and make less then you make now.


What’s going on with SAVE??? 📈


We are primed to short squeeze $SAVE. Tons of hedge funds are shorting spirit airlines and we're all distracted by the same two stocks. C'mon people!


thinkin of some SAVE calls


all in gamestop with a sell at 60.- SAVE BET hashahaha


Holy shit, the annualized rate for shorting $BYND is 151%. Somehow AMC is only 12% and GME is about the same. $SAVE is about 10%.

I want to short $SAVE sooo bad, but part of me feels this is a pretty reasonable price for it to be at...


IMHOTEP IMHOTEP PLS SAVE MY PUTS IMHOTEP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


I wonder if this means I can short the shit out of $SAVE now that it's dropping back down with everything else.




SAVE had some turbulence but hoping to find that $5 clear air today


SAVE my calls


Fingers crossed for $JAGX and $SAVE


It’s the meme stock rally and then Portnoy did a DDTG show today as well. He’s a big advocate for SAVE so short holders ran for the hills.


So what's our list of heavily short interest stocks? GME - obviously AMC - ✓ BBBY - 💀 BB - ✓ XSPA -> XWELL SAVE - ???

I almost timed my exit on one of my positions near the high. For rid of the option but didn’t sell the underlying quick enough and kept holding on for a slight bounce. Shouldn’t have put a limit order on the underlying sale. Lesson learned but at least just means I didn’t make as much as I could have vs losing. Still have 1 recovery position to go in SAVE 😝


We all flying SAVE


Flying SAVE to da moon🚀🚀🚀🚀


SAVE V time baby


While I was farting around with GME, a recovery position I maintain with SAVE got away from me. Long story short, I’ll likely take a $100 loss Friday, but GME will pay for it. All good. The Numbers Gods will be appeased. 🤷‍♂️


Selling at $9.50 for a quick $5K was legit. Part of me almost bought back into the crazy delusion of it hitting $20 again. Last time around I had like 2500 shares at $5 and sold at 60 so it was hard to be a reasonable human this time. $SAVE is still pissing me off, though, since I used to have 10,000 shares at $4.20 and sold to play earnings elsewhere... Could've made a bit.


SAVE ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


SAVE with the steady ascent to $5


Yes baby list Spirit on casino next 😂🪁 $SAVE


SAVE is inching day by day ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)



Anyone looking at $SAVE


SAVE has made a hell of a recovery over the last week.


$SAVE TO $30


SAVE ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


HOLO shares, BB and SAVE calls


roll gains into SAVE ??


Oop!!! Seeing movement on SNDL, SAVE, and crazy enough, GRWG!!??? 🤔

What is next? NOK, NKLA, SAVE, SNDL??

What is the buy now? Anything else thats going to pump? I am watching SAVE, PTON, NOK, NKLA..

I know everyone is focused on GME right now; but wtf is going on with SAVE? its been downgraded by 4 agencies in the last 2 days, had its bond worth downgraded, yet it's stock has risen 72% over the past 2 trading sessions, from 3.31 to 4.58! Anyone have any insight into this weird af rally?


SNDL and SAVE. Been seeing peeps talk about these. Maybe it’s time to dive right in!? 🤿


I think SNDL and SAVE are right behind GME and AMC. 🤔🤔🤔🤔💅🏼

SAVE all the way


SNDL and SAVE!!!! Are they next???? 👀👀👀👀🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


everything ripping but SAVE ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


SAVE 7$ eow ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


$SAVE, $TLRY, and $JAGX are my plays right now, will reassess by the end of the week

I was trying to remember all the memes from early on: AMC GME BB KOSS NOK TLRY SNDL HTZ Realized EXPR is all but gone. Replaced with? SAVE? ?



SAVE, let’s go! Get those shorts



Mentions:#SAVE $SAVE


SAVE having an interesting time right now. Any thoughts?


WOWOWOW.. i cant post about SAVE cause its less than 500 Market caps (450) lmaoooo.. anyway i just wanted to say save is up 30% on the week and has almost 30% of it shorted so theres a huge potential there. im already bought in now and gonna ride that wave i think since its so low end consumer based and even that the CEO talked about it being a rigged game in airline industry and how other comapanies need them to fail so they can raise prices is perfect potential for meme stock territory. Legit low cost flight company that almost every I know uses loses because big money needs them to fail.. i can explain more on how like how gov contracts arent given to them compared to giants like AA and more but point is that they are good for lower income people and they are kinda being screwed over for doing flights for cheap.. Also they dont have any boeing planes...


SAVE has a higher short position than GME.


hodling SAVE and CLOV calls. sold AMC way too early but still a nice day. Literally impossible to not make money today

SAVE is 🔥🔥


well, I'm pleasantly surprised SAVE hitched a ride upward on the meme stock train. Doubt it lasts more than a few days though and my cost basis is mid $5 so I'll probably still be holding these bags when it dumps again. but for now the red number is much smaller than it was.


SAVE to the moon


$SAVE the new $AMC


SAVE ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Holy shit my SAVE is back in the green today!!! No one talking about this company is up 30% on the week wtf lmaooo


SAVE is ascent, seatbelt light is on


I'm very angry at myself for not loading up on $SAVE stock at $3.22 and now I can't tell if I should do a long buy here or not.


SAVE going straight to $5 regards. Easy game


SAVE is a no brainer


Seeing SAVE moon after I sold for a 20% loss is triggering


SAVE is like 30% shorted too. just sayin


I also believe a lot of ‘meme’ stocks are coming back into play as we edge into summer. I’ve noticed a lot of activity in them lately. But right now the most valuable position I have is SAVE which could be the only ‘meme’ airline stock


Continuing to load on SAVE. Wiped out all losses from the past two weeks yesterday. Book value of at least $9 and currently about to rip over $4. Getting a lot more attention as volume has been increasing heavily…big buys. Also, 25% short interest will be getting covered to help catapult to $5. Apparently Zack Morris is in on it too as of yesterday, but I was starting my position last week and through the earnings.


Wh are we thinking for SAVE today?


Why was SAVE up 13% today? Is there going to be a buyout or something?


WILL IMHOTEP SAVE MY PUTS TOMORROW ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


I guess I'm fine with that if it gets me out of these $SAVE bags. they're heavy as fuck and I'm not happy about it


You wont hear about solar at all in maybe 2 years. I remember it being a big push 2-3 years ago, people were getting them on their houses, salesman were going door to door in subdivisions ( I know from exp..they were here like weekly from some random company). Some got them, but then the bubble started to pop and people saw how much of a scam a lot of the companies were. Ok so say I pay 20K to throw up 12 panels on my roof? Maybe the state subsidizes some of it for me or cuts me a tax break, big IF but say they kick in $4K of it. ​ Now im down 16K..but YOU WILL SAVE BIG MONEY ON YOUR POWER BILL. Yea, ok cool, maybe ill save $60 a month on my power bill, awesome right? But you are out 16K..saving $60 a month, how long is it going to take for you to just BREAK EVEN. 267 Months is how long, just to break even. Thats 22 and 1/4 years before you even start "saving as they put it" If you google it, they say you actually break even in 6-10 years, however I dont buy it, the math is not mathing w those numbers. 75% of the throw up shop solar companies are already defunt and gone, you think many more will be around 22 years from now still operating and coming to do tech work, replace parts, service etc? They wont be. Google Searched "how many residential solar panel companies are out of business" and this is the first result, and its from 2024. "The residential solar industry is floundering. In late 2023 alone, more than 100 residential solar dealers and installers in the U.S. declared bankruptcy, according to Roth Capital Partners—six times the number in the previous three years combined. Roth expects at least 100 more to fail. Jan 25, 2024 Time Magazine : []( Basically anyone saying the industry is booming is full of absolute manure.


That answer is partially correct; SAVE ~~shareholders~~ bagholders received a 10¢ monthly 'ticking fee.'  The remaining amount that was not paid out as a ticking fee ,~$69 million, was payable from JBLU to SAVE directly; the bagholders do not see this money.  Ultimately it is baked into the share price, as SAVE's cash went up by $69M, which is very much needed by SAVE.   Spirit isn't dead; they have been losing money, but can currently support their business.  Their debt payments are still a long ways out, they received cash from JBLU, they're receiving credit from the engine manufacturer for the engine problem, they delayed plane deliveries, which freed up some money, and they have a lot of planes ordered, which other airlines would like to be in that position I'm counting on them to survive.  


$SAVE made me a BAG today


SAVE 2026 $4 leaps


SAVE $4 FD's for tomorrow ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


SEED shares, WOOF calls, BB calls, sprinkle in some SAVE FD's

Weirdly green day for me despite Nvidia being down. CGC up 10%, SAVE up 12%, SGML up 4%. Just a delightful day.

I told u guys SAVE was way to low on Monday and now look at it 📈📈


me slowly buying Spirit Airline (SAVE) hehehehehehe ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


SAVE quietly getting pumped all day.


UNTILL PROVEN OTHERWISE :( It's being tested on us! Even longterm issues can only now be monitored and see what happens! Where goverments and doctors all around the world GARANTEED us that these vaccines were totaly safe to take and life saving for the problem at hand! And now ,... In 40 years from now will be proven that all vaccines we got we in the end more damaging then helpfull! Cause all the people that didn't take the vaccine even have stronger antibodies now to coop with variations of it! We blindly trust mainstream media and what is said there. We trust them to be honest and open! But reality is often different! And this is mostly proven long after! So long that most will never be held accountable for their words said now! In 40 years from now we will understand why the smoking issue went from a healthy product to take, to a slow murdering object. Cause then we will realise that ASPARTAME the artificial sugar is the next generation of Crowd control! (baby born and life expectency). We all know you get cancer from it, but Coder alimentarius discusses the amount needed to become toxic! So smoking 1 cigaret a week and your body can filter out the bad stuff and eject it. smoke 5 a day and you will die of cancer! Same goes for lightproduct, or non sugar products while they still taste sugary and sweet!!!! drink 1 in a week and your body can expell the bad stuff. drink 5 a day or have a complete DIET based on non sugar. And you will not live to tell the tail!!!! but again this is now not proven ofcourse! only when the next population control is implemented will goverment SAVE our asses by making aspartame again illegal to use! and the people will love it's goverment even presidents elected for it! only to be killed by the nest thing we don;t see in front of our own eyes, And trust once again on main stream media and the news that it;s all the truth! good night world!


My SAVE 5/17 calls have any chance still?


Sure. Short squeeze potential of $SAVE = 0$


Can anyone else here do a DD on the short squeeze potential for SAVE ? I feel like it’s nearly meme stock range.
