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Reddit Posts

r/investingSee Post

First investment as student?

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Lock the Float DRS your Shares!! 3.8 million AMC investors. If every investor DRS 66 shares, we can lock the float. it will cost just 396$. and Quit blaming AA. He is doing his job to save the company. What are you doing as an individual investor? I am doing my part by DRSing My shares and locking

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

2024 is here, still waiting on Ḡ ന ∊ to break even from the $330 "BETTER BUY NOW IT ONLY GOES UP" fervor that I fell for.

r/investingSee Post

Explanation Required on DRS System

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Part 3: Paxos CEO BLAMES DTCC DIRECTLY for causing the JAN 28, 2021 Multi-Retail-Broker GME Buying Freeze, While Selling Open, Artificially Manipulated Down The Stock Price To Shore Up Leaks In The DTCC's Bad Plumbing & Inability To Regulate Risk; Cites DRS; Cede & Co; Bridges 28th To Lehman Bros

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

The Stonk sub didn't take kindly to me selling my DRS'd shares and rebuying lower. And WSB hedgie mods just didn't let me show this. Oh well, here's my Yolo play!

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

💙🧡 NEGG 🧡💙 Newegg is the penultimate threat to Amazon. SEE IT:

r/StockMarketSee Post

💲 N E G G 💵 Newegg is "the deeper threat" to Amazon 📘 See the evidence: 📘

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

🧡 NEGG 🧡 A Low-Float, Multi-Week Short Squeeze is About to Start. Here's why I will drink the Newegg Cocktail:

r/stocksSee Post

Warfare persists, and investors place bets on odd defence stocks.

r/investingSee Post

Cost Basis is wrong on ComputerShare. It should have been adjusted to Date-of-Death. How can I fix this?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post


r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

CHEATSHEET: The Basics of Short Squeezes - A 3-min Read

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Defense Stock

r/StockMarketSee Post

Is constantly expecting indexes to grow the best way to invest in this market? I feel uneasy with the last 2 years

r/stocksSee Post

How to move warrants to a brokerage account via DRS transactions?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

DRS: Are we giving this enough attention?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Can I get a count? DRS Price Hike: Would You Change Brokers?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Everything you need to know about GameStop's earnings today

r/StockMarketSee Post

Everything you need to know about GME's earnings today

r/stocksSee Post

StartEngine 500 Shares, Random Email of Transfer to Continental, Only 15 Shares?

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

🍿🚨This is why we BUY AMC and HODL! 🍿🚨DRS to Computershare and buy amc on iex! Buy in lots of 100 amc class A stonkz! Not financial advice! AMC LFG 💎🙌🏽🚀🚀🚀

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

🚨EXPLANATION🚨of how the CRIMINALS stay on Reg Sho for so long, How they reset the clock, how and they also PROFIT off reg SHO 😶‍🌫️🤬🖕 Buy AMC on IEX, DRS to hodl! AMC LFG 💎🙌🏽🚀

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

🚨Public service announcement🚨Battle of the apes: Buy AMC, Hodl DRS! Our time is now! AMC Let’s facking goooooo 💎🙌🏽🚀🚀🚀

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

🚨Public service announcement🚨: AMC Some explanation for price action. Battle of the apes: Buy Hodl DRS! Our time is now! Let’s facking goooooo 💎🙌🏽🚀🚀🚀

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

‼️🚨PSA 🚨‼️ DTC is over 8 for the first time since 2020. Days-to-Cover is a significant risk measurement for lenders of shorted stock as it indicates how long they “should” expect to get their shares back when recalled based on recent volume. Buy AMC on IEX & DRS to book! LFG 💎🙌🏼🚀

r/stocksSee Post

Stocks and Transfer Agents

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

More MSM Gamestop FUD!Apes, challenge accepted: Buy GME & AMC, let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙌🏼🚀🚀🚀 DRS to book!

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

DRS.. Cause fuck em, that's why.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

RUM Is The Next 100 Bagger - Snowball Time

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

DRS is the way | The DRS Guide to Reality | The Choice is Yours. Cognitive Dissonance will be strong.

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

DRS is the way | The DRS Guide to Reality | The Choice is Yours. Cognitive Dissonance will be strong.

r/stocksSee Post

Direct Registration System (DRS)

r/stocksSee Post

Direct Registration System (DRS)

r/WallstreetbetsnewSee Post


r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

My portfolio over the last two years. Moon or zero. No more liquidity for Fidelity. DRS everything!!!

r/StockMarketSee Post

give a man a bank and he'll rob a bank. DRS BOOK LMAYOOO

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Schwab, you ok bubu?! Down 8.8billion in three days. Apes stop using brokers that offer PFOF. Apes wake up! DRS your stonkz to book , and buy on IEX with limit buy orders! AMC, APE & GME to the moon! Let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙌🏼🚀

r/StockMarketSee Post

"it's not a bailout" LMAYOO DRS BOOK

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Apes, he’s calling us to buy more, yes sir! Challenge accepted! Buy AMC, APE and GME on IEX! Use limit orders and DRS your stonkz to Book! Let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙌🏼🚀🚀🚀

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Is Schwab going to be next? DRS apes…. DRS! 💎🙌🏼🚀

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

🚨Nothing to see here🚨 🫳🎤, please disperse - DRS your stonkz!!! Buy on IEX with limit buy orders! AMCSTRONG 💎🙌🏼🚀🚀🚀 LFG 🚀🚀🚀🚀

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

🚨Yolo AMC Apes! 🚨Apes buy more AMC on IEX, buy the dip! DRS to book! Let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙏🏽🚀🚀🚀🚀

r/StockMarketSee Post

BBBY: best case scenario speculation

r/StockMarketSee Post

BBBY: worst case speculation

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Proposals Passed… Suck it shills - AMC, Yes has WON the yes vote on all three motions! Buy more on IEX with limit orders and DRS to book! Let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙏🏽🚀🚀🚀

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Banks are fine,don't be silly 😜 enter dog everything’s fine meme haha 😂 Apes, buy on IEX and DRS to book! LFG 💎🙏🏽🚀

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Financial Performance - Shareholder Meeting Information | AMC Theatres - Buy AMC on IEX and DRS to Book! LFG 💎🙏🏽🚀

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

CS 🥵🌶 Apes, keep up the pressure! Buy on IEX and DRS to book! LFG 💎🙏🏽🚀🚀🚀

r/investingSee Post

Can you sell DRS shares quickly during a squeeze?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Can you sell DRS shares quickly during the moon phase?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

“Temporary” Pause - USDC had 25% of their USD in SVB ($3.3B) - Contagion now reaching crypto through USDC, Cirlce has deposits at SVB. Monday’s gonna be wild! Apes remember, we are zen. Hodl and buy more AMC. Use IEX and limit orders and DRS to book! LFG 💎🙏🏽🚀

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

The DD was done about DRS. You are literally playing into the hands of the enemy by DRS'ing. NFA. Make your own mind up don't fall for a psyop.

r/WallstreetbetsnewSee Post

The DD was done about DRS. You are literally playing into the hand of the enemy by DRS'ing

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post


r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

DRS is a psyop. The same techniques of repetition used by the CIA are being used on the AMC crowd to manipulate and brainwash the people.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

DRS is a psyop. The same techniques of repetition used by the CIA are being used on the AMC crowd to manipulate and brainwash the people.

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post


r/StockMarketSee Post

If gamestops MOASS has squozen, then why did brokers need to turn off the buy button? DRS BOOK. y did thomas petrified say that gamestops price theoretically could go to infinity? if gamestop was a dying company, y is it free cash flow positive? if this post gets deleted you already know why

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Can somebody explain basic questions about DRS?So I tried to find some info about my questions in a simple way. Can broker switch off sell/buy for a weeks? My Revolut broker already switching off buttons when price is good for hours. But can they switch off it for a week?

r/StockMarketSee Post

Question: What are the thoughts on the Direct Registration of shares in shareholders names (DRS) movement by GameStop shareholders? Is this similar to when Burry recalled his shares of GameStop to be placed in his name pre Jan 2021?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Purpose of DRS?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$XRT with 22 THOUSAND % short interest? Wtf boys? DRS XRT?

r/investingSee Post

Discrepancies between reports of available shares of float


Leonardo DRS defense stock


GME at Computershare, 100$ a month and then DRS and book his shares...Educated your nephew man....DRS= you are a owner....Broker shares= IOU


Give him GME shares, open an account at CS and set monthly amount for shares buy back...Then tell him to DRS his shares


lol 100? then i go sleep....Wake me up after we hit 180+ until then i will buy-hold-drs-and shop at GameStop.... Been in GME for last 3 years and i am not going anywhere! DRS is the way....


GME. 0 debt over 1 billion dollars cash on hand the most loyal group of stock holders in the Market who are Directly Registering Shares (DRS) in their personal names so that market makers can't naked short the stock. (An illegal practice) A CEO and chairman of the board who is working for free but is the largest Shareholder of GME). And only has team of Execs who are willing to buy Stock with their own personal money. HYMC. It's a mining company sitting on the US's largest silver mine in Nevada. They also are on a gold mine. You want a lottery tick pick? SBNY signature bank. Is around 3$ currently up from fractions of a penny. Institutions never sold their shares and still are holding shares at an average price of over $100 they never sold because they know it will rebound. Follow smart money on this pick.

Maybe someone closed out of their short position? Who knows. The GME crowd has had years to prove the stock has sold more shares than exist, yet every effort has failed. Now they are saying the Gamestop and Computershare are fudging the DRS numbers? Lol


>If "everyone was selling" the price would be going down, not up, you dingbat. For every buyer there is a seller. >The only major player selling here is dodgy market makers with their counterfeit naked shorts. Apparently though, not enough of them to stop the price from increasing. Guess they dumped 30M more shares into the market today. You idiots should do a vote count or DRS to prove all this crime. Gotta own that float 50x over by now. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Nice revisionism, the sub literally can't have a sensible topic about GME without apes who baghold the stock for 3 years and made 0 money in the greatest bull market in history barking about market being rigged, DRS, talking all the same points while struggling to survive


You can mail it in, you can deposit at a branch. You can give them a call and a broker should be able to help you. Its usually listed under DRS (direct registration of shares) or something like that. Heres a link I found googling deposit a physical stock certificate at fidelity -


There are so few shares available to short, it isn't financially viable to do so. Less than 8% of the float is being shorted. Exaggerated claims of naked short selling to convince people to DRS their shares just ensures they can't sell when it tanks after the lockout period ends.


Know what's recession proof? War. Yolo calls on DRS, Raytheon, and General Dynamics.


No…. It wasn’t…. They frequent the meme stock subs and posted a picture of their 1000 DRS’d GameStop shares.


Unnecessary, as so many other procedures protect you from brokerage failure. Plus, plenty of investment products like ETFs and mutual funds can’t be moved to a transfer agent. And if you have more than a few stocks, prepare to spread all your stocks across a variety of transfer agents. And that’s IF your stock allows a simple DRS to the transfer agent, as many transfer agents arent setup for that.


The answer your dad is looking for: With a broker you are a beneficial ownee only, that means Cede & Co. (DTCC) owns the shares. To put them in your name you can make a transfer to the transfer agent (DRS)


Don't look at DRS and derivatives in the US then, its clear nobody owns much of anything.


DRS with the stocks transfer agent. Only way to own is to have shares booked with no fractional.


You must DRS


I posted links to the SEC, you can do whatever you want with them. If you have something more official, please post it. I cannot even begin to describe how badly I would like an option other than DRS or paper copies. While I’m not here to argue, you’re also not giving me anything official so I don’t see a reason to even try.


DRS WITH COMPUTER SHARE, ever since the January sneeze with GameStop, this problem has been solved. Check out r/Superstonk for more info


For question 2: Given the existence of FTDs (Failure to Deliver) and Naked Shorting, there is no real way to tell whether your shares are real or not. Voting might be validation, I can't find a regulation. Printing certificates seems to have some legitimacy still but I would be cautious about where you get that certificate. The only method I am familiar with, love it or hate it, is to directly register your shares with the transfer agent. For reference: * [Directly Registering Shares and printing physical copies.]( * [FTD data is reported twice monthly by the SEC.]( It's not terrible to pick apart using excel or some basic scripting, the point is that FTDs exist and they happen often. Bar none, this is evidence enough that you might be holding some binary instead of shares, even if you feel this is temporary. * [SEC piece stating "'Naked' short selling is not necessarily a violation of the federal securities laws or the Commission’s rules."]( This also talks about regulation SHO, while it sounds nice, enforcement is questionable depending on who you ask; obviously, if you're going to discredit me this is your avenue. I'd really like to see someone post something from the SEC to give credibility to something other than DRS and paper copies, those are just very trade limiting methods of assurance.


it gives you the direct share yes as opposed to buying it through a brokerage who then buys your share for you. Is there anything wrong with owning shares thru DRS? Not inherently, they won’t be borrowed to short sell, but at the same time there isn’t really and practical reason to DRS. Most of the trustworthy brokerages (like schwab and fidelity) are fine to trade assets through, having that sort of liquidity on a stock is a good thing since it means you can buy and sell faster. DRSing sorta “commits” you to the stock more because you’re making it way harder to sell your own stock. This fact has made DRS somewhat of a religious rite of passage for batshit insane finance conspiracists who worship certain stocks or think that the government and the brokerages are going to steal all of your shit and the only way to beat them is to DRS your securities (as if that would stop them).


i dont see the problem. this is exactly what princess loooooooooooouise veganilton the CRASHmilton did in jeddah 2021. max verstappKING slowed at the end of the back straight to let CRYmilton pass before the last turn, and veganilton crashed INTO the back of verstappKING¿!¿ exactly what The ✨AI✨was doing here princess loooooooooooouise veganilton the CRASHmilton the CRYmilton did it again abu dhabi 2023. GOATlonso slowed and pulled over to let CRYmilton pass just before the DRS detection zone hairpin. and CRASHmilton almost drove right into the back of him... "if you no longer go for a gap that is there, you are no longer a racing driver." - SENNAgod


trump told shareholders that they need to DRS their shares because he believes the stock is being manipulated by short sellers so there's less shares available to borrow.


If you think those of us in GameStop would fall for this sham just because we have interests in market dynamics I don't know what to tell you.. DRS is legit, check out SECs bulletin if you don't believe that. On the one hand you have a legit company that is trying to do a turnaround after years of bad leadership leading to bad financials. On the other you have a literal scam headed by the biggest con artist in modern day america. Why do you feel the need to lump these two in together? Now if you were to compare djt and AMC I would be more inclined to agree, ot because AMC is a scam company in itself, but because the CEO is a con artist as well.


DRS isn't a conspiracy theory though. That part is valid enough. You can just read the SECs bulletin on stock ownership. But they are indeed attempting to target those who are fed up with illegal short selling in other stocks. Just because the underlying market dynamics are the same issue, doesn't mean that anyone holding other shorted stocks will get into this POS as they are clearly hoping.


Huh, I've been an ape since Jan 21'. I didn't think companies could legally tell their investors to DRS. Possible new lawsuit from the DTC? Shpicy.


I imagine that's why they're providing such a "could be a GME hype DRS lecture on wallstreetbets" level explanation. They want an irrational, ideologically motivated investor who will buy and hold at any price so they can maneuver in useful ways. If "DRSing DJT" turns into a cultic loyalty ritual there's bank to be made by people already holding in a squeeze. Picture apocalyptic MOASS mindset BBBY buyers but with the added entrenching of politics.


Why am I not surprised Trump is moving into Ape-land and pushing DRS. Other than the real estate he inherited from Daddy, literally every one of this dude's business ventures has been a con. I'd feel bad if it weren't his own voters he was fucking over.


You know your holdings are fucked when they start pulling out terms like DRS. 🤡🦧


[Haha wow](, I never imagined I'd see a company using GME Ape talking points trying to blame their descent from a sky-high price on short sellers, telling people to DRS or use cash accounts. That CEO is salty AF after he tried to call out Citadel and they told the world he was a noob, lol.


Without getting conspiracy theory minded, I can't help but imagine there's no shortage of market makers who have realized that while fickle, there's potentially outsized profits in directing the herd of combative "war on the shorts" retail investors. Especially if they can keep the key bullet points of the conspiracy like "DRS to prevent financial terrorism" and "short sellers are attempting to kill profitable companies" floating around long enough that they reach saturation. Even a small mob willing to grab falling knives with a smile is a tool.


Trump media group is urging long term holders that believe in the stock to opt out of things that let their shares be used in shorting and telling them to DRS their shares. ....yeah this is kinda fucked up

r/stocksSee Comment

For one, shares are registered in your name no matter what. The difference is if you hold them directly with the Tranfer Agent for the company, in this case CPU, then any proxy comes directly to you. When shares are held through a broker, you are still considered the beneficial owner of the shares;however, for the sake of any procy actions the shares show listed under the broker as a whole because the TA does not have direct access or knowledge to who the beneficial owner(s) that own the shares at the broker. DRS shares are electronic and are available to sell, only if that DRS has a plan at the TA that allows you to sell. A lot of times, companies have a DR or DRP plan that you need to enroll in in order to actually effectuate the sale. Also, if OP decides to move the shares via DRS, they don't need to have the TA do. Their broker can initiate the DRS transfer by using their statement from CPU.

r/stocksSee Comment

You seem to understand something I don't. What is DRS?

r/stocksSee Comment

DRS strikes again


Third time this year loading calls when Donald hatred is at its maximum and every media outlet is negative. I’ll be using 1/3 profits to buy more shares to DRS as usual

r/stocksSee Comment

Here's a very important question... why is Trump allowed to give detailed instructions, to the share holders of his stock, on how to DRS their stocks to take it out of brokers hands and Ryan Cohen isn't?


I looked over there and it seems like a solid mix of mental illness and conspiracy theories. The stock is tanking because they are a shrinking company with no path forward so people are selling. My favorite part is that these morons pay to DRS a tanking stock. Little do they know they know the DRS movement was started by a teenager who has since deleted his account and moved on.


Jesus Christ, have you learned nothing from the StopGame saga? This is all people talk about on SprStnk. Here’s the funny thing, as the folks that migrated to SprStnk have realized, simply turning off lending with your broker does jack and shit. You have to move your shares to whatever company is the transfer agent for the publicly traded company. For most companies, that’s Computershare. But even if you transfer your shares to the transfer agent, if you don’t designate your shares as “book” or you have fractional shares, those shares are still available for lending. Hell, even if you do all that, the DTCC will force the company to report shares held with the transfer agent in a specific way that doesn’t show the fraud that is the DTCC. I find it hilarious that people are still oblivious to these facts, despite the overwhelming echos coming from the SprStnk hive that have hundreds of posts a day that end with Buy. Hodl. DRS. Book.


Jesus Christ, have you learned nothing from the StopGame saga? This is all people talk about on SprStnk. Here’s the funny thing, as the folks that migrated to SS have realized, simply turning off lending with your broker does jack and shit. You have to move your shares to whatever company is the transfer agent for the publicly traded company. For most companies, that’s Computershare. But even if you transfer your shares to the transfer agent, if you don’t designate your shares as “book” or you have fractional shares, those shares are still available for lending. Hell, even if you do all that, the DTCC will force the company to report shares held with the transfer agent in a specific way that doesn’t show the fraud that is the DTCC. I find it hilarious that people are still oblivious to these facts, despite the overwhelming echos coming from the SS hive that have hundreds of posts a day that end with Buy. Hodl. DRS. Book.


Oh my God DRS your truth social stock? Give me a break. -700% operating margin numb nuts. The ticker has had dilution written into it's merger. If you DRS this shit you might as well feed your money to your dog lmfao I'm sure your kids will be happy to inherit delisted conman stock in 25 years


Has nothing to do with DJT. Do you turn off share lending and DRS your shares when you buy? If you are as clueless as your 3 Karma suggest, then I might suggest STFU and start learning.

r/stocksSee Comment

Why exactly should I do that? You have this idea that because I’m not dissuading people from DRSing means I should shill for it. DRSing does nothing for the average investor. However, you can DRS all you want, I don’t care. Pointing out misinformation and dissuading people are two different things.


Nobody is dissuading anybody. Nobody cares outside of meme stock investments to DRS their stock. You own the piece of the company when you buy a stock, that’s all that matters. Keep DRSing and buy more, maybe one day that will mean something.


Thats bc you have to DRS them and change to book.


Their "thesis" is that if there are no shares to borrow for shorts then it will drive the price high. But in reality there will always be shares to borrow because not everyone will DRS their shares. They are coping hard.


So you’re focusing on previous earnings being negative instead of how eps is trending up and slowly becoming positive signaling a turnaround? The cost cutting is to get rid of unprofitable leases which is a good thing lmao. And Ryan Cohen can invest the cash and acquire other companies. We have to wait and see how that unfolds. They built this wat chest from selling a small amount of shares. Extremely minimal dilution that prevented them from bankruptcy which was also extremely intelligent. The NFT market suffered from the SEC’s crackdown on crypto related companies so that is also a potential venture for the future once the rules surrounding it get ironed out. And DRS has removed 75 million shares from the DTCC and put those shares out of the lending pool for short sellers to keep destroying the company. Funny how you think DRS is bad when it’s a big reason GameStop is not under $1 like in 2019. Things still pre split $40 which is 4000% up from that pre split $1 price point


Wild that literally no one who ever DRS'ed something has made money from that decision except Computershare


Exactly. I wouldn’t touch the civilian airline industry. I also wouldn’t touch BA as a defense stock. For defense, I went with positions in RTX, AVAV, KTOS, DRS, and RNMBY.

General Atomics would be a great buy, too bad they are a private company. They make drones. Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, L3 Harris, Leonardo DRS, Textron, BAE Systems...all of these companies make money off of global conflicts


No, BBBY bagholders are even dumber. After the company is completely wiped out, with shares cancelled and extinguished, DRS firm deleting all shares, they are still waiting for Ryan Cohen to save them and somehow magically make them all millionaires (even though the literally Pumped and Dumped in front for their sorry asses). They have a long grift of still fleecing money from people.


Just a heads up, DRS owns Rada Electronics, an Israel based anti drone radar system company. Going green tomorrow due to successful defense.




Don’t tell me you guys are still DRS’ing shares 😂


GME. Just hit full year profitability, insiders bought 10k shares this week, 1.2 billion cash on hand....and shorts never closed so the squeeze is still on, and unprecedented level of retail Direct Registered Shares (DRS) to remove access to short sellers.


I'm glad you have imaginary gains to match your imaginary increasing DRS'd shares. Must be nice living life in delusion. If global gaming is increasing in value, it's pretty sad then that GME has shrinking revenue.


Maybe yall should stop selling your DRS'd shares then because the DRS numbers aren't even increasing


Yet somehow the amount being DRS'd is decreasing each quarter now, oops, like like yall are selling. And you don't know it's being illegally nakedly shorted, you guys turn conspiracy theories into facts in your heads.


Was waiting for something that would put the nail in the coffin for my non DRS’d GME position. This seems like fun enough to make the move:


>Most people who buy drs DRS has stalled for over a year now. It’s actually a bit lower from the previous quarter. All in all hilarious.


"LOL no. I process stock certificates. Please read carefully First of all, there is nothing YOU can do with this certificate without a notarized or Medallion Signature Guaranteed Third Party release from YOUR broker, completed by the registered shareholder (the name underneath the sticky note)... is this guy even the shareholder?? In addition, a stock power form that may need an MSG stamp as well signed by the registered share holder as well Second, even if you can get this paperwork from the client with proper stamps etc, if you deposit this in your account. You are depositing one share. Not 15 shares considering the splits since issuance. One share. ONLY ONE. When these splits happen since the issuance of a stock certificate, the additional shares from a split are held in book entry form with the transfer agent under the holder's name. To get book entry shares from the transfer agent to a broker, the holder would have to DRS the shares to the broker which contains more paperwork, approvals, stamps, whatever may be. This certificate will never be worth more than the price of one share of Tesla at market price, no matter how it continues to split, minus the pain and hassle of getting paperwork to make the deposit possible.... and if the transfer agent ever loses record of this certificate, gets escheated to the state, amongst other things to invalidate it, you would be SOL at that point This is definitely scam of some sort. Trust me" - some guy on reddit that processes these


Yeah in book entry at Computershare, more certificates are not issued at each split. Those 14 shares are not attached to this certificate. If you deposit this with a broker, you get 1 share in your account. 14 shares would have to be DRS over. They are in the shareholders account at CS, but for some bozo to buy this on eBay, those 14 shares would be nowhere to be found for the eBay buyer


LOL no. I process stock certificates. Please read carefully First of all, there is nothing YOU can do with this certificate without a notarized or Medallion Signature Guaranteed Third Party release from YOUR broker, completed by the registered shareholder (the name underneath the sticky note)... is this guy even the shareholder?? In addition, a stock power form that may need an MSG stamp as well signed by the registered share holder as well Second, even if you can get this paperwork from the client with proper stamps etc, if you deposit this in your account. You are depositing one share. Not 15 shares considering the splits since issuance. One share. ONLY ONE. When these splits happen since the issuance of a stock certificate, the additional shares from a split are held in book entry form with the transfer agent under the holder's name. To get book entry shares from the transfer agent to a broker, the holder would have to DRS the shares to the broker which contains more paperwork, approvals, stamps, whatever may be. This certificate will never be worth more than the price of one share of Tesla at market price, no matter how it continues to split, minus the pain and hassle of getting paperwork to make the deposit possible.... and if the transfer agent ever loses record of this certificate, gets escheated to the state, amongst other things to invalidate it, you would be SOL at that point This is definitely scam of some sort. Trust me


So I've been debating buying in on GME with you apes and keep seeing people say that I should DRS. I have read a bit about it. Just curious as to how it benefits us. Thanks in advance.


Yup. DRS count has been stagnating and now decreasing.


I see what you did there buy XRP AND GAMESTOP DRS AND HOLD


Any mention of the DRS numbers? I'm not following any of the GME subs anymore but I'm curious because I do believe that there are millions of fake shares rotating for this particular ticker


Wildly over-exaggerated. HOWEVER It is just an outdated brick and mortar retail store selling dusty used copies of games and “collectibles” from China. Folks are lying when they say they are bullish on GameStop. It’s just sunken cost fallacy. So many stocks had potential to offer “life changing” gains but these apes still have their life savings parked in DRS losing value like crazy. Even old skool 0.01% APY is more attractive lol

r/stocksSee Comment

DRS your shares!!!


I've been buying BAESY, KTOS, and DRS. PLTR is also a really good play here. If interested in an ETF, take a look at PPA.

They've had that 1.2 billion for what, two years now? Haven't done shit with it. All the great ideas for changing the business model have been colossal failures like the NFT marketplace. The only "good" thing going on for them is the incredible downsizing has made it so they're barely profitable now. The valuation is still similar to when the company was at its largest and most profitable, so it's still overvalued Also, DRS doesn't and never has meant shit. You guys bring all of this crap up every earnings over and over and over again and you're always wrong. Yet, whenever earnings is coming, this sub gets brigaded by hundreds of dumbasses that jerk each other off and mass downvote the people who WARN you that investing in this trash is a bad idea. You deserve to lose your money


DRS’d shares once again declined lol And their market cap being a fourth of their cash is due to their business value being dogshit - self evident by how if they just took their cash and invested it into treasury bills they’d make more than their entire business venture in profit LOL


Ok lets go over these numbers again. RC took a company and in 1 years time and made a $319mil difference in the balance sheet turning it to a full year of profitability on a non flagship console release year. They have 1.19 billion to invest without going into debt. After AH price drop they have over 1/4 of the market cap in cash.... 75 million shares DRS'd This is a dam rocket ship ready for lift off if I ever seen one.


Hopefully his wife and kids leave his stupid ass. What a fucking dumb piece of shit. Children please, if you YOLO your life savings don’t fuck up the lives of your *kids* in the process. I hate that mother fucker and almost hate the dumb ass clowns cheering him on even more. Jesus Christ people are so fucking delusional. That shit ruined my morning. These dipshits really think a single earning report is going to send GME to a gajillion dollars. I have DRS gme shares and I believe there’s some fuckery but holy *fuck* he dumped over NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS of his retirement and his families money into nothing. Into the trash. I’m so glad I have degenerates like that around to remind me I’m not doing so bad. But the kids man? The fucking kids? I feel so bad for them. If what he said is true their lives will be forever changed by their dipshit father.


For a stock with a cult following, it’s sad/hilarious that not enough people are buying online or from the stores. It seems like they are all high on copium, telling each other they’ll be rich if they grip the shares hard enough, and expect the stock to go up because they DRS’d enough. What’s the point of “locking the float” of a company struggling to make revenue? Those GME regards need to spend money at their precious stores. It’s super fucking simple. If they had spent half the money they spent on shares and options plays in t shirts or toys or whatever they sell there now, the story could have been different. But it seems that crowd expects to get rich by doing absolutely nothing. Also, Cohen has said shit, which doesnt help. Lmao.


> you are on copium if you think buying and transferring DRS shares is “easy” No, I'm talking about gifting shares at a regular brokerage. It's extremely common and simple. People die and leave their shares for their kids and for charities all the time. As for selling shares, it's much simpler to just sell the normal way. But you can do it if you want. It's no more difficult than it is for any large financial institution. > also if you think that a singular hand to hand transaction carries the same weight as an underground marketplace for only billionaire elites to operate in. A million people trading $1 has the same net impact as 1 person trading $1 million. And when you say "billionaire elites" look up the owners of all the stocks in America. It's mostly Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street. That's us. VOO, IVV, and SPY are S&P 500 index funds with billions of owners around the world. Those are the big financial institutions trading billions of shares in dark pools. I want them to get the cheapest prices possible because that's passed onto us. The whole payment for order flow system directly benefits retail traders like WSB, passive index fund investors like Bogleheads, index fund companies like Vanguard, market makers like Citadel, and fintech companies like Robinhood. It hurts traditional hedge funds like Bridgewater, institutions like the Yale Endowment, pension funds like CalPERS, etc. It also hurts outdated brokerages like Schwab and Fidelity. The most hurt group are the many financial advisors, money managers, and other scam artists who used to get paid to gamble on behalf of regular people.

you are on copium if you think buying and transferring DRS shares is “easy” also if you think that a singular hand to hand transaction carries the same weight as an underground marketplace for only billionaire elites to operate in.


Here's a breakdown of the potential drivers and considerations **Expectations of Profitability and Revenue Growth:** * Wall Street analysts anticipate GameStop to report a profitable Q4, with an expected EPS of $0.30, signifying an 84% increase compared to the previous year's period. Additionally, the video game industry experienced growth in 2023, driven by a strong holiday season, which could positively impact GameStop's revenue figures, potentially surpassing the $2 billion mark **Investment Policy Shift:** * GameStop's recent shift in investment policy, granting CEO Ryan Cohen authority to allocate cash reserves toward equity investments, has garnered investor interest. Any updates on this matter during the earnings release could influence GameStop's share performance **Direct Registration System (DRS) Shareholding:** * Retail investors have actively registered their shares with transfer agent Computershare, effectively locking away a significant portion of GME shares from brokers. If these figures are reported to be maintained or increased, it could have a bullish effect on the stock price **Short Squeeze, Positive Sentiment, and Strong Fundamentals:** * GameStop's high short interest, positive sentiment among retail investors, and strong financial results, including revenue growth and net income, have collectively contributed to the stock's rally ahead of earnings. The potential for a short squeeze, driven by a rise in stock price, has also been a factor in the stock's recent performance **Market Volatility and Uncertainty:** * Given GameStop's history of volatility and the unpredictable nature of meme stocks, there is inherent uncertainty in predicting how the stock's performance will reflect the company's underlying business during the earnings release


This guy forgot to mention in the past year or two: Lost his business (I wonder why?) Sold his home Took his *kids and wife* on an RV road trip across the country. Lost *three hundred thousand dollars* And has now dumped his entire life savings and retirement into a god damn slot machine. His wife is expecting a new home. His kids probably think this is the best time of their lives. And you sir are about to blow your fucking life up. Your wife is unaware of all of this. How do you think this plays out? Less than 1% chance you get rich. 99.9% chance you lose everything. Wake the fuck up bozo. This isn’t a game. You are so fucking dumb and arrogant I am literally shocked. This post has ruined my entire day. I cannot imagine risking the lives of my kids for some fucking pipe dream. And I’ll say it again for the GME tards: I have DRS shares and I’m the biggest believer in this play in my circle of friends. But I would never in a million fucking years put my kids and wife at risk for this shit. Yall really need some fucking help. Holy shit.


The only way to own stock that isn’t highly manipulated beneficial shares is through Computershare and booked DRS shares. Everything else gets abused by brokers and market makers to mess with your investment via payment for order flow. Market makers have infinite liquidity because the DTCC and Fed are in on the crime. The only way for GME to squeeze is if shorts close positions. Market makers are still fully in control, making up numbers of where they want the price to be. Therefore this is not a squeeze, crimes are still being committed and the float continues to be locked up through computershare, slowly but surely until the crime is so blatant (it already is). There can be absolutely no argument when all shares are locked in and booked in DRS that the abusive naked short selling practices of hedgefunds who never planned to buy back shares is exposed.


DRS has lost momentum though, retail has given up


You forgot to add in 25% outstanding shares are DRS + 22% short is pretty much 50%


Leonardo DRS


I know about DRS. I was 100% DRS'd for like a year. I transferred to 0% DRS so I can sell covered calls. I will never DRS again.


DRS count isn’t fixed (or isn’t supposed to be) like shares outstanding. People can buy directly through computershare or buy through a regular broker then register. You can also sell via computershare. When it first started it was steadily increasing when it was reported in the earnings. It even had a quarter where it went down I think about 700,000 shares. The last 2 (or maybe 3 can’t remember) the count has remained the same. If there was just a random amount of people buying and selling the likelihood those were exactly equally is extremely small in such a liquid market with hundreds of millions of shares. So people think there is some dark rule with the DTCC dictating what % of the float can be removed so they are forced to just report this capped out number. That’s all speculation though, and no such DTCC policy exists. But it is very odd, almost statistically impossible, there there would be an almost exact number of buys/transfers into computershare vs sells or transfers out from computershare not just once but multiple times


You should learn about DRS my speculative opinion is that the whole short scenario has yet to play out - source (trust me bro)


I have calls in the money, cuz fuck Mayo I’m DRS’ed to impressed to take his wife the yayo A million apes standin by, waitin for the say so screamin money ain’t a thing, FUCK YOU MAYO Jacked to tits, from rags to be rich Cmon Ryan Cohen, fuckin SEND-THIS-BITCH


>we have DRS’d 25% After a 3:1 stock split no less. They haven't even reached the original number of shares pre-squeeze.


GME changed my life... I was able to take 2 years off , go to hawaii and find a job I actually enjoy. The shares I have are DRS'd and they are ride or die.


Because DRS does fuck-all if you're wrong about there being billions of unreported short positions to disrupt with DRS.


Anyone that DRS’d lamestop should be perma banned


Apes then: “We own the float 100,000,000x over again because of how many counterfeit shares that exist!!!” Apes now: “we have DRS’d 25% after years of pushing the narrative while the movement dies off, that means we’re going to be rich!”


Probably something to do with how it's completely irrelevant to the actual business operations. And I seem to remember that DRS was meant to prove apes owned the float. What's the point of DRS now that it's remained stagnant for a year?


That’s probably a good play. GME is going run to *maybe* $17 or $18. If DRS numbers show something significant it could easily go to $25+. If EPS is + or - a single cent the share price is gonna drop to under $12. In that case you’re fucked. At least you can sell covered calls forever lol.


I love a good bear thesis as much as anyone, but how come they never mention that 25% of available shares have been/continue being removed from the market via DRS?


Nah, people have been selling DRS shares and others are DRSing more. Totally normal for those two things to balance out to the actually share and not sus at all


Let’s see. DRS does absolutely nothing. The share price has declined because the only thing you read about with GS anymore is that entire stores quit at the exact same time leaving them crippled. IV is insanely high. Cohen had to become CEO after no one else wanted it, and is not taking compensation so that he can make his ER look slightly profitable. He could have a trillion in cash, doesn’t matter if he doesn’t know how to use it. Literally the only thing that would make this jump is investment. After he was given the okay by the board to invest their free cash, if he loaded up on Bitcoin before the run. Lastly, no one cares about this banned stock except those with massive losses.


For they naysayers, without adding any tin foil, here are a few reasons there could be a jump in price after this earnings: • This should be the first profitable year since well before the sneeze. • The P/S ratio is currently only sitting at 0.68 • There has been a large number of non profitable stores shut down, revenue was barely affected YoY even after closing stores in the last quarter. • There is over $1b cash on hand which is more than 25% of the current fucking market cap. • RC has had the ability to invest this capital for around 6 months now. • A large chunk of the float is DRS'd with thousands of people locking more away every month, although the numbers have stayed the same for the last few reports. If they are the same again, for the fourth quarter in a row, I'd go as far to say that it's mathematically impossible, at the very least improbable, that there isn't something fishy going on there. • There is still $100m of share buy backs available with a diminishing float. • Still a very high reported short interest. The only way it can logically go down this time is if there is a loss reported, or less than estimates, which looks highly unlikely.


>DRS'd shares combined with insider shares comes out to about 120mil out of 310mil shares outstanding. Can insiders sell? >There's only 190mil shares not locked away. So what? DRS numbers have come to an absolute standstill. Even if they were progressing it doesn’t do shit. Lock the entire float. Go for it. Price doesn’t move a cent until a trade is completed.


Real question, was the DRS play to make it difficult to sell your shares when you wanted to since you have diamond hands and wouldn't be able to easily?  I know it prevented brokerages from selling your shares they don't have ,but I often wonder if so much emphasis would be put on the DRS part so others could profit first.  I probably have too many wrinkles and need to iron them out of my brain.
