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How does a BTC spot ETF track after-hours prices?

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Are you adding a BTC ETF to your portfolio

r/stocksSee Post

Shouldn’t BTC ETF’s trade 24-hrs a day?


22 years old. Roth IRA for the next 40 years. With dividends reinvesting in the security. What do you think? 30% VOO (S&P 500 Index ETF) 15% SCHG (US-Large Cap Growth ETF) 15% FIVFX (Foreign Large Growth Fund) 15% VTI (Total Market Index ETF) 10% SMH (Semiconductor ETF) 5% FBTC (Fidelity Bitcoin Fund) 5% CRWD (CrowdStrike) 5% NVDA (Nvidia)

So, explain to me where the money comes from that Coinbase is able to make on these ETFs. Users who are engaging with the ETFs are paying very close to NAV and losing 0.25% per year in fees. My understanding is that ETFs don't have buy-in fees nor sales fee. They just charge an annual fee taken silently from the NAV of the fund. I think Coinbase takes 0.05% annually for BTC held. That's something like $1M revenue per $2B AUM. With some (mythical) $1T AUM between all the BTC ETFs it custodies, Coinbase could earn about $500M/yr, which I'd consider to be about the best possible scenario and potentially only during limited, frothy, bubbles. However, If the ETF fee market got \~23x larger, there's no chance that Coinbase would command the same fee nor the high marketshare, so $500M/yr in ETF custody revenues might never be possible for Coinbase, even if other tokens get ETFs. Coinbase's main source of revenue is Bitcoin trading. Lately, they've touted their subscription service as being "diversified revenue", but its like a monthly fee instead of per trade. People won't want to pay an unnecessary fee and you'd expect many traders to move over to free unlimited trading ETFs. Since the ETF came out, tons of trading has moved off the platform (in my opinion), because you can trade the ETF for free. If anyone I knew asked how to buy bitcoin, I can just respond $FBTC. I don't have to tell them to download an app, get an account, do advanced trading so you don't get scalped, get 2fa hardware device / crypto hardware wallet, etc. Many retail investors will prefer using their broker, rather than maintaining an additional account with significant security risks and massive fees (2%+ per buy AND sell w/o advanced trading). The main thing I've heard from Coinbase (only listened to part of last call) is that they think the ETFs will be good for the crypto space, which will also be broadly good for Coinbase. I'm not sure regular people care that there's a bitcoin ETF, so I'm not sure it is really drawing in business. You might as well have told people that reticulated splines are now 50% off. Have you met any regular people getting orange-pilled? I have not. TL;DR - Trading revenue will get decimated by ETF. Subscription, custody, base income gonna be weak, especially over time. I'm short, so shits probably gonna rip on earnings Thursday.


Depends on what you hold in your crypto portfolio (does that include proxies, BTC ETF, and miners?). I’m up as well. I plan on selling later this year, swapping FBTC and CLSK for more TSLA. And I recently sold my MSTR (I got in at $368) for TSLA. As you can tell, TSLA is my “to go to” stock for the future.

I’ve done it recently. I sold off XLG for more FBTC, CLSK, MAIN, and TSLA. No regrets so far (even with Tesla. lol ). CLSK is expected to hit between $50 and $70 by the end of the year. I’ll sell that off later to buy more MAIN and TSLA. Also, I may start a position in SPGP for the hell of it.

I'm in on FBTC, Coinbase, and Cleanspark. This summer is gonna be awesome


403b/401k/Roth IRA is 100% Bitcoin. Taxable brokerage account 85/5/5/5 (FBTC/QQQ/XLE/SMH). And then I've got more self custodied Bitcoin.

I have a TSP with 100% allocation to the C fund (65% of my total portfolio). I max it out. I just opened a Roth IRA and brokerage account and between the two I’ve added 10% XMHQ (mid cap quality) 5% AVUV (small cap value) 10% XLK (tech sector) 5% FBTC (bitcoin spot) and the rest FSELX (semiconductor etf)…..and oh yeah about $200 a month into TSLA. I have no experience in this but after the last 7 days of looking around, that’s what I came up with. I have no international exposure and I’m ok with that.

Sell my full market index ETFs and buy FBTC?


Honest question of "Why?" Why bother having any other holdings than an S&P Index fund equivalent? I have spent weeks playing with every software program that compares and rates findings has FXAIX (I use Fidelity as a brokerage) outpacing every single other fund; and quite significantly in a lot of cases. International. Small cap. Mid cap. Value (obviously), other growth options. Beats them all. So really, why diversify outside of S&P Index equivalent funds? Even three fund portfolios? I was contemplating doing a very small amount of FBTC just for fun, but why? 98% of all my holdings in my 403b, HSA, Roth IRA, brokerage, and 529 are FXAIX. I've been thinking, "...maybe I need to get into other holdings." But honestly, why? Is there something I'm missing? I see nothing to sway me from this line of thinking. Am I wrong. Please help me understand what would qualify a change. **Other than allocation changes between equities and bonds as I get older**


> Blackrock has a sizable family office practice, This conversation is focused on their investment products, until you can show me their advisory group singing and dancing about any asset then you're just guessing and attempting to represent as fact. >I could be off-base, but my understanding was that they had incorporated IBIT into certain strategies - I know Fidelity added FBTC to certain target date funds - and this is a big reason why these products were so successful. Sure, but are you attempting to tie this to the prior conversation? Because they're obviously separate. >by incorporating Bitcoin into this mix, they’re risking losing assets if it underperforms. No they aren't lol. These firms have thousands of different products you're honing in on one like it's the most important thing they ever did. Do you think Blackrock is putting all of it's investment might behind like south african bond funds too? I really think some of y'all are so emotionally wrapped up in an asset that you view every comment as hostile towards it even when they're just a person trying to explain how an industry works. Some of y'all would be so much more knowledgeable if you listened and asked questions rather than reflexively trying to argue.


That’s not correct. Blackrock has a sizable family office practice, and solutions for UHNI. They also are actively expanding wealth management capabilities. No, they aren’t like a Merrill Lynch, where you have some boomer with a couple mil letting blackrock run their money, but they certainly operate in the institutional tier of private wealth. I could be off-base, but my understanding was that they had incorporated IBIT into certain strategies - I know Fidelity added FBTC to certain target date funds - and this is a big reason why these products were so successful. There’s also the argument that they have immense retail channel exposure via their products, and even if they aren’t direct allocators, they benefit from allocation. Again, by incorporating Bitcoin into this mix, they’re risking losing assets if it underperforms.


I’ve always been interested in crypto. I’ve made some really good profit over the years. Sadly I wasn’t able to save the money as I had some really bad things happen in life and needed the money. I made about $150,000 on a few $1000 investments back in 2021. I used to hold like 8 bitcoin back in 2011 but those got lost in cyber space. So I’ve always been into crypto but I’m just restarting my investments at 35 and I want to stop working at 55. I was at 5% FBTC but thinking to increase to 10% just to maybe accelerate some growth.


Ya, $10K is all I have in. I am not rich by any means, though dumb enough to put $50 in if I had it :) I liked MSTR and sold at $1900, read about the short interest and didn't get back in. Ended up just buying FBTC instead.


QLD, VOOV, AAPL, IXUS, AVUV, VGT, FMAGX, FBGRX, FSKAX, FBTC Absolutely no idea what I’m doing lol

Is buying FBTC or IBIT better exposure to the BTC? like is there a share conversion to coins


Crypto. Don't want to buy crypto directly? FBTC. Don't want to buy crypto ETFs? COIN. COIN not risky enough for you? CONY. That's about as volitile as you can get with the halving right around the corner. If you want anything more aggressive than thay check your local casino.

Yes. Sell GBTC and buy FBTC.


Yes. Go with FBTC. They’re going to start their 0.25% fee on 8/1/24. Also, out of all the BTC ETF’s, they hold their own coins. Every other ETF stores them on Coinbase.


You should look into FBTC as well.


I’m a crypto degen and I’m here to tell you: please don’t put a significant amount into crypto, especially as crypto markets are just setting new all time highs, *especially* if you have no other investments to fall back on. First, create an account with a major brokerage. I like Fidelity for a bunch of reasons (great funds, better trading tools, more flexible than Vanguard, lets you dabble in crypto if you really want to, great checking account product too) Then ask yourself: if the market saw a big contraction in the next year and your portfolio lost 30% of its value, how would you feel? Do you want to use this money for anything in the next 5 years? 10 years? 20? I’ll say that if you plan to use the money in five years or less, put all of it in a money market fund. SPAXX is great. FDLXX has a roughly similar yield but is not subject to state and local taxes because it invests mostly in treasuries. If you live in a state with income tax or you are a high earner, FDLXX may provide better after-tax returns than SPAXX. You should research more from here if this sounds appealing. If you are not comfortable stomaching a possible 30% loss in value over the next 10 years, you should invest in stocks but tilt more conservative with a bond allocation. Anywhere between 10-40% of the money should go into a low cost, diversified bond fund like BND. The remainder should go into diversified index funds—either some mix of US and International like FSKAX or VTI plus FTIHX or VXUS. Or you could take the lazy (but still extremely valid and maybe even preferable) approach of putting all of your stock allocation—that is, whatever you don’t put into bonds—into a global fund like VT. If you have some risk tolerance and a longer time horizon, I would say it’s worth considering a 5% allocation to Bitcoin either by holding it directly on Fidelity Crypto or Coinbase or whatever, or by holding one of the Bitcoin ETFs like FBTC or IBIT. But don’t go crazy. Crypto his high risk / high reward. Most of the folks you see here will tell you it’s tantamount to gambling. I disagree on balance, but they’re not entirely off base. This is an entire debate unto itself.

Yeah I have a bunch of FBTC..I was just batting around this idea. People have successfully played the arbitrage game between MSTR and the ETFs, selling one to buy the other as their price highs seem offset. I do wonder if MSTR has decoupled from the price of BTC at this point though


FBTC 30%


FBTC 30%


Short-term investment portfolio 1-3years 1. FBTC 30% 2. MARA 10% 3. VOO 10% 4. VGT 10% 5. NVDA 10% 7. XOM 10% 8. CVNA 5% 9. CASH$ 15%

Don’t listen to the naysayers. Had you done this 5 years ago you would be VASTLY further ahead than the folks who held VOO that same time. I did a similar thing a few years back. Took about 10% of my retirement investment and individualized. I based my 10 on what companies I thought would be major backbones of the economy/technology/digital infrastructure 20 years from now. Basically, what companies could be running the world in 20 years. My 10 picks were: Apple Amazon ARKW GBTC Google Netflix Tesla Home Depot Walmart Kroger This was before Covid, before the AI boom and before Bitcoin ETF’s. Picking today my mix would be: Apple Amazon Google Home Depot Kroger Netflix Nvidia Tesla Walmart FBTC

36 Male USA Graduated with doctors degree in 2023 Salary: 120k - 130k Total student loan: 330k under SAVE biden student loan program - 25 years Other debt: 20k - tesla Savings: 10k cash in HYSA / 20k BTC in cold wallet 401k: only doing 4% match amount Roth IRA: Maxed 2023 with BTC ETF(FBTC). For 2024, planning on VTI Investments: Only total 1K on tech stocks: Apple, Microsoft, Google Question: I am currently 36 and I know I am late in the investment game. I want to make sure I have enough funds when I retire around 59 and do part time jobs. What is good invest I can do for the periods of time? I'm unsure this would consider long term but I want to take some risks to increase return. Even though I'm under SAVE plan, I still need to pay the tax on the loan forgivenss, which I think it will be around 100k at age of 61. Any advices I will appreciate it. Thank you.

Ive been contributing to my Roth IRA 100% into FBTC by dollar cost averaging every single paycheck on my way to the $7,000 yearly max. Figured this is a reasonable way to get bitcoin exposure while also contributing to my 401k which is 100% in a large cap sp500 type fund


You can’t transfer investments into an IRA, crypto or otherwise. You’d need to sell, contribute the cash, and rebuy on the other side.  Also, currently securities and crypto have to be held in different accounts. Which isn’t an obstacle or anything, you can have multiple IRAs spread across multiple institutions if you like. You just need to keep your total contributions for the year within the IRS limits (and don’t forget those accounts exist).  If you wanted your crypto, stocks, ETFs, and whatever else in one account, you’d need the crypto to be indirectly owned via a regulated fund like IBIT or FBTC (other brands are available). 


I pretty much just wanted to see if anyone here has FBTC vs. owning actual Bitcoin through something like coin base. Fidelity also has a separate crypto trading account. But like you said, the ETF is easier to maintain.


What’s the actual question? A. FBTC is a good option for Bitcoin exposure without managing your own BTC. B. The Bitcoin halving is not a short term catalyst. The reduction in miner rewards is immediate but for that to actually reflect in price takes time. C. I consider crypto a long term lottery ticket. Called it at 10% of my portfolio. If it skyrockets, terrific I have exposure. If it implodes, it’ll hurt but it won’t doom me.


About 10% of my individual holdings (less than maybe 20% of all my holdings) is FBTC / other crypto related investments. I owned clean spark at 4.95 which is the best miner out there and I think it will easily survive halving, but I sold at 19. That remains as cash for me now and was a once a year big hit for me. But FBTC, or gray scale eth at this point are the only holdings I have / would have this far into the cycle. R/R isn’t there for me anymore to be buying. When BTC was sub 40K it was there. Not anymore


FBTC or BTC would be your best bet right now.


Look into FBTC, CLSK, and MSTR if you want growth.

r/stocksSee Comment

Check out a BTC ETF for growth; FBTC, IBIT, etc.

r/stocksSee Comment

Normal Brokerage: QUBT. 2,000 Shares. Quantum computing company with an actual commercial product. I’ll give it 5 years or so and see how the space works out. Roth IRA: FBTC 1350 shares / BITO 300 Shares. I’ll hold both for the next 20+ years.

r/stocksSee Comment

I bought FBTC which tracks bitcoin. Most likely the most volatile.


FBTC or any Bitcoin ETF.




That's why i got in on FBTC recently since they're the custodian.


Why don’t you considering adding FBTC for added growth?


Up about 2 grand this morning on Robinhood (FBTC). ​ 3:55 eastern time zone stamped


gonna buy puts on FBTC expiring 04/20 since it’s the halving

r/stocksSee Comment

**Roth IRA:** 50% VTI; 30% SCHG; 12% GOOGL and AMZN; 8% SCHD. **Individual Acct:** 33% SOXQ; 31% GOOGL and AMZN; 11% SCHD; 9% XLK; 8% QQQM; 4% VONG; 3% FBTC. ​ 29 years old. Currently contributing $300/week.

You are way more into bonds than you think. Each one of those funds hold a large chunk of bonds. It's well known that S&P500 is the best performing stock based fund on the planet. Just dump all your money into it and stop trying to be smarter than the market. Only about 1% professional traders outperform the stock market, and you're not one of those. Now, if you really want to make some money... put 10% of your portfolio into FBTC or IBTC ETF, and hold it for 18 months. It will be 50% of your portfolio by end of 2025. Good luck to you!


Take some of that money and put it in FBTC (just because Fidelity holds their own BTC). For those who think Bitcoin ETF’s are a bad idea, tell that to Fidelity and Blackrock. lol.


Second the suggestion of opening an IRA. At your income, you should definitely consider the pros/cons of traditional vs backdoor Roth. Personally, I would still pick Roth just to diversify your assets in a sense by having more control over your taxable income in retirement. Plus no RMDs if you want to leave it to your children. As long as you have 3-6 months of expenses in cash, I would max that IRA and put whatever else you can into brokerage. Being young, you can afford to be pretty aggressive. VGT is a great option, but look into QQQM as well. It’s a little more diversified than VGT, but either should outperform VOO. Another one I like is AVUV, which is a tilt to small market cap companies that are deemed undervalued. If you want to get cute, put 5% of your investments into a bitcoin ETF like FBTC in that Roth IRA.


r/stocksSee Comment

This post is a few months old now, but I hold between 30 & 40% of FBTC in my ROTH and Taxable accounts. I also hold BTC as well.


I decided I needed to spend $800 on FBTC at Bitcoin’s near ATH. I figure it'll be up 10% in 2027.


IBIT and FBTC. If it pans out a 5% allocation could be life changing and maybe worth the risk for you


FBTC and hold until retirement.

r/stocksSee Comment

I’m 22. $20k. I stopped picking stocks because I’ve been bag holding Tesla since 2021. I allocate my disposable income like so. Roth IRA: FZROX (Similar to VTI) - 40% QQQM - 30% FBTC - 20% FZILX (Similar to VXUS) - 10% Individual: QQQM - 30% Bitcoin - 25% Ethereum - 25% SMH - 20% SMH will probably change one day but QQQ forever.

They are making much, much less money on custody versus sales. Retail would pay up to 2% for a buy or sell. Now, they can more easily trade $FBTC, reducing Coinbase's revenue dramatically. They are touting their subscription revenue growth, but that should just be clumped into their retail trading fees. Coinbase still can make money selling alt coins, but not having the Bitcoin cash cow should be a huge gut punch once this hype cycle slows down.


Depends on your goals. I’m going on 43 and I don’t want to work until I’m almost 60. 😆 I only have growth investments. My personal portfolio consists of TSLA (highly underrated right now), MSTR, CLSK, and FBTC. I also hold crypto; BTC, SOL, and NOS. I recently started a personal ROTH (separate from my job). That consists of TSLA, FBTC, BITF, and MAIN. I mainly lean towards crypto and AI. For you, you can look into the names I mentioned above, or do something as simple as SCHG (or VONG) and throw in FBTC.

FBTC - in 4 years there will be another halving. And if history continues, it will outperform everything else.


56% US stocks 4% US leveraged bonds 38% International Stocks 2% FBTC (Bitcoin)


Yes. I would also study Bitcoin too so you understand where it’s going and why people need it. There are plenty of good resources out there. *The Bitcoin Standard* is a great book. [This video is]( one of the best introductions out there. Michael Saylor is also a great resource. He’s one of the best experts out there and there are plenty of videos of him discussing Bitcoin. There are two ways that I believe are the best ways to gain exposure to Bitcoin. The safest is to just buy one of the Bitcoin ETFs. FBTC (Fidelity) and IBIT (Blackrock) are two good ones. This offers you easy access to Bitcoin and it’s protected by these institutions. The second way is to get a hardware wallet and store your keys offline. This means you become your own bank. This comes with much greater responsibility. However, it is the best thing to do if you want to own your own Bitcoin. Storing Bitcoin yourself means you fully own the asset yourself. It’s 100% yours. If you want to own a hardware wallet you *need* to research how to keep your Bitcoin safe. It isn’t complicated, but don’t go in blind. I invest in Bitcoin using a Trezor hardware wallet and FBTC. It spreads the risk around in a way that I like.


No. Indices update once a minute. For stocks/ETFs it depends on where they are listed. For example the Bitcoin ETF I own (FBTC) updates every 15 minutes on Google Finance. I recommended Tradingview because that is realtime.




1% of your net woRth = FBTC


Might sell some VXUS to get more FBTC

r/stocksSee Comment

I think we're going on bull run #3 for NVDA and we see a stock split somewhere between $1k and $1.5k per share. GTC heavily influenced my decision. I rebalance twice a year. I would say if these positions grew to near 50% of my port value I would sell to rebalance towards 90/5/5 SWTSX/NVDL/FBTC. Otherwise, I will leave as-is because it's long-term position in my IRA

Hey bro I bought some FBTC in my Roth too

r/stocksSee Comment

20 NVDL 21 FBTC \*5% of my IRA port and plan on holding minimum 20 years Might pick up PLTR if we get under $20

I just split $2K 50/50 between NVDL and FBTC in my IRA....5% of pORT Don't plan on selling for another 25-30 years? Chat, am I gonna be rich?

r/stocksSee Comment

I just split $2K 50/50 between NVDL and FBTC in my IRA....5% of pORT Don't plan on selling for another 25-30 years? Chat, am I gonna be rich?


I just split $2K 50/50 between NVDL and FBTC in my IRA....5% of pORT Don't plan on selling for another 25-30 years? Chat, am I gonna be rich?


Not quite true. Most (all but one) of these ETF's use coinbase as the custodian for their BTC. Fidelity, as far as I know, is the only one that self-custodians their own BTC for their fund. FBTC is also waiving their exp ratio for a few months.


And FYI, Schwab offers all of them. I have a bit in all, majority in FBTC.


FBTC - Fidelity’s spot Bitcoin ETF is my #1 choice. Do some reading on it. They have some key differences compared to the other competitors in that market. A short vid highlighting some of those:


Adding shares of $MSTR $FBTC & $BTC on any dips


Two years ago: Solana. Now, people are starting to catch on. Not to mention, the Solana ecosystem. There’s some outstanding projects going on within it. All of which are investment opportunities. People may not understand the crypto world but they should learn about it. While the S&P is the benchmark for investing, why should I invest in it to get 10-12% per year, when I can make that per month in certain crypto investments and/or in a Bitcoin ETF? FBTC is just one example.

r/stocksSee Comment

At 16, yeah… just buy more QQQ. Count your blessings on that options trade, and stop doing it. Or (here come the downvotes) buy $5k of FBTC. Regardless, when I was 16, I’d have spent that $18k on the dumbest shit imaginable, so congrats on being a step ahead of the vast majority of the world.


Yes, I’d put IBIT/FBTC/BITB all in the same category with small differences between them. As the comment below says, IBIT has highest AUM, FBTC custodies their own BTC which is appealing to me, BITB donates a portion of their fees to Bitcoin developers which I think is a great move as well. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy any of the above 3 ETFs 

Yes, I’d put IBIT/FBTC/BITB all in the same category with small differences between them. As the comment below says, IBIT has highest AUM, FBTC custodies their own BTC which is appealing to me, BITB donates a portion of their fees to Bitcoin developers which I think is a great move as well. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy any of the above 3 ETFs 

If you just want to hold BTC on an exchange you might as well just buy the ETF like BITB/FBTC/IBIT. The ETFs are also the best option for retirement accounts.  I’d also recommend spending some time learning about bitcoin and separately buying a small amount of it to play with, transfer to a self custody wallet, spend, and get a better understanding of how it works. 

r/investingSee Comment

I’m at Fidelity. I got a Roth. I trade stocks and options. I think we can buy FBTC. Options come next.


IBIT & FBTC in that account.


FBTC, the new and digital gold...just the beginning...allocate ASAP before priced out


FBTC can't ignore


He's doing what's called gambling. He has a way out called bankruptcy if his investments don't work. Can it work? Yes. How big is his debt and how big is his shovel (income)? So if it fails, and he still has debt, can he pay it off still? Scenario: he has $30,000 in debt. He puts $10,000 into FBTC. It goes 4x. He sells. Now he paid off his debt... Or not. The smarter way of to pay off high interest credit cards bc that's like making 25% on your money annually.

r/investingSee Comment

Bitcoin or a Bitcoin ETF (FBTC) is a great hedge. Personally, I own both. No complaints.

r/investingSee Comment

I’m in the same boat as you (going on 43). My goals aren’t the same as yours but, I chose riskier investments (high potential growth); TSLA, FBTC, SCHG, BITF, and MAIN (for some dividends & slow growth). You could try investing in SCHG (growth) and SGOV (short treasury bonds)? Or look into DGRW (could add SCHG with this, for extra growth)? Good growth with some monthly dividends and nice downside protection in a crappy market.

But about 20k of Fidelity Bitcoin (FBTC). I hope the Saylor bulls are chargin' tomorrow.


You’re not the only one. I’ve always felt that way as well. I never liked the fact that my money is locked into an account until “x” age. Where there’s more penalties than there is positivity. Especially, when it comes to pensions (which I have). However, I do invest in my own personal, taxable account. And now, going on 43 years old, I just started my own personal ROTH (for the hell of it). Just for an extra boost down the road. That gets my growth stocks and one BDC (TSLA, FBTC, SCHG, and MAIN). But I still feel you’re better off investing in your own taxable brokerage then being locked into anything.

FBTC. Fidelity holds their own Bitcoin. Other Bitcoin ETF’s store theirs on Coinbase. It’s only going to continue to grow.

r/investingSee Comment

Did you ever cash out or did you hold? I noticed Fidelity has FBTC. I wonder if this is any dofferent.


I've only had gains on both my btc etfs with IBIT and FBTC. So, I don't know what these guys are talking about, but it's a solid investment. White House predicts BTC at 350k by 2035, so there's that.


Exactly what I noticed too. But I was reluctant to sell the FBTC for some dumb reason.


I noticed this trend recently and dumped all my FBTC for MSTR and it has performed way better. I imagine it won't last at the same pace, but riding it for now.


Today's returns when comparing MSTR with FBTC. Today was 3.5x the rate of the ETFs.


Because getting a break on half the fees would cut the total fees you pay considerably? Think of it this way, you have 10 BTC worth of GBTC at a 1.5% fee. They roll out this new product were now your 10 BTC stack is paying 1% fees due to the discount. OR You sell all your GBTC, pay your taxes (we'll use 25%) and buy 7.5 BTC worth of FBTC at .5% fees (I don't know what its fees are). You're saying that you'd rather pay 2.5 BTC worth of taxes to save .5% in management fees but I'm saying i'd rather have the 2.5 more BTC at a slightly higher fee.


Just buy FBTC or IBIT regards


I SOLD BA shares & Bought PUTS 19APR $190 Strike @ $5.55 and BUYing FBTC (CRYPTO ETFs) I've already made 200% on PUTs. This POS should be at $120 (2022 Low). Boeing Orders/ Production stalled. IF contracts aren't fulfilled countries will switch and buy AIRBUS.


I've been holding FSELX, FBTC. It's tech heavy but very profitable so far. I strayed away from an international fund cause it's just not done very well. I know it's a bogle method to hold an international one but until there's a tech burst or something, I'm fine with my 25-50% returns on FBTC & FSELX. My Roth has FSKAX & FSPGX 70/30 respectively.