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r/BitcoinSee Post

THIS RUN IS A FALSE PROPHET. NUPL JUST HIT THE ORANGE ZONE. PREPARE FOR A CRASH. Look into the past to find the future. No financial advice.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

GREEN ZONE Pancakeswap Launch today

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Uniquely Designed Blockchain Based on Real-Life Use Cases Crypto That Has Never Seen Before

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Uniquely Designed Blockchain Based on Real-Life Use Cases Crypto That Has Never Seen Before

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

Uniquely Designed Blockchain Based on Real-Life Use Cases Crypto That Has Never Seen Before

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post


r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

ZoneFire | Just Launched on Pancakeswap | No Dev wallet | Anti-Whale | Audit & KYC |the Next x1000 GEM |CMC & CG Listing soon

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

ZoneFire Fair Launch In 5 minutes on BSC | No Dev wallets | Anti-Whale | Audit & KYC |the Next x1000 GEM |CMC & CG Listing after Launch

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

ZoneFire Fair Launch In 15 minutes on BSC | No Dev wallets | Anti-Whale | Audit & KYC |the Next x1000 GEM |CMC & CG Listing after Launch

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Safe zone way undervalued utility token

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

SafeZoneV2| Launching Today ! | Join Now

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

-|- Safe Zone v2 -|- Presale Live

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Check it out In a dip Uptrend started Might be a good long term hold

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Snoop Floki Dog💎 | Community Centered Token | Airdrop | Fun zone🎮 | NFT incoming | x10 Potential

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

META ZONE New BSC Gem | Fair Launch: December 16th, 15:30 UTC |Automatic rewards in AXS | Mint NFT



r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Builder here. Our Dev just built the first "Soroban" Smart Contract NFT Marketplace on the Stellar Network 8888ZONE. This allows artists to collect royalties. The tech is absolutely superb right now. Seeing people in countries with brutal inflation be able to convert their paychecks to $USDC with $USDC /Moneygram on Vibrant or Lobstr is so exciting. Paul Wong just posted how he literally travels without a credit card because of the MoneyGram USDC. Lol that's crazy. I'm not against the Bull runs as theu are absolutely necessary to bring cash flow into the industry, but for me being able to move value in seconds, for near zero fees, without restrictions; magnifique!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

you can't see it? let me paint you a picture of a potential future. first: the past 2018, market is riding along just fine, some uncertainty over the future election in 2020, still talking about how a crash is inevitable, it's been 10 years, after all, but we aren't seeing it. 2019, market is still doing well! there really just isn't a cloud in the sky - all the naysayers say it will crash, but things keep moving along, and the speed at which housing is climbing? oof, if you don't buy now you might not get to! :D 2020, covid hits and we think it might be the bubonic plague, stocks go TOILET-ZONE but in the absence of immediate global death, panic turns to hope as we shift all focus to "digital solutions for WFH" -- Zoom, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, Disney stocks all skyrocketing as people go online for work and play... Soon Everyone who has Any cash at hand is playing the big roulette of the new digital bullrun. swept up in the madness? Bitcoin and it's friends. talks of NFTs and Metaverse run Wild. 2021, there is so much money in the space now, where do you invest? it's clear where the winners are, tech! video streaming! digital currencies! ...right? ...right? --vaccines are released. 2022, the vaccines seem to work, it's been 2 years since covid panic swept the globe and people want to travel again, they've learned how important human interactions are and they throw their computers in the trash (jokes), but really, now that everything is "going back to the way things were" -- the big question is, what does that look like again? CAN we even go back? a lot of small businesses closed... some people still refuse to leave their houses. on top of it all, Russia invades Ukraine kicking off fears of ww3... with everything in the air, only one thing is certain -- the bull is exhausted, and people want to know they didn't just all buy in at the top of the run. with Ukraine locked in war for MONTHS, there is no certain end in sight; this conflict will persist and all Ukraine's major exports are at risk: Grains, oil, especially. everything crashes as the top players shift weight from Tech to Food. farmers on social media warn the summer of 2023 will be expensive as all grains and food they buy for their pigs and chickens, etc, has now doubled in price. 2023, the crashing markets in 2022 and the rising inflation to curb spending is sweeping the globe. Inflation world-wide is insane and people everywhere stick money in bitcoin as their local currencies deflate. bitcoin goes up and champions note "the halving." meanwhile sales are down across most industries. Cars aren't selling. housing sales slow. high interest rates are working to curb spending. the rest of the year sees people continue to struggle. the few who can are Saving instead of spending. investing in things like bitcoin, and other stocks. -- on paper the economy looks okay, lots of investment, low unemployment, absolutely nothing to worry about -- "if this is a recession, it's a damn good one, because none of the numbers are suggesting it to be as bad as people are complaining it is." now here's what could be next: 2024, a remarkably abysmal holiday season sees some of the lost christmas spending in decades. the working classes continue complaining about low wages, high rent and mortgage rates, and most importantly: The High Cost of FOOD (remember when those savvy investors shifted from tech to food?) the interest rates start to ease up and the wealthy pull out their checkbooks, buying up even more land, more assets, etc. Stagflation abounds as the rich continue to thrive while the working class struggles to pay for heating. there's an election and it doesn't go the way everyone thought. companies tighten further, thousands more are laid off, Bitcoin goes up in excitement! ...but the reality of increasing prices means most hodlers need to sell to make ends meet. Companies keep laying people off due to middling sales. more people sell bitcoin to pay rent, but the price of bitcoin is waning now and is back to 30k with such a loss in faith in this asset from the people who cannot wait 20 years for "the future" to embrace them, they sell at a loss to keep the lights on. meanwhile the hodlers keep the dream alive. "that wasn't the bullrun, it's just starting. there was a mini-crash in 2019 too before the last bull, keep hope alive!" 2025, it gets worse. 2028, things get better, marginally, now that the last of the boomers have retired. no more holdouts in congress, the world is in the hands of Gen X, the Millennials, and a handful of GenZ kids who are now turning 30 and demand to not suffer the same life the Millennials did. Big Time Riots. Black Lives Matter, Trucker Protests, Free Palestine, Unite the Right -- these will seem like such temporary causes in hindsight as the protests of the future bring everyone together like they had during the Wall Street Protests. -- some people point to currency being the problem: maybe bitcoin? ...but it's been too many years and the fed is 1 step ahead. they knew this day would come, and they rollout: the new USD-CBDCs! bitcoin begins a new battle - the attempt to convince people not to take the easy road...

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

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r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Get in the zone - ACCUMULATION ZONE

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It is indeed the **DANGER ZONE**

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Still cheap. Might as well grab more sats while we can. Accumulation ZONE

r/BitcoinSee Comment

u get that this exact post came out months ago, only the title was "Under 40k = BUY ZONE"

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Some space away from 28k would be nice. Quite happy to crab between 32-34k for as long as it takes, but sub 30k is DANGER ZONE and we've already flirted with the devil once already, albeit a flash crash. Still, 29k is too tempting for big shorts.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I can’t the only one here who always thinks about Danny Brown - Dip DON’T LET ME ENTER MY ZONE *…just me? okay kl*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Some people live life in the fast lane, others take the pedestrian overpass That's why I just picked up 13,5000 LUNA for $40 on OSMOSIS ZONE

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

*Highway to the ANXIETY ZONE*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Holding an AFK elephants, earns you premium tiers. Increased staking rewards with their ZONE, airdrops, no fee for playing zone games, certain rarity gives you free entrance to sport events, gaming rewards upgrade etc.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

**SURE FEELS LIKE YOU"RE ADVERTISING DEFI IN THE BTC FASCIST ZONE**... No seriously... where does Bitcoin staking have returns without being an Alt coin Token? Where can I use BTC to get APY that IS NOT custody based or off the core blockchain? I've been banned for comments from this place, **lets get fair here...**

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You’re about to enter *archer voice* the DANGER ZONE


SAFE ZONE TOKEN (SAFU) RoadMap2022 Q1: 1. Develop the Concept ✅ 2. Launch SAFU Token On BSC ✅ 3. Hit 100 Holders ✅ 4. Hit 30k Market Cap ✅ 5. Complete 1st Stage of Marketing Campaign✅ 6. Launch SAFU TOOLS APP 7 Start 2nd Stage of Marketing Campaign 8. Launch SAFU NFTs 9. Launch P2E GAME 10. Hit 500 Holders 11. Hit 1 Million Market Cap 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 [HIGHLIGHTS] SAFU TOOLS APP: Will be an app and website which monitors SAFU TOKENS, just released or stablished gems that will apply for a SAFU REVIEW, so we will create a real SAFE ZONE. SAFU P2E GAME: Will be a video game P2E where we will be able to play and earn SAFU TOKENS just for playing a really fun videogame that will be announced and released in the next couple of days.

SAFE ZONE TOKEN (SAFU) RoadMap2022 Q1: 1. Develop the Concept ✅ 2. Launch SAFU Token On BSC ✅ 3. Hit 100 Holders ✅ 4. Hit 30k Market Cap ✅ 5. Complete 1st Stage of Marketing Campaign✅ 6. Launch SAFU TOOLS APP 7 Start 2nd Stage of Marketing Campaign 8. Launch SAFU NFTs 9. Launch P2E GAME 10. Hit 500 Holders 11. Hit 1 Million Market Cap 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 [HIGHLIGHTS] SAFU TOOLS APP: Will be an app and website which monitors SAFU TOKENS, just released or stablished gems that will apply for a SAFU REVIEW, so we will create a real SAFE ZONE. SAFU P2E GAME: Will be a video game P2E where we will be able to play and earn SAFU TOKENS just for playing a really fun videogame that will be announced and released in the next couple of days.

SAFE ZONE TOKEN (SAFU) RoadMap2022 Q1: 1. Develop the Concept ✅ 2. Launch SAFU Token On BSC ✅ 3. Hit 100 Holders ✅ 4. Hit 30k Market Cap ✅ 5. Complete 1st Stage of Marketing Campaign✅ 6. Launch SAFU TOOLS APP 7 Start 2nd Stage of Marketing Campaign 8. Launch SAFU NFTs 9. Launch P2E GAME 10. Hit 500 Holders 11. Hit 1 Million Market Cap 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 [HIGHLIGHTS] SAFU TOOLS APP: Will be an app and website which monitors SAFU TOKENS, just released or stablished gems that will apply for a SAFU REVIEW, so we will create a real SAFE ZONE. SAFU P2E GAME: Will be a video game P2E where we will be able to play and earn SAFU TOKENS just for playing a really fun videogame that will be announced and released in the next couple of days.

SAFE ZONE TOKEN (SAFU) RoadMap2022 Q1: 1. Develop the Concept ✅ 2. Launch SAFU Token On BSC ✅ 3. Hit 100 Holders ✅ 4. Hit 30k Market Cap ✅ 5. Complete 1st Stage of Marketing Campaign✅ 6. Launch SAFU TOOLS APP 7 Start 2nd Stage of Marketing Campaign 8. Launch SAFU NFTs 9. Launch P2E GAME 10. Hit 500 Holders 11. Hit 1 Million Market Cap 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 [HIGHLIGHTS] SAFU TOOLS APP: Will be an app and website which monitors SAFU TOKENS, just released or stablished gems that will apply for a SAFU REVIEW, so we will create a real SAFE ZONE. SAFU P2E GAME: Will be a video game P2E where we will be able to play and earn SAFU TOKENS just for playing a really fun videogame that will be announced and released in the next couple of days.

SAFE ZONE TOKEN (SAFU) RoadMap2022 Q1: 1. Develop the Concept ✅ 2. Launch SAFU Token On BSC ✅ 3. Hit 100 Holders ✅ 4. Hit 30k Market Cap ✅ 5. Complete 1st Stage of Marketing Campaign✅ 6. Launch SAFU TOOLS APP 7 Start 2nd Stage of Marketing Campaign 8. Launch SAFU NFTs 9. Launch P2E GAME 10. Hit 500 Holders 11. Hit 1 Million Market Cap 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 [HIGHLIGHTS] SAFU TOOLS APP: Will be an app and website which monitors SAFU TOKENS, just released or stablished gems that will apply for a SAFU REVIEW, so we will create a real SAFE ZONE. SAFU P2E GAME: Will be a video game P2E where we will be able to play and earn SAFU TOKENS just for playing a really fun videogame that will be announced and released in the next couple of days.

SAFE ZONE TOKEN (SAFU) RoadMap2022 Q1: 1. Develop the Concept ✅ 2. Launch SAFU Token On BSC ✅ 3. Hit 100 Holders ✅ 4. Hit 30k Market Cap ✅ 5. Complete 1st Stage of Marketing Campaign✅ 6. Launch SAFU TOOLS APP 7 Start 2nd Stage of Marketing Campaign 8. Launch SAFU NFTs 9. Launch P2E GAME 10. Hit 500 Holders 11. Hit 1 Million Market Cap 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 [HIGHLIGHTS] SAFU TOOLS APP: Will be an app and website which monitors SAFU TOKENS, just released or stablished gems that will apply for a SAFU REVIEW, so we will create a real SAFE ZONE. SAFU P2E GAME: Will be a video game P2E where we will be able to play and earn SAFU TOKENS just for playing a really fun videogame that will be announced and released in the next couple of days.

SAFE ZONE TOKEN (SAFU) RoadMap2022 Q1: 1. Develop the Concept ✅ 2. Launch SAFU Token On BSC ✅ 3. Hit 100 Holders ✅ 4. Hit 30k Market Cap ✅ 5. Complete 1st Stage of Marketing Campaign✅ 6. Launch SAFU TOOLS APP 7 Start 2nd Stage of Marketing Campaign 8. Launch SAFU NFTs 9. Launch P2E GAME 10. Hit 500 Holders 11. Hit 1 Million Market Cap 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 [HIGHLIGHTS] SAFU TOOLS APP: Will be an app and website which monitors SAFU TOKENS, just released or stablished gems that will apply for a SAFU REVIEW, so we will create a real SAFE ZONE. SAFU P2E GAME: Will be a video game P2E where we will be able to play and earn SAFU TOKENS just for playing a really fun videogame that will be announced and released in the next couple of days.

SAFE ZONE TOKEN (SAFU) RoadMap2022 Q1: 1. Develop the Concept ✅ 2. Launch SAFU Token On BSC ✅ 3. Hit 100 Holders ✅ 4. Hit 30k Market Cap ✅ 5. Complete 1st Stage of Marketing Campaign✅ 6. Launch SAFU TOOLS APP 7 Start 2nd Stage of Marketing Campaign 8. Launch SAFU NFTs 9. Launch P2E GAME 10. Hit 500 Holders 11. Hit 1 Million Market Cap 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 [HIGHLIGHTS] SAFU TOOLS APP: Will be an app and website which monitors SAFU TOKENS, just released or stablished gems that will apply for a SAFU REVIEW, so we will create a real SAFE ZONE. SAFU P2E GAME: Will be a video game P2E where we will be able to play and earn SAFU TOKENS just for playing a really fun videogame that will be announced and released in the next couple of days.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lol exactly what i was going to say. Also, what's with all this loopring shilling? Oh and this crappy Sol coin that is definitely never hoing to moon.... Ada... Did i mention we ahould never buy btc or eth because too many people talk about it? DEFinitely don't buy algo and actually try using it because, and this part is actually serious, you probably won't want to buy any of those other L1s anymore. In all seriousness, I used ETH's defi ecosystem like crazy when it first popped up and it was obvious it was going to explode and then become unusable one day. Been using Algorand's ecosystem since day 1 (first apps this summer) and, once again it is obvious this is going to explode but I don't see this becoming unusable one day. I truly think it is the actual future L1 that we'll all be using 2022+. If you're not accumulating ASA alt coins then you're prepare to relive the fomo of seeing ETH's defi ecosystem take off without you once again. I'd recommend YLDY, OPUL, SMILE, and soon AlgoFi, ZONE, FolksFinance, XGLI and lots more down the road lol. Just got a bridge for BTC and ETH (AlgoMint GoBTC and GoETH). Liquidity staking coming. GlitterFinance bridging from SOL, DOT, etc to bring more value over as well... This is on the very cusp.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on SNIPE ZONE. My new favorite band.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

In order to stay fresh, I have taken to saying 'Does anybody have any chips for this dip?' while in public places like restaurants, and then I make brutally long unbroken eye contact with the nearest person and do that wide-eyed laugh that encourages then to fake-laugh back, and then I look around with my tractor beam gaze to pull other innocent bystanders unto the moment. Back the fuck up, I'M IN THE FUCKIN ZONE
