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Bringing privacy, security and performance to the Internet of Things using IOTA and usage control

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Top 5 Crypto Projects in Supply Chain

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Can the 6G potential transform crypto like AI did? Even though the technology may take a while to be fully implemented, is it too early to make a position now?

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Quantum computing and blockchain - which projects are at the forefront?

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IOTA Expands to Abu Dhabi With A $100M Foundation

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Digital solutions to scale high integrity carbon markets

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IOTA is the first registered DLT foundation under ADGM in Abu Dhabi, UAE

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First Registered DLT Foundation Under ADGM in Abu Dhabi, UAE

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Constellation DAG: A Potential Moonshot in Big Data and Blockchain

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IOTA, the future of the Internet

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A new tokenomics model--Is this what fairness looks like?

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What are the advantages/disadvantages of IOTA

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Multifaceted Role of AI in Cryptocurrency:

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How do projects get listed on an exchange?

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Why not every Altcoin will Perform the same as the last Bullrun.


Better leverage is using a margin account and short a basket of zombie projects. For example. You put 1000 in the account, you invest 2000 long in your favorite coins (at least 3 of them to avoid being easily liquidated) and short 1000 in zombie projects like XRP, ADA, EOS, MANA, IOTA. better in several of them so there is lower risk of liquidation if there is a big pump in one of them. Usually I short more whatever coin has pumped the most among my zombie projects. And repay later after the unavoidable dump. This strategy works for me quite well because the interest paid isn’t big, and said zombie projects keep losing positions in the coin ranking

* Related Cointest topics: [DAG](, [Ethereum](, [IOTA](, [NANO]( * Related subreddits: r/Hedera, r/Ethereum, r/nanocurrency, r/Iota. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cqf4ta/ripple_joins_algorand_and_hedera_in_multichain/l3qwce6/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


I don't understand why are people are so impressed by such things? IOTA literally has 0 fees and greater scalability possibilities... I suppose people are cheering for their favourite alt where they gambled their extra fiat. We're all the same in that regard I guess.


Hedera calls its architecture a hashgraph, which is a specific type of DAG, (Directed Acyclic Graph). There are plenty of DAGs like Nano, IOTA, Hedera, Kaspa. They are all incredibly fast and incredibly cheap compared to blockchains. The downside is that their architecture is more complex and requires validators to order their transactions as they arrive. Slightly different than the typical mempool. They also do not have true blocks, but they can have virtual or artificial blocks, which are just transactions packaged together over a period of time. Also not necessarily a bad thing.


IOTA and NXT highest ROI crypto projects? What am I getting wrong?


Qubic is one of the most revolutionary project (if not the most) this cycle. Fair launch, no VCs, created by Sergey Ivancheglo (founder of IOTA and NXT, the no.1 and no.2 highest ROI crypto projects). Absolute genius. It’s worth looking into Qubic.


IOTA, NANO, and whatever other bags I will hang onto forever.


People are still falling for the same tricks. Back in the day we had “BMW is using IOTA!” “IBM is using Stellar!” None of it amounted to anything.


* Related Cointest topics: [DAG](, [Ethereum](, [IOTA](, [NANO]( * Related subreddits: r/Hedera, r/Ethereum, r/nanocurrency, r/Iota. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/1cfqfbf/cold_wallet_suggestion_i_have_a_good_amount_of/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


* Relevant Cointest topics: [DAG](, [IOTA](, [Hedera]( * Relevant subreddits: r/NanoCurrency, r/IOTA, r/Obyte. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cfmxkz/why_did_fast_cheap_cryptos_like_nano_and_algo_die/l1q6h1d/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


I don't want to pour water on your hype, but I'm just saying as someone who got in in 2017 and has avoided getting seriously burned... A lot of what I've seen over the past several years is people buying future promises of performance, and then those promises never materialize. Or they take way longer than expected. Most notable ones I can think of are REQ, which actually did end up pulling through with a lot of what they said they'd do, but took so long that everyone who bought in got burned and has a bad taste in their mouths about it. The other being IOTA which has been promising the removal of their coordinator to make itself decentralized this entire time, but the coordinator is still there. Coordicide was being anticipated practically "very soon" since 2018, and you'll still find people hanging onto that promise even today almost 6 years later. I don't know anything about Kaspa, and you might end up being right on all points. But be wary of promises of future performance being presented as today's selling point unless it's a risk you can afford to take.


> $ALGO has more potential developments on its roadmap  Really? - They used investor money from token dumps to buy dead file sharing companies Napster and Limewire. Are they planning on buying Kazaa or eMule? - How many more billion tokens is the Foundation dumping? - How many more billion tokens is the Foundation going to create and will Silvio Micali get another 20% founders gift after they run out of money? And you know shitcoin foundaitons like Algorand that like dumping on investors are guaranteed to increase the supply after they run out of money - NEM which was staple top 10 crypto in 2017/18 increased its supply with a new token when the Foundation ran out of money - Stratis which was a top 10 crypto in 2017 increased its supply with a new token when they ran out of money - IOTA which was once a top 5 crypto increased its supply by 60% recently when they ran out of money - CRO did a 2nd ICO where the original token holders went from holding "0.002% of the supply to only holding is only worth 0.00001%" in a "major switch scam." - Polygon is increasing its supply by 20% to give 10% to node operators and 10% to the Polygon team - RocketPool tokens went from a hard limit of 18M to 5% infinite inflation to pay for development

Why not IOTA?


"IOTA is going to be the backbone for the "machine to machine (M2M) economy, this will become the underlying protocol for the internet of things" lmfao


Most hyped tech meme narratives from the the 2017/18 cycle... - April 2017 --> XRP is the Standard! Banks are about to adopt XRP while you invest in joke projects. - May 2017 --> Stratis is the future of Blockchain tech, smart contracts written in C#. Devs are going to flock to the platform - June 2017 --> IOTA is going to be the backbone for the "machine to machine (M2M) economy, this will become the underlying protocol for the internet of things" - July 2017 --> SIA and Golem are going to revolutionize tech creating a paradigm shift in storage and computing. This isn't like 2013 meme coins, we have serious projects in 2017. - August 2017 --> NEO is the Chinese Ethereum, programmable in multiple languages, developer community only second to Ethereum, embraced by China, the market the potential is massive - September 2017 --> Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin. Bigger blocks, blockstream sucks, Roger Ver is the lord and saviour. - October 2017 --> OMG is going to bank the unbanked. The future of blockchain. Scaling Ethereum L2 with Plasma! Just look at the team. Lightning Network creator Joseph Poon. Vitalik himself is an advisor! - November 2017 --> Vertcoin because ASIC resistance is the future - December 2017 --> REQuest Network is the most important financial project to crypto. They are a Y-Combinator startup so you know they are very aggressive! - January 2018 --> Raiblocks (NANO) is fast and feeless and will kill every inefficient blockchain currency - February 2018 --> Vechain is going to be the first crypto with enterprise adoption. Look at all those partnerships. Look at the technology, the project is a copy pasta of the Ethereum code base but it's Chinese innovation nonetheless. - March 2018 --> ICON, it's the Korean Ethereum, they're partnered with a ton of Korean banks, hospitals, universities....and you know Koreans support their own projects. ...reminds us not to give up on your bullshit tech innovation narratives. Your shitcoin is not going to die because people will rather baghold forever than admit they are wrong... 2021 > Don't confuse short term price action with long-term fundamentals. Nano works, ever better, and that's starting to be recognised > You should check out what ICX has done, is doing and will do during these years....Agreed. Not even remotely dead. > (REQ) are definitely not dead, they are currently building an escrow system that will ultimately allow for invoice financing for projects in the crypto space....The team has a very practical mentality, focussing on product and adoption. Currently almost a thousand businesses are using Request to process their payments, adoption increasing almost exponentially keep holding DOT, ALGO, etc whatever bullshit tech you bought the last cycle. The market is wrong, you are right and there is no way you got scammed. Now go make a post about what big scams meme coins are -- that'll really make you feel and look smart.

Most hyped tech meme narratives from the the 2017/18 cycle... - April 2017 --> XRP is the Standard! Banks are about to adopt XRP while you invest in joke projects. - May 2017 --> Stratis is the future of Blockchain tech, smart contracts written in C#. Devs are going to flock to the platform - June 2017 --> IOTA is going to be the backbone for the "machine to machine (M2M) economy, this will become the underlying protocol for the internet of things" - July 2017 --> SIA and Golem are going to revolutionize tech creating a paradigm shift in storage and computing. This isn't like 2013 meme coins, we have serious projects in 2017. - August 2017 --> NEO is the Chinese Ethereum, programmable in multiple languages, developer community only second to Ethereum, embraced by China, the market the potential is massive - September 2017 --> Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin. Bigger blocks, blockstream sucks, Roger Ver is the lord and saviour. - October 2017 --> OMG is going to bank the unbanked. The future of blockchain. Scaling Ethereum L2 with Plasma! Just look at the team. Lightning Network creator Joseph Poon. Vitalik himself is an advisor! - November 2017 --> Vertcoin because ASIC resistance is the future - December 2017 --> REQuest Network is the most important financial project to crypto. They are a Y-Combinator startup so you know they are very aggressive! - January 2018 --> Raiblocks (NANO) is fast and feeless and will kill every inefficient blockchain currency - February 2018 --> Vechain is going to be the first crypto with enterprise adoption. Look at all those partnerships. Look at the technology, the project is a copy pasta of the Ethereum code base but it's Chinese innovation nonetheless. - March 2018 --> ICON, it's the Korean Ethereum, they're partnered with a ton of Korean banks, hospitals, universities....and you know Koreans support their own projects. ...reminds us not to give up on your bullshit tech innovation narratives. Your shitcoin is not going to die because people will rather baghold forever than admit they are wrong... 2021 > Don't confuse short term price action with long-term fundamentals. Nano works, ever better, and that's starting to be recognised > You should check out what ICX has done, is doing and will do during these years....Agreed. Not even remotely dead. > (REQ) are definitely not dead, they are currently building an escrow system that will ultimately allow for invoice financing for projects in the crypto space....The team has a very practical mentality, focussing on product and adoption. Currently almost a thousand businesses are using Request to process their payments, adoption increasing almost exponentially keep holding DOT, ALGO, etc whatever bullshit tech you bought the last cycle. The market is wrong, you are right and there is no way you got scammed. Now go make a post about what big scams meme coins are -- that'll really make you feel and look smart.

* Related Cointest topics: [DAG](, [Ethereum](, [IOTA](, [NANO]( * Related subreddits: r/Hedera, r/Ethereum, r/nanocurrency, r/Iota. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cchizm/blackrock_has_no_commercial_relationship_with/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


Ha. IOTA did the same thing some years back claiming a "Microsoft partnership". It was blamed on people misinterpreting the announcement. The trick is you quote the name of a large company in your announcement, see a 100% rise, capitalize on it, say it was an honest mistake and then finally apologize. There are no rules in crypto nor any morals.


> ATOM is far from dead, just the coin itself didnt move much. *Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, it's a national anthem for bagholders.* I wish I'd bookmarked some threads where people said - IOTA is not dead, the EU digital currency is going to be built on it - Stratis is not dead, the devs have been building through the bear market - NEO is not dead, they have the most developers and projects being built on it after Ethereum *No no no, you're paying too much attention to price and not the fundamentals, look at all the development's far from a dead project!* Nano, Icon and the Request Network were some of the most shilled projects on /r/cryptocurrency and people refuse to believe something they invested in was just hype and is now dead. NANO is not dead... > Don't confuse short term price action with long-term fundamentals. Nano works, ever better, and that's starting to be recognised ICON is not dead... > You should check out what ICX has done, is doing and will do during these years....Agreed. Not even remotely dead. REQ is not dead... > They are definitely not dead, they are currently building an escrow system that will ultimately allow for invoice financing for projects in the crypto space....The team has a very practical mentality, focussing on product and adoption. Currently almost a thousand businesses are using Request to process their payments, adoption increasing almost exponentiall

Is HBAR the new IOTA?


* Related Cointest topics: [DAG](, [Ethereum](, [IOTA](, [NANO]( * Related subreddits: r/Hedera, r/Ethereum, r/nanocurrency, r/Iota. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cbjmx6/blackrock_tokenizes_money_market_fund_on_hedera/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


* Related Cointest topics: [DAG](, [Ethereum](, [IOTA](, [NANO]( * Related subreddits: r/Hedera, r/Ethereum, r/nanocurrency, r/Iota. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cb7o0a/blackrock_tokenizes_ics_us_treasury_fund_on/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


* Related Cointest topics: [DAG](, [Ethereum](, [IOTA](, [NANO]( * Related subreddits: r/Hedera, r/Ethereum, r/nanocurrency, r/Iota. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1cb53wk/archax_increases_tokenised_money_market_fund/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile.


Is this the same IOTA that was so decentralized it doubled its supply to debase the IOTA of existing holders?


IOTA have always been the closest to this. The problem is that they've been the closest for about 5 years and still haven't successfully removed their coordinator. They claim now they've achieved it on their test net and i really hope they have, but I've long since lost trust in their core teams announcements.


It’s a metric of relevance, which is the main point of this comments thread. This tangent started when I made a comment about chains no one is using (aka irrelevant). I followed it up with literally “XLM is an irrelevant dino”. If you’re trying to transition into a conversation about fundamentals, XLM is also nothing special. No one cares about XLM. It doesn’t solve any problem, it’s not pushing the industry forward. There could be some adoption in the next decade, if it’s still around. More likely, it fades into irrelevant oblivion similarly to IOTA and other 2017 L1 chains that already had their heyday.


Hoskinson has had the most staying power amongst the multi-project scammers in crypto who don't work a single day in their life but lives but live off off selling shitcoin scam tokens - Bitshares Co-founder - BitUSD Co-founder of algorithmic stablecoin that depegged and turned to shit - ADA vaporware bullshit hype "Cardano is going to digitize identification in Africa and IOHK is helping trace Ethiopian coffee beans through the supply chain." - graduated with an Associate Degree Front Range Community College claimed for many years he did not finish a Phd program for which he was never accepted, enrolled or had the prerequisite qualifications for If you look at some of the profiles of these scammers on Bitcointalk you'll see people like Dan Larimer and Sergey Ivancheglo thinking of how they could get more Bitcoin. The idea they come up is to sell some hyped up shitcoin to the dumb and gullible. Jed McCaleb - XRP - XLM Jusin Sun - TRON - Bittorrent Dan Larimer - EOS - Bitshares - Steem Da Hongfei and Erik Zhang - NEO - ONT Sergey Ivancheglo and Dominik Schiener - IOTA - NXT DJ Qian - Qtum - Vechain

> I don’t regret selling. The whole point is to sell and increase the quality of your life and not wait until you're filthy rich old man whose life has passed you by. BTC is a plays out in cycles of pumps and dumps. Alts play out in rugpulls, 99% of them scamming you with hype and lies, their only value appreciation comes riding the BTC bullrun wave. The best risk/reward play is to use BTC as a diversifier in your portfolio of stocks, bonds and real estate. I paid off my mortgage after the 2017/18 bullrun and was starting to loading up for the next bullrun in December 2018 > I am so glad I focused on paying off my mortgage in the bear market. Almost there and hopefully paid up by the time it's time to stock up for the next halvening bullrun Bought my second house in April 2021 with people commenting that I got lucky. I've never sold the absolute top of a cycle, I have no idea where it is - and if you listen to experts, you're fucked. I retired in 2022. Would I have more money now if I never ever sold? Yes that that is in hindsight and the point is to enjoy life and not stare at the charts worrying about the price of BTC and how big your stack is. Also remember the lure of Alts is that they outperform BTC. But the vast majority of people lose money on Alts because this is mostly fiction: - You have to pick the right Alts that will pump out of 10,000+ shitcoins - You have to pick the bottom or near bottom - You have to pray that some foundation doesn't dump on your ass, print another shitload of tokens, do some shenanigans that completely destroy the value of your shitcoin, etc - You have to pick the top or near top before it dump to kingdom come again Long term investment in Alts is a losing proposition. BTC is the diversifier (calculation done on the prices yesterday) - LTC's BTC high was .04792 in late 2013. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $3,185 - NameCoin BTC high was .0145 on late 2013. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $963 - Peercoin BTC high was .00895 on early 2014. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $594 - ZCash BTC high was 2.2635 on late 2016. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $150,466 - XRP BTC high was .00022465 in May 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $14.93 - ETH BTC high was 0.15 on June 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,971 - BCH BTC high was 0.14 on August 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,786 - IOTA BTC high was .000257 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $17..01 - Vechain BTC high was 0.00000755 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.50 - NEO BTC high was .01538 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $1,022 - ADA BTC high was 0.00007382 on January 2018. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $4.91 - ALGO BTC high was 0.00031342 on June 2019. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $21.91 - ChainLink BTC high was 0.001582 on August 2020. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $110

In 2017, i picked up a good amount of antshares. They rebranded to NEO and i made great gains. Sold them and bought raiblocks. They rebranded to NANO, i made good gains and lost them in an exchange hack. Bought IOTA 2018 and everything crashed. I was hooked about NANO and didn't made enough gains with it. Either you sell too late or too soon. Crypto isn't a get rich quick sheme. Some ppl make live changing gains, most ppl loose.


This is why long term every ALT loses value against BTC. - LTC's BTC high was .04792 in late 2013. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $3,185 - NameCoin BTC high was .0145 on late 2013. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $963 - Peercoin BTC high was .00895 on early 2014. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $594 - ZCash BTC high was 2.2635 on late 2016. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $150,466 - XRP BTC high was .00022465 in May 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $14.93 - ETH BTC high was 0.15 on June 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,971 - BCH BTC high was 0.14 on August 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,786 - IOTA BTC high was .000257 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $17..01 - Vechain BTC high was 0.00000755 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.50 - NEO BTC high was .01538 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $1,022 - ADA BTC high was 0.00007382 on January 2018. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $4.91 - ALGO BTC high was 0.00031342 on June 2019. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $21.91 - ChainLink BTC high was 0.001582 on August 2020. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $110

Guys, give it a few more ALT Seasons and shitcoins will catch up with BTC - LTC's BTC high was .04792 in late 2013. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $3,185 - NameCoin BTC high was .0145 on late 2013. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $963 - Peercoin BTC high was .00895 on early 2014. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $594 - ZCash BTC high was 2.2635 on late 2016. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $150,466 - XRP BTC high was .00022465 in May 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $14.93 - ETH BTC high was 0.15 on June 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,971 - BCH BTC high was 0.14 on August 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,786 - IOTA BTC high was .000257 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $17..01 - Vechain BTC high was 0.00000755 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.50 - NEO BTC high was .01538 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $1,022 - ADA BTC high was 0.00007382 on January 2018. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $4.91 - ALGO BTC high was 0.00031342 on June 2019. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $21.91 - ChainLink BTC high was 0.001582 on August 2020. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $110

XRP/IOTA/XLM/ALGO/HBAR/NXRA that's what I reckon is a good play

idk why but i think IOTA will finally happen soon..


Dont forget IOTA.


IOTA are doing a lot of work there with trade mark east Africa


> same principle as stocks diluting shares Except that with equity financing, you are raising capital by selling shares of the company. You might need to raise capital for investment in the company hoping to increase revenue, etc and investors are buying *ownership* of a company that sells products and generates revenue. Now with shitcoins, you are the product from which they generate revenue. Time after time, shitcoins hype up use cases and utility but they generate zero money from anything except selling tokens to you. And when they run out of money, they just create more tokens: - NEM which was staple top 10 crypto in 2017/18 increased its supply with a new token when the Foundation ran out of money - Stratis which was a top 10 crypto in 2017 increased its supply with a new token when they ran out of money - IOTA which was once a top 5 crypto increased its supply by 60% recently when they ran out of money - CRO did a 2nd ICO where the original token holders went from holding "0.002% of the supply to only holding is only worth 0.00001%" in a "major switch scam." - RocketPool tokens went from a hard limit of 18M to 5% infinite inflation to pay for development


What most people don't **know** is **they are holding a shitcoin.** So many people got defensive saying their favorite project was not a shitcoin in the past... - IOTA is not a shitcoin. Look at the partnership with Bosch, Volkswagon, they are advisors to the EU digital currency initiative, etc. - EOS is not a shitcoin. It scales. Billions has been invested in it. A decentralized Uber and Social Media platform is being built on it. - Enigma is not s shitcoin. These are the brightest minds coming out of MIT - BAT is not a shitcoin. Brendan Eich is a genius and the creator of Javascript? Why would a genius be involved in a money grab shitcoin? ...and in a few years are going to come to a realization that projects like Algorand, Turning winner or not, are just another moneygrab shitcoin like the rest.


Probably QUBIC as KAS has surpassed 1B market cap already. QUBIC is only available on small exchanges though which is what's keeping its market cap low. Once it hits a tier 2 exchange it will run quite hard I feel. Look up the creator come from beyond. He created the coins with the top 2 return on on investment IOTA and NXT.

This topic will continue to gain attention. Vitalik outlined a plan if these breakthroughs require emergency action. I've also seen some bitcoin circles discuss ideas, but have not seen an agreed upon solution. Several projects have been noted to account for quantum resistance in some capacity. QANX, QRL, CELL, AME, XX, HBAR, ALGO, IOTA I've held several of these at some point. QANX is the hot mover right now. It's good to research this topic because at some point all systems and projects need to upgrade their encryption. They are all very different so I don't view them as competing for the quantum narrative. Plus all systems will need to be quantum resistant so it still requires useful utility to succeed and enable widespread adoption

FOR SURE IOTA ! Their Shimmer network was a success , and IOTA EVM already softlaunched. Today binance is making an AMA with IOTA founder and people will be surprised to find that ALL of EU infrastructure is going to be built on the IOTA network . Also that DUBAI is partnered with IOTA to tokenize RWA in the trillions , along with WEF (world economic forum ) . You can easily find all those sources online btw. Good luck with your investments :D

KAS - Solves the blockchain trilema using blockDAG - High throughput. QUBIC - created by Come from Beyond (who has created the two tokens with the highest Return on investment tokens ever. IOTA and NXT []( Useful proof of work system that leverages mining to train AI. Runs completly in ram on bare metal without an OS.

People should have another look at what IOTA is doing.


> A learned fool is more of a fool than an ignorant fool. —Molière 4 years ago, /r/cryptocurrency did their research and picked these projects as strongest to survive: > IOTA, ICON, Vechain, Nano, NEO, BCH, DragonChain, Factom, Zilliqua...

And this is how people continue to lose money with Alts or in the best case scenario lose out massively against BTC. Here are the best performing Alts which have been around for a while: - LTC's BTC high was .04792 in late 2013. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $3,114 - NameCoin BTC high was .0145 on late 2013. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $942 - Peercoin BTC high was .00895 on early 2014. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $581 - ZCash BTC high was 2.2635 on late 2016. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $147,127 - XRP BTC high was .00022465 in May 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $14.60 - ETH BTC high was 0.15 on June 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,750 - BCH BTC high was 0.14 on August 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,786 - IOTA BTC high was .000257 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $16,71 - Vechain BTC high was 0.00000755 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.49 - NEO BTC high was .01538 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $1,000 - ADA BTC high was 0.00007382 on January 2018. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $4.80 - ALGO BTC high was 0.00031342 on June 2019. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $20.37 - ChainLink BTC high was 0.001582 on August 2020. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $102 - Doge BTC high was 0.00001120 on May 2021. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.73

Correct, IOTA isn't quantum proof anymore since chrysalis update in april 2021


This topic will continue to gain attention. Vitalik outlined a plan if these breakthroughs require emergency action. I've also seen some bitcoin circles discuss ideas, but they don't like the impacts of solutions. Several projects have been noted to account for quantum resistance in some capacity. They are all very different so I don't view them as competing for the quantum narrative. QANX, QRL, CELL, AME, XX, HBAR, ALGO, IOTA I've held several of these at some point. It's good to research this topic because at some point all systems and projects need to upgrade their encryption.

Yes, this is probably the case, anything with just POS (excluding its variants like XDPoS) will probably be shaken out. Any Etherium layer 2, meme coins, etc.. will also be shaken out. If this doesn’t do it, later regulation will. What will be left are BTC, the X tokens (XRP (Regulatory Clarity), XLM, XDC), QNT, ALGO, CARDANO, HBAR, IOTA, and any crypto that’s built for interoperability for these blockchains and supports regulatory compliance.

Dogshit hype, parternships, real world usage really does not move the needle - these shitcoins bleed slowly then die. > "major banks will use XRP as a liquidity tool in 2018" and "an order of magnitude dozens of banks" will be using XRP in 2019" Brad Scamminghouse in 2018 > IBM ipartnering with Stellar to build the World Wire on the Stellar Network for open source financial services network > Cardano is going to digitize identification in Africa and IOHK is helping trace Ethiopian coffee beans through the supply chain. > IOTA's partnership with Volkswagen, Jaguar, Bosch, tracking data and earning while you drive. > Vechain partnered with countless companies including Walmart and BYD (largest EV manafacturer in China) with supply chain and carbon tracking memes. > ICON had a partnership with Samsung and a ton of other companies. > Constellation Network to Provide US Air Force With Blockchain Security > Factom partnership with the US Department of Homeland Security for immutable data ledger on multiple blockchains. > The South Australian Government conducting official election using a blockchain-based voting system (using Horizon State)

Alts continue to do 10X and outperform BTC. Here are the best performing Alts which have been around for a while: - LTC's BTC high was .04792 in late 2013. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $3,114 - NameCoin BTC high was .0145 on late 2013. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $942 - Peercoin BTC high was .00895 on early 2014. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $581 - ZCash BTC high was 2.2635 on late 2016. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $147,127 - XRP BTC high was .00022465 in May 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $14.60 - ETH BTC high was 0.15 on June 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,750 - BCH BTC high was 0.14 on August 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,786 - IOTA BTC high was .000257 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $16,71 - Vechain BTC high was 0.00000755 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.49 - NEO BTC high was .01538 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $1,000 - ADA BTC high was 0.00007382 on January 2018. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $4.80 - ALGO BTC high was 0.00031342 on June 2019. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $20.37 - ChainLink BTC high was 0.001582 on August 2020. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $102 - Doge BTC high was 0.00001120 on May 2021. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.73

- on ~~Stratis~~ - on ~~IOTA~~ - on ~~EOS~~ - on ~~ICON~~ - on ~~DragonChain~~ - on ~~Zilliqua~~ - on ~~Holochain~~ Scaling will always be done on a project nobody ever uses

Maybe IOTA will help. I know they made a coin specifically for a small Dutch government in order for citizens to gain Taylor made coins, whenever they would insulate/renovate their homes. People then Accumulating these coins would also be able to spend these coins at local Companys for further renovation/insulation. No transaction costs involved.


It's really a question of how much money you want to lose against BTC. Of course people say fictionalize and say they bought at the bottom and sold at the top of the shitcoin pump and dump game but for most people its just that fiction. - LTC's BTC high was .04792 in late 2013. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $3,350 - NameCoin BTC high was .0145 on late 2013. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $1,015 - Peercoin BTC high was .00895 on early 2014. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $625 - ZCash BTC high was 2.2635 on late 2016. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $158,200 - XRP BTC high was .00022465 in May 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $15.70 - ETH BTC high was 0.15 on June 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $10,485 - BCH BTC high was 0.14 on August 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,786 - IOTA BTC high was .000257 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $17.96 - Vechain BTC high was 0.00000755 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.53 - NEO BTC high was .01538 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $1,075 - ADA BTC high was 0.00007382 on January 2018. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $5.16 - ALGO BTC high was 0.00031342 on June 2019. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $21.91 - ChainLink BTC high was 0.001582 on August 2020. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $110 - Doge BTC high was 0.00001120 on May 2021. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.78

$hitcoin Trains will take you to the M00N - LTC's BTC high was .04792 in late 2013. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $3,350 - NameCoin BTC high was .0145 on late 2013. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $1,015 - Peercoin BTC high was .00895 on early 2014. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $625 - ZCash BTC high was 2.2635 on late 2016. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $158,200 - XRP BTC high was .00022465 in May 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $15.70 - ETH BTC high was 0.15 on June 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $10,485 - BCH BTC high was 0.14 on August 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $9,786 - IOTA BTC high was .000257 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $17.96 - Vechain BTC high was 0.00000755 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.53 - NEO BTC high was .01538 on January 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $1,075 - ADA BTC high was 0.00007382 on January 2018. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $5.16 - ALGO BTC high was 0.00031342 on June 2019. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $21.91 - ChainLink BTC high was 0.001582 on August 2020. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $110 - Doge BTC high was 0.00001120 on May 2021. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.78

Yea talking about IOTA and BCH that looks quite funny now. ETH's still alive and kicking however, and we have not seen the last of it.


> alts outperform Alts can't stop winning... - LTC's BTC high was .04792 in late 2013. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $3,397 - NameCoin BTC high was .0145 on late 2013. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $1,028 - Peercoin BTC high was .00895 on early 2014. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $634 - ZCash BTC high was 2.2635 on late 2016. If it kept up with BTC, the price would be $160,482 - XRP BTC high was .00022465 in May 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $15.92 - ETH BTC high was 0.15 on June 2017. If it kept up with BTC , the price would be $10,635 - IOTA BTC high was .000257 on early 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $18.22 - NEO BTC high was .01538 on early 2018. It it kept up with BTC, the price would be $1,090. - ADA BTC high was 0.00007382 on January 2018. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $5.23 - Doge BTC high was 0.00001120 on May 2021. It kept up with BTC, the price would be $0.74

/r/cryptocurrency is full of astute investors who buy great tech. In 2017, th;e brilliant minds at /r/cryptocurrency were laughing at Bitcoin as dinosaur tech and were buying "great" projects with great tech telling themselves *"Bitcoin will be to crypto what AOL is now to the internet"*: - In 20 years Bitcoin will be to crypto what AOL is now to the internet. - Lol—try 3-5 years. - I think 20 months tops - 20 yrs? Think 2. - It' ll happen sooner. The world turns faster constantly. Bitcoin is like a fat, slow dinosaur - Agreed. Could be months. The space is wide open for competition. Could def see ETH and BCH taking the crown. - Someday people will think that it'd ridiculous to pay fees and wait time to transfer money and they will buy IOTA - Companies will not bet on a burning piece of garbage like Bitcoin, and whatever they pick will win. I guarantee it. See: Bosch/IOTA. - Hmm your comment has made me think of possibly splitting my portfolio four ways - ETH, IOTA, XRP, REQ. - The sad fact is there are coins from 4 years ago that are better than Bitcoin, we don't even need new projects to take leaps forward. - Tl;dr I think your bitcoins are going to be about as valuable as your 20 hours of free internet CDs from AOL - In 2017 alone, Ethereum, Iota, Ripple, Vertcoin, Monero and Litecoin have all made big moves in terms of tech and adoption. What will 2018 bring? 2019? Will Bitcoin still lumber into 2020?

Both are true. Sure, I wanted big returns, but I didn’t just look at technicals and market cap. I read all about what the trains were trying to do and I got sold on some of them, like IOTA and their Bosch partnership. I naively believed they had a big future. I’m totally with you on just owning big coins. Part of my wants to just have BTC. But then another part says, get some eth too. I am trying to sort out the doubts I have about the eth space on the whole. Another problem is it seems like once I embrace eth, it’s a slippery slope..the thinking is, if eth is going to work, Chainlink will also be important, but then what about L2s? Which one? Should I think about competing projects? The easiest thing seems to be just to buy bitcoin. But I hear a lot of people advocating a btc/eth split. I’m sorting all that out mentally.


IOTA is a 100x sleeping giant


> voucher sale outside the U.S is not an's an airdrop These scammers are all the same. IOTA founders did the same thing when they claimed their initial token "crowdsale" was not an ICO and they distributed a small percentage to JINN investors.


Do you know what IOTA is/does?


lol, IOTA? Like 2018 IOTA? Is that even still a thing?


These were the *exact* arguments being made during the 2017 bullrun by holders of coins like IOTA and NANO. Now those supposedly "advanced tech" coins are slowly crashing to zero and BTC is yet again reaching ATH.


I did a quick google search a few days ago when the topic of IOTA came up and read that it is expected to be released "sometime soon" but there is no set date. Which is basically what they have been saying about it since 2017.


I don't think IOTA will make it, but in all fairness it's one of the few projects that I feel like is actually trying something entirely new. The tangle is an entirely different concept than the Blockchain.


Buy QUBIC lol. That's the one. Founder of IOTA.


A dev friend actually went to a local IOTA meetup back in the day. He said it became real obvious that it was all just an empty shell with no groundbreaking tech behind it.


XRP, HBAR, IOTA, XYO Network, KASPA, SHIBA INU, FLOKI? BABYDOGECOIN And just to troll PORNROCKET.........the only scam I met in crypto



Def IOTA 😩


IOTA, it’s an emotional, not financial decision to keep holding.


Geniuses from r/cryptocurrency who bought cheap alts 6+ years ago must be rich.... - Buying up all these dirt cheap altcoins.. - My DNT bags are so filled - Any suggestions for alts to pick up? - Ark, OMG, LINK, WTC are all pretty cheap compared to their ath right now. But so are most coins so dyor - Omg, neo, ubiq, vertcoin, komodo, stratis... take your pick ..geniuses from /r/cryptocurrency who picked out these projects as strongest to survive must be rich... > IOTA, ICON, Vechain, Nano, NEO, BCH, DragonChain, Factom, Zilliqua... ....geniuses from /r/cryptocurrency are buying cheap alts today. Why aren't you?

haha IOTA name could be replaced in this post for sure. I used to be a IOTA fanboy. Learn a few cycle ago to not get married to my bags :)


feel the same way with IOTA..


> against one random coin I've done like a dozen or more write-ups against scams like VET and pasted one about IOTA right above this so I am not singling one just one scam. Yeah, they mostly scams. First, it's never wasted effort to call out scams. It always saves someone money. But scams like VET, IOTA, XRP ...those are the worst because low IQ crypto people start throwing a ton of money they can't afford because they buy the bullshit scam hype thinking it's some world changing innovative tech.


Oh yes, who could forget IOTA. The project that was going to change the world by scaling infinitely and costing almost nothing to use, but it just needs a few more months to do the "coordicide". Trust us, it will happen really soon, and all the shills said the exact same thing or deflected anytime you asked. Well ... it has been 7 years, and I can see after a quick google that the timeline is still "Any second now".


I've been spamming advice that new shitcoins will come and old shitcoins will die for almost 7 years now and the response generally that I am a maxipad, I am being "tribal" and new shitcoin tech is the future. > Don't worry, a new round of shitcoins will be coming with new hype. Soon people will be shilling about Cosmos, Polkadot, Hydera Hash, Fantom, Radix, etc. Some of these other coins that are in the top 25 will be gone the way Stratis, Golem, MaidSafe, Bitshares, SingularDTV which were in the top 25 at this time in 2017. A good example here is dummies who invested in IOTA scam calling me a dummy for calling it a scam. > The thing is man, IOTA genuinely isnt a shit coin. Theyre not a scam - they are working seriously hard to build. Theyre not a bitcoin clone with added marketing. They are working towards something that has never been done before, pushing things forward. You need to pay close attention if you have some of it! If you judge everything by the price I dont know what to tell you that's really dumb. IOTA was #4 in markecap once and now is #100 and the scam is dead. I said it was a scam for the past 7 years. > You're right. IOTA is not even good enough to be called a shitcoin. IOTA is one of the biggest SCAMS in crypto. The same people that created IOTA exit scammed 2 other projects that are pretty much dead on Coinmarketcap. >Exit scam on JINN on with no delivery confirmed by founder saying the project will be abandoned > These scammers hyped up JINN so much back in 2014/15 selling vaporware dreams of a sky city with JINN powered robots .... > I created this thread to brainstorm solutions that could lead to building of a city for Jinn-powered micro-robots - Come-From-Beyond aka Sergey Ivancheglo > and they were still lying about having prototypes ready soon in 2017 > "Yeah, we have a hardware startup, it was created in 2014 and it's still ongoing and we'll have some prototypes ready soon" - Dominik Schiener, August 2017 > And with IOTA they have done nothing but the same dumping IOTA tokens which first entered exchanges on June 2017 at over $0.60 and is now 1/2 the price 3 1/2 years later. Meanwhile, all the scamware hype they used to lure investors turns out to be bullshit exactly like their previous vaporware scam project JINN: - Trinary hardware is bullshit and has been thrown out - Quibic is bullshit and was just hype. Nothing delivered. - IOTA Data Marketplace was bullshit and just hype. Nothing is delivered, nobody working on anything here, not in focus. - Partnerships. Hyped tons of partnerships since 2017. There is not a single result or product that has come of of it. Just POCs funded to hype and dump IOTA tokens. - Cooordicide is just a theory and it turns out the network can be switched on and off. Joke of network > On top of that, IOTA might be the worst network in all of crypto which is saying a lot considering the number of scams and shitcoins out there. People have lost count of the number of times the network has gone down? Is there any shitcoin out there that goes down as much as IOTA? IOTA doesn't even have a functioning network for god's sake.


Scaling on chain is so stupid. Look at the front page of this sub. Even Solana congests. Last cycle both Polygon and BSC choked multiple times due to high demand. And none of them are #1. If you still buy the gas limit solution, after 2 cycles and so many evidence, you are so close minded you deserve to get rekt. The people with open mind realized their mistake and dumped BCH, IOTA and Nano to the ground.


Try IOTA as well


To think that most of big caps won't 3-5x means that you should consider the coins you're in. We're looking at 100k BTC in the next few months and retail wants a piece, but they don't want to buy BTC cause that return is not enough. They will be looking at big coins that they remember. They will be looking at larger market caps that they know won't rug them. NEO and IOTA were before BTC and crypto were mainstream. VET and ALGO were never promising, one is owned by China and the other has terrible tokenomics.

You’re asking for already billion+ dollar caps to 3-5x+ easily and that won’t be happening without massive retail FOMO. This run has been a lot of ETF movement with BTC so far and it’s before the halving. Anything is possible, but I’ve seen too many “promising” alts fail in subsequent runs like NEO, IOTA, VET, ALGO, etc.

I've been posting this pasta since 2017/18 warning new people to be careful falling for the tech meme. Amazing technology and active development does not mean success. NXT was launched in 2014, a top 5 project, was the most advanced platform, had a huge community of investors and developer and there is forum with hundreds of thousands of posts in multiple languages here: - First coin that was 100% Proof of Stake - 1 minutes block times - Java programming lanaguage - DEX (Chainlink's Sergey Nazarov worked on a DEX project there) - Messaging - Assets in the blockchain (Staple top 10 coins like NEM were launched there) - Programmable APIs - Smart Contracts But by the time of 2017 bullrun, NXT fell into irrelevance and even hyped shitcoin platforms like Stratis, NEO, etc easily surpassed it. Today, most new people haven't heard of NXT or aren't even aware how hyped and loved the shitcoin platforms that followed NXT like Stratis, NEO, IOTA, ICON, AION, were. People are falling for the same technology hype or the same meme partnerships.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I've been posting this pasta since 2017/18, that new people need to be careful falling for the tech meme. Amazing technology and active development does not mean success. NXT was launched in 2014, a top 5 project, was the most advanced platform, had a huge community of investors and developer and there is forum with hundreds of thousands of posts in multiple languages here: - First coin that was 100% Proof of Stake - 1 minutes block times - Java programming lanaguage - DEX (Chainlink's Sergey Nazarov worked on a DEX project there) - Messaging - Assets in the blockchain (Staple top 10 coins like NEM were launched there) - Programmable APIs - Smart Contracts But by the time of 2017 bullrun, NXT fell into irrelevance and even hyped shitcoin platforms like Stratis, NEO, etc easily surpassed it. Today, most new people haven't heard of NXT or aren't even aware how hyped and loved the shitcoin platforms that followed NXT like Stratis, NEO, IOTA, ICON, AION, were. People are falling for the same technology hype or the same meme partnerships.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

shitcoins keep shillin /r/cryptocurrency patents and low IQ investors keep falling for it. - Remember Dragonchain patent? People don't even remember DragonChain. - Remember Factom patent for validating data on the blockchain and contract with the U.S Department of Homeland Services? People don't even remember Factom. There are tons of shitcoin patents I forgot are some others. Anytime you see a project shilling Real World Use Cases, Partnerships with Enterprises and Goverments and Patents, you know it's a struggling shitcoin trying to lure low IQ noobs. IOTA patents > Intel mentions IOTA/Tangle in one of its patents for IoT...Oh nice, Dell, Linux, maybe Intel, the IOTA Foundation only plays with the serious players > Mastercard IOTA patent: Method and system for device micropayment aggregation based on tangle network WaltonChain patents > The RFID is patented and not a normal RFID chip. It is the only RFID that acts as a node on the blockchain and that is also capable of reading and writing to the blockchain. They have memory, long life, and cost pennies. > VeChain's New Patent Could Help Offset Carbon Emission (

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I bought some IOTA and ETH before it crashed a few years ago.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Many companies managed to enter the top 100, but failed to stay there. There are hundreds of companies whose price has dropped from 5 dollars to 20 cents. When I examined all the top 100 companies individually, it is evident that ton, Synthetix (SNX), all meme coins, IOTA, NEO, Stellar, VeChain, and many others have no chance in real life. There are companies with more potential even in the 100-200 rankings. Many of these companies are actually Ponzi schemes, and those who enter the chain first always earn a lot. Naturally, the expectation of high profits fuels the sudden rise of such fake altcoins. Companies with such fake backing, even if they continue their existence for a few more years, will completely disappear within 4-5 years with the emergence of artificial intelligence in finance APIs and the democratization of financial analysis.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I've had XLM and IOTA before. I think I might still have IOTA in that pesky desktop wallet somewhere.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NEO GAS GVT OMG XLM IOTA all very promising long term hodls

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I member IOTA, so i guess its standard in all new volkswagens, right?right??

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I wish I sold all the IOTA I bought in 2018 when it ran up to $5 😭

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

How's IOTA doing? People in here used to talk like it was going to replace the internet or something.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EOS, IOTA, etc. were gunna change the world. BAT was gunna change the world of advertising. GOLEM is going to allow you to rent computing power this will change everything! Ooops it failed. Relaunch, okay no one cares anymore... RNDR You can rent computing power! But with AI AI AI AI (How many times do we have to say AI on this earnings call again boss?)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bitcoin and ETH both are expensive just to transact. However, LTC, XRP, and XLM are still infinitely more expensive than Nano or IOTA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Its not a strait fork, its based on Litecoin (which is a Bitcoin fork) and Luckycoin, and it specifically doesn't use SHA-256, so it can't be mined with Bitcoin miners. That being said, its a LOT closer to Bitcoin than to something more original, like IOTA or nano, and its code is very derivative of other coins. Most forks of bitcoin keep the halving, so they are, in the end, not inflationary, beyond the fact that there is not nearly enough demand to hold all the coins, so they still suffer inflation, just because the total number of fork coins is so much larger than the Bitcoin supply. Because Dogecoin does not have a halving, there will always be a tail emission, although it will eventually become trivial, as the number of Doge in the wild increase every year, but the annual new coins is a fixed percentage of the original supply. Dogecoin is also still controlled by its founder, so in some ways its more like Ethereum, in that its inflation rate is still being tweaked, and for some reason most coins are OK with this setup, even though it has obvious conflicts of interest.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

IOTA since 2017.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I don't understand how more people do not know about IOTA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You should check out IOTA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I understand. I sold most of my bags in 2021 or swapped them for btc. Only holding on to Eth, Cardano and IOTA (the latter is still a longshot I can’t let go). Good luck to you!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Things to worry about: Reorgs, 51% attacks (which has happened once), double spends (which used to happen multiple times each year). There are plenty of networks with fast transactions with under 10s blocks, too many to name. Every Ethereum L2, Polygon PoS, Avalanche C-Chain, most Cosmos L1 networks, Algorand, Hedera, XRPL, nearly every DAG like IOTA and Kaspa. And every fork of those networks. Most DLTs created in the past 4 years are fast.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Great to see IOTA explicitly mentioned twice.
