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How will Microsoft Security Copilot affect cyber security stocks

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Which are the best cyber security stocks that should go up in 2024?

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Stocks for shorting in 2024 -Would you?

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Puts on $PANW, real DD inside

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My favorite stocks in 2024 from an IA with 300 mil AUM.

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Rising Costs of Cyber Attacks Sparks Momentum in Cybersecurity M&A Activity

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Palo Alto Networks (PANW) will CRASH spectacularly, absolutely INSANE valuation

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Palo Alto Networks (PANW) will CRASH spectacularly, absolutely INSANE valuation

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Rising Costs of Cyber Attacks Sparks Momentum in Cybersecurity M&A Activity

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Do you have underlyings that have your number and do you avoid them?

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Cyber Security Stock

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Large Sum of ESPP/RSUs in PANW

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Cybersecurity Play - FTNT Vs PANW

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PANW is overvalued with its PE ratio of over 200

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24 Y/O : This is my portfolio. Opinions please.

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Puts on $PANW and $MGM

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Puts on $PANW and $MGM

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OTM LULU Options Expiring Today Sep 1 - Why still any premium into market close?

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Is this a sign for Friday earnings?

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🚀🔥 PANW - Big Profits Incoming $150 8/25 🔥🚀

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How you you play PANW earnings?

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Microsoft SASE Questions

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What are 'safe' high returning stocks to invest in?

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Profiting off the potential power grid failure. Overall thoughts and discussion.

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I asked ChatGPT how to profit off of a power grid failure.

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I asked ChatGPT how to profit off of a power grid failure.

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Volume tickers in play

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$PANW what a beast, and no one talking about it here

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Index changes announced

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Umm help? PANW option expired OTM - I was still assigned???

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$PANW Naked Calls Play | Short Sale | Post Earnings

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Short Sell, 340 Shares of $PANW (Palo Alto Networks) @ 197.56 | Opened AH

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Buying shares post-split: good or bad idea?

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Dow Jones futures rise; a sale at Silicon Valley Bank closes; Microsoft, Tesla near buy points

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2023-02-24 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)

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PANW: 219 target price

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Why is everyone talking Non-GAAP?

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CloudFlare ($NET) on squeeze? Goldman full of shit?

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2023-02-07 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)

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Is Palo Alto Networks a Rising Star?

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2023-01-31 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)

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1-19-23 Volume and Float moving plays

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First time being in US STOCKS, could you review my portfolio. And my devistating invesment story will be attached.

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Palo Alto Networks (PANW) has only had 1 positive day in the entire month of December.

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CRWD Earnings... what to Expect?

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Whale trade - Put - was made on CRWD????? Let's get after it

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CNBC Pro One simple investing move can set you up for huge returns and a minimal tax bill

r/pennystocksSee Post

$ATDS has Ransomware that REALLY works – Could be buyout target for the cash-rich big boys

r/pennystocksSee Post

Big cash rich cybersecurity companies are looking for bulletproof solutions like this that really work

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Let it ride longer on these puts?

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PANW gainsss

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Palo Alto Networks Soars on Strong Earnings and 3-for-1 Stock Split

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Expected moves this week. Tesla, Zoom, Salesforce, Nvidia and more.

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Since you degenerates can’t read I’ll save you from clicking and scrolling: SJM, CB, MET, LYFT, AMT, TGT, LLY, AVGO, JNJ and PANW

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Since you degenerates can’t read I’ll save you from clicking and scrolling: SJM, CB, MET, LYFT, AMT, TGT, LLY, AVGO, JNJ and PANW

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Earnings PANW play.

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PANW calls/puts 😩 Yea I know I'm f**kd... anyone have an idea of how much of a loss I'll be waking up to? This is a smaller trade for me so not really stressing but still annoying af for shit to go opposite

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

PANW: Will it go up after reporting?

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Should I do Friday account check before & after ?🤑💰 $BBWI / $KSS / $PANW / $AMAT

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$PANW is going to plummet

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Are people disregarding the growth of companies during the pandemic?

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Palo Alto Networks Stock Analysis made by Chartered Financial Analyst

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Palo Alto Networks Stock Analysis made by Chartered Financial Analyst

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Palo Alto Networks Stock Analysis made by Chartered Financial Analyst

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Technical Analysis for the week 4/18/22

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Cybersecurity - The Best Long Term Play Of The 21st Century

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PANW is a little gem...I hope

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PANW is up 12% in one day. If you don't have cyber-security stocks - why not?

r/StockMarketSee Post

Cybersecurity is a top investment theme this year - I analyzed the market so you don't have to

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Cybersecurity is a top investment theme for this year - I analyzed the market so you don't have to

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Here's Your Daily Market Brief For February 23rd

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PANW Strangle

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Let’s chat cybersecurity

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Cybersecurity Stocks for Coming Russian Cyber War

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From down 95% to up 99%, don't give up retards. It's only a loss when you give up, not when you sell at a loss. Bought AAPL Puts with my last 250$ when it hit 3 trillion valuation followed by Qualcomm and PNC Puts since they were both near all time highs. Made a killing on PANW puts after that.

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Exciting long-term bets

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Exciting long-term bets

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What will rally euphorically in 2022?

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Nasdaq has announced the results of the annual reconstitution. ABNB, FTNT, PANW, LCID, ZS, and DDOG will be added to the index.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Hit me $BB 🍇 one more time! (Papa Chen about to close BlackBerry's billion dollar patent sale and launch Amazon IVY connected car)

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Is CRWD still good for security stocks? Should I add another one?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The week ahead (Semis and CyberSecurity)

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The week ahead [NVDA/AMAT/SNPS]; [PANW/CRWD/ZS]

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A couple of pairs worth watching [AMAT/SNPS; PANW/CRWD/ZS]

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$PANW next tech behemoth

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PANW addition to NASDAQ Oct 25

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Strong bull case for PANW

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Cybersecurity - state of the market

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Reallocating while market is dumping

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Here's Your Daily Market Brief For September 15th

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Leaps Vs CPS?

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Low P/E ratio tech stocks but still not worth investing. thoughts?

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Here's Your Daily Market Brief For September 10th

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Any recommendations for Cybersecurity stocks that aren't overvalued as sh!t?

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Who else is concerned about cybersecurity stocks when the taper starts?

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Who else is concerned about cybersecurity stocks when the taper starts?

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Crowdstrike earnings for quarter 2


Loving the confidence in PANW. Hopefully you’re utilizing some options strategies to generate cash / reduce cost basis.  Nancy Pelosi certainly agrees 😂


AMD 30% INTC 27% AAPL 16% PANW 13% AMZN 12% Started 1 month ago, would be appreciate for any advice. Also, I am looking for some good companies in renewable energy field

Her calls are literally demolished. PANW is down over 16% last 3 months regard


Nancy pelosi still the big winner because PANW steadily going up over the past 3 months


So OP 1month chart look like SPY so I guess you had Spy calls ? Now you sold Spy and got TSM and PANW ?


PANW +4% tomorrow ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


I think you mean PANW bro


So we all buying PANW bc Pelosi bought a ton Feb 23rd? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)




PANW ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


Cybersecurity as a sector will heat up $NET $CRWD $PANW

What are we thinking for PANW this month as we approach earnings?


PANW earnings after next week... Super bullish


PANW is the play for Monday boys. Don’t miss out, and no, I have no idea which way it’s going


Can we all pump PANW this week. Thanks


PANW did a marketing campaign with Keanu Reeves, full port calls for earnings


PLTR, PANW, and MSFT (I'm 22 xD)

VOO by a wide margin. Then GOOG, AAPL, and AMZN and I’ve owned them for over a decade. After them, it’s HUMA and PANW because Tuberville and Pelosi bought them recently.

Anyone playing PANW earnings on Monday?


Why is PANW down again? 😬


fucking vistra. always goes up. looking at PANW.


Yeah, before we try to compare back to late 2021-2022 with how stocks traded off earnings, I'd go look at the way PANW has traded after it dropped 30% on earnings a couple months back. There's no comparison. It's much stronger. Stocks that were getting destroyed on earnings would continue to get destroyed when the Nasdaq bear market was starting. PANW's reaction definitely bugged me because of what I remember from the past, but as of right now, things look good.


I can’t think of any stock besides CVNA that recently beat earnings and subsequently mooned or saw a decent increase in value. Does anyone have more examples? I’m contemplating PANW puts for their upcoming earnings.


Novices tend to get interested after everyone else, which usually is indicative of a near term peak.  Check out PANW. 


OK stupid-ish question. I get setting these up for volatility expansion on the back month, but why not set these up for volatility crush trades (like an iron condor)? i.e. front month short at earnings, back month long well after. If IV crush happens then the front would collapse. Example trade: PANW earnings on 5/20 Sell 250P/350C 5/24 Buy 250P/350C 7/19 Using my modeling tool, even with no IV crush it shows profit between $229-418. If I drop the IV for the front month 15%ish, the peaks get bigger. I also modeled Buying the 260P/340C 7/19's a debit spread, but the max loss is just $192ish and that's below $214. I get that I'd have 2 days until the front short expires, but with the break even so far out the risk to reward seems in my favor. What am I missing?


Jerking off to my PANW calls


Nice to see PANW finally moving. Never bet against Pelosi.


Finally broke even on PANW!!! knock on wood


PANW looks like it's a good buy, it is pumping after that dump months ago... I wonder if pelosi sold or held.


All on the PANW train


PANW I waited two months for you to pump , I am crying 😭😭😭


PANW PUMPING + GOING TO GAP UP FOR EARNINGS ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Some S&P 500 gainers today: * ON - On Semiconductor up 3.78% * MOH - Molina Healthcare up 1.89% * PCAR - Paccar Inc up 1.76% * PANW - Palo Alto Networks up 1.43% * TGT - Target up 1.38%

PANW quietly creeping back up to $300


Double checked what you stated and you are not correct - there was a big drop in IV. In a medium-high volatility stock like PANW that makes a difference. Here's: close on Thursday: Stock : $295.32 C May 17 295 : $10.50-10.60 IV of above: 42.62% close on Friday: Stock : $296.21 C May 17 295 : $8.85-8.95 IV of above: 34.93% On top of that the general market volatility went down too. Apart from that the announcement confirming earnings on 20th took the speculation out of the 17th May expiry that they could announce early. The 24th expiry went the same way - however I hold 19 July 300 calls and they werent affected at all.


Thank you so much for all of your responses and help. I noticed that two days after I posted the question, tastytrade updated the PANW ER date from 5/28 to 5/20 after market close.


Shit my bad you’re right it was PANW


I thought that Pelosi (PBUH) bought PANW, not PLTR


Opinions are welcome AMZN - 19.65% GPRO - 0.06% (lol, it came for free with the stake platform) HOOD - 9.35% IBKR - 10.23% JOE - 10.57% KNSL - 12.16% MSFT - 12.91% PANW - 25.07% I also have IVV (S&P 500 ETF) on the Australian exchange because I'm Australian, don't feel like calculating but I think I've put in more into it than all of the above combined. HOOD is probably my least confident holding

Bought 20 shares of PANW for $291 this morning. Just sold it at $295 for a quick measly $80. Fuck PDT


Depends what company. I remember PANW specifically from last earnings season. Some guy from around here threw 200 bucks at puts and came out with a 15k gain. Puts were cheap and stock moved 20% in his favor.

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I was wondering why PANW got murdered after hours..


Why the after hours dump for PANW?


Net getting crushed on guidance. Cloudflare was one of the few cybersecurity companies to make it out of last quarter without getting completely buttfucked. Doesn’t portend well for PANW and CRWD.


What the hells going on with PANW in AH?


PANW faking


Why’d PANW down


PANW is a piece of shit


Anyone holding PANW?


The government can't really enforce much on infrastructure. On top of that these memos take like a decade for orgs to actually start adapting to them. DoD was supposed to go to IPv6 in like 2011. Panw is also sort of loosely coupled with infrastructure and resiliency. Part of resiliency is using diverse infrastructure. Not to mention in these environments there will be a focus on air gapping scada and ics from IT. Sure a firewall can be used instead and PAs are typically preffered but thats not much of an impact. Short of a country-wide ISP contract with PANW what real room for movement is there lol. Nothing like nvda at least.


PANW needs to get here


PANW looking strong


Tsla run is nice.. So-fi being So-fi. I need $hood to deliver and $PANW to recover my losses from $TSM.


meta gonna be at ATH end of year, but sadly chart looks like theres gonna be some near term pain. e.g SNOW, PANW, ADOBE


Yep, I'm pretty sure I alluded to this multiple times, the only thing I was wrong about is the initial dip buy worked faster than I thought. Best case is this goes like PANW and is adrift for the next two months, but holds over $400 (was $260ish for PANW).


Im willing to bet PANW has a bigger foothold into almost every major enterprise datacenter and Infrastruture CRWD. PANW is much bigger in the hardware market side where CRWD is SecaaS and SaaS primarily. So two companies of the same coin just different sides and PANW has moved heavy into virtual appliances and becoming more of a direct competitor but werent quite apples to apples until the last last year or two. Also, PLTR has been one of my best performers the last 6+ months, wish I wouldve put in more.

PANW prophecy finally coming true


IMO all pretty overvalued except ZM because it’s heyday is over and it’s become a value stock / take over target. CRWD is 25xs p/s and $75B which is nuts for a company that makes $800 mil per Q even with their growth. Feel like MSFT or AMZN could take biz from any of these if they wanted. A downturn could take all these apart. NOW is total hype. Not sure about ZS and PLTR is kinda a black box to me. PANW would be my pick because they make decent rev, high profit margin and good FCF

Yep, and I have concerns about PANW. Their whole free trial period and lowering prices might create a price war it can’t win. I certainly don’t see them beating CRWD anytime soon.

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CRWD is the future for sure; best on the market, PANW had to change strategies for them

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I’m really high on PANW, Nancy Pelosi keeps increasing her position on it. Her returns tripled those of the S&P 500 in 2023.

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ZS is the only company on that list I would dare to buy at this price. ZM is trash and PLTR is the biggest memestock in tech. Insane valuation, 100% a bubble. PANW is a great company but the SBC is so high their dilution was a 8,6% increase in shares outstanding last year. Coupled with their current valuation and fierce competition with CRWD it's not worth it. CRWD is best in class but overvalued as fuck. Don't bother with all that and just buy Google or Amazon. Amazon earnings Tuesday and I guarantee you it's gonna jump 10% at least.

My strategy for capital preservation is moreso in acquiring more properties as a means of diversification. I don’t consider my businesses in my net worth but those are also part of my diversification. I don’t think I will pursue a strategy of indexing but in some of my family member’s portfolios, that is what I have them exclusively in. I was previously heavily concentrated into only a few names for my stock portfolio and META is greater than 40% of my portfolio but I have since allocated new incoming capital so that my portfolio of 12 names is now into 20 names, some of the newer positions being uncorrelated to interest rates and/or big tech. (More details in the final paragraph below.) As of now, I am still comfortable with my severe overallocation of META as the business keeps exceeding my expectations and things that I priced for 0 are proving to actually be valuable. The same goes for my #2 holding, AMZN, which has far far far exceeded my expectations. With these type of companies, I still feel comfortable holding them despite pursuing a strategy of capital preservation by pursuing accretive real estate deals and opening new positions in non-tech uncorrelated companies. For example, despite me being bullish on some cybersecurity names such as PANW and CRWD and other hyperscalers such as UBER, I have closed my positions. My current focus is in non-tech companies that trade at reasonable multiples (maximum of mid teens multiples) that are pursuing aggressive share buybacks.

My strategy for capital preservation is moreso in acquiring more properties as a means of diversification. I don’t consider my businesses in my net worth but those are also part of my diversification. I don’t think I will pursue a strategy of indexing but in some of my family member’s portfolios, that is what I have them exclusively in. I was previously heavily concentrated into only a few names for my stock portfolio and META is greater than 40% of my portfolio but I have since allocated new incoming capital so that my portfolio of 12 names is now into 20 names, some of the newer positions being uncorrelated to interest rates and/or big tech. (More details in the final paragraph below.) As of now, I am still comfortable with my severe overallocation of META as the business keeps exceeding my expectations and things that I priced for 0 are proving to actually be valuable. The same goes for my #2 holding, AMZN, which has far far far exceeded my expectations. With these type of companies, I still feel comfortable holding them despite pursuing a strategy of capital preservation by pursuing accretive real estate deals and opening new positions in non-tech uncorrelated companies. For example, despite me being bullish on some cybersecurity names such as PANW and CRWD and other hyperscalers such as UBER, I have closed my positions. My current focus is in non-tech companies that trade at reasonable multiples that are pursuing aggressive share buybacks.

My strategy for capital preservation is moreso in acquiring more properties as a means of diversification. I don’t consider my businesses in my net worth but those are also part of my diversification. I don’t think I will pursue a strategy of indexing but in some of my family member’s portfolios, that is what I have them exclusively in. I was previously heavily concentrated into only a few names for my stock portfolio and META is greater than 40% of my portfolio but I have since allocated new incoming capital so that my portfolio of 12 names is now into 20 names, some of the newer positions being uncorrelated to interest rates and/or big tech. (More details in the final paragraph below.) As of now, I am still comfortable with my severe overallocation of META as the business keeps exceeding my expectations and things that I priced for 0 are proving to actually be valuable. The same goes for my #2 holding, AMZN, which has far far far exceeded my expectations. With these type of companies, I still feel comfortable holding them despite pursuing a strategy of capital preservation by pursuing accretive real estate deals and opening new positions in non-tech uncorrelated companies. For example, despite me being bullish on some cybersecurity names such as PANW and CRWD and other hyperscalers such as UBER, I have closed my positions. My current focus is in non-tech companies that trade at cheaper multiples that are pursuing aggressive share buybacks.

She also had Roblox and PANW calls.


Losing money on PANW 😂


I still stand with Nancy P. and I’m keeping PANW!!! Today I’m watching AMZN and AISP

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It’s going to need to get bought up a bit today, or I don’t think I can agree, especially with how weirdly it’s acted in that it’s had multiple ramp ups that’s reversed hard into the earnings print. The absolute best case is probably that it does what Google has done (which means it’ll be more like a month for a recovery), but I think more likely that it’s a PANW mini, and a buy the dip for a trade works for a week after today or starting Monday, but it’s in the penalty box for a while and underperforms for at least two months.


its not that hard to understand guys when a stock already mooned its because market is projecting that company to continue to pump more and more billions into the future..guess what is going to happen when it becomes clear that its not happening? the thing is up 400% in 2 years -15% is nothing for a single stock that now needs to be revalued lower. its a stampede on who can get out the fastest and often leads to knee jerk reactions that can be opportunities. look at what happened to PANW, and same thing will happen to NVDA the second they can't keep up with the crazy growth expectations they have. but hey if you know what you're doing and you think -15% in meta valuation is too much then its a buying opportunity. if you ask me I wouldn't touch this with at least another -30% down from here.


PANW makes VPN software that’s what I use for work, called Global Protect. Of course this is legit as are they, may not be for swifties looking to be spoofing IPs ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I really don’t think that this is a good comparison. Google had been either holding up well into earnings or running into them and then tanking because of a couple small things the last two times. META’s had strange price action lately even before this move on great earnings, and this move is bigger. If this isn’t early 2022-esque stuff by them, a dip buy for a trade should work by the close tomorrow, but it’s going to be in the penalty box for some time. I think PANW is a better comparison even if META doesn’t get that bad, and it’s only just now waking up…maybe.

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This META move is: 1. Bigger than JPM. 2. Has a much better comp to me over JPM, which I cited in my previous post (PANW). Even though I don't think this is comparable with JPM, it's still a bit soon to say things are all gucchi with them.

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I'm not really sure why this is getting downvoted (actually I do know, this is nega Nancy type stuff), but this for the most part is mostly true. Like it or lump it, this earnings move is most likely sticking tomorrow. Best case is likely that it gaps lower and doesn't move much.  I do think that a dip buy for a trade probably works like PANW, but this is going to be in the penalty box for a while.

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I am waiting for PANW to recover

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I may need to take back my earlier Google comment, it looks likely that META is going to be your S&P communications sector stock to lead a 2% Nasdaq drop this time in earnings season. I mean, this is irrational. Yes, the guidance is a little disappointing, but does it warrant what could turn into a 20% drop by META if things get a little out of control? Since we aren't exactly acting like how we did in 2021 and early 2022, I wouldn't be surprised if buy the dip works on META for a decent bounce like how it worked on PANW the day after it had earnings after tomorrow (maybe by Monday if Thursday tech earnings don't go well), but considering that it's been trading a little strangely, it's going to be in the penalty box for a while after it sees a small bounce IMHO. Probably see intraday rips continue to be consistently sold off.


PANW had like -30% on guidance. Market be weird.


These are some nice gainers today: * NXPI - up 6.97% * PANW - up 4.31% * ANET - up 3.79% * MAR - up 3.06%

Enough time has gone by that the market makers are finally letting PANW run leading up to earnings. Good time to buy.


Still waiting for her PANW pick, but it had significant gains today.


Thank god PANW. My bags were getting heavy


Any AI plays this round? I'm going to buy SOUN calls again... and look into PANW. Forgot what else had big swings last earnings.


MFing PANW. I sat on calls for a month watching those things bleed away. Sold them last Thursday for a loss, and now it's shooting up. 


At current prices, PANW SNOW TSLA. COIN STOCK OR BTC (I think crypto will do well). GOOG MSFT AMZN for big tech. But like others said indexes are just easier

Pretty sure Pelosi is down BIG with PANW.


Nancy is still in PANW I haven’t seen any news on her selling.


well no my Puts are not based on CVE because that can go under "shit happens". My put is based on PANW's response.


PANW's current market strategy is platformization by giving customers great deals when they adopt multiple product lines. I guess the real test will be if anything else goes wrong for PANW. They've had 3 different urgent advisories that affected customer uptime in the last 5 months. This CVE can be filed under "shit happens" but the first two def were PANW's fault.


I’ve been swinging trading PANW for a while . Calls when it 272 or Lower puts when it’s 287 or higher .


Remember when Many Pelosi bought a shitton of PANW. I've been waiting for that ticker to explode for about three months now. One of the more rangebound stonks out there


It’s true, $2-K on PANW $330 puts would have paid $85-K….. I laid $500 on those and made $21,500 on that play….


It still does not beat those PANW puts. These dudes turned $3k into $250K


I don't see the 10 year yield rising much more near term. 6 days of down makes me think we could see a tradeable bounce early next week with the 10 year catching a bid today. Might buy something this morning, maybe PANW. Cyber insurance premiums are skyrocketing and the value proposition for cybersecurity vendors is getting more compelling for businesses. I think they'll do well.


I need PANW to drop so I can buy back lower
